Comet Elenin Will Pass Very Near, Inside Orbit, In Between Sun and Earth, Earth will be Bathed in Comet Ion Tail
March 18, 2011
By Good Samaritan
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Could be doom. Could be a dud. A 38,000 period comet named Elenin is coming and coming uncomfortably close to the earth at only 0.44 AU. Where 1 AU is the distance of the earth to the sun. And the comet will come in between the sun and the earth. The earth will be bathed in the cometary ion tail. We may be in for spectacular skies. And then there is the possible doom. I’ll tell you why.
可能是世界末日,可能是一個啞炮。一顆38,000週期名為 Elenin 的彗星在來臨和來得令人不安地接近地球,只有0.44Au,1Au是地球到太陽的距離。和彗星將從太陽和地球之間來到,地球將沐浴在彗星的離子尾中。我們可能臨到壯觀的天空,而之後就可能是世界末日,我將會告訴你為什麼。

彗星Elenin 2011年的軌道
The possible doom is because the electric universe scientists the past few years have rocked the astronomical sciences. Comets are not just dead and dirty snowballs. Comets are highly negatively charged bodies. With a period of 38,000 years means this comet Elenin is immensely negatively charged. Our sun is the positively charged body this comet is interacting with. This is probably why the sun has been ejecting record CMEs lately. Earthquakes anyone? New Zealand, Japan, tsunamis. But there is more with a comet this highly charged and this near.
With comet Elenin this highly charged and this near passing by our planet, there is a real possibility that we could be in for global electrical disruption. Think all of our computers and printed circuit boards being zapped to uselessness… for several days… for several months… requiring new replacements. And these are all in our cell phones, our cars, our factories… total electrical disruption.
So there are survivalist calls to prepare to be able to survive without electricity, without electronics. Comet Elenin is here and now, nearest points come October through November 2011. It may be a spectacular humbling sky show. Or it may be a dud. There is nothing anyone on earth can do to prevent the arrival of this comet, so just prepare to be possibly awed.
Follow the discussion of comet Elenin with the amateur scientists and full fledged scientists at the Thunderbolts.info forum. Click here.
post by Lil Drummerboy
Just making sure that the earthquakes will/have not made Earth's orbit so unstable that it spins out of control right into the oncoming super-massive dark hole black dwarf comet Elenin that is only 4km across but weighs 10 times as much as Jupiter 'cos if we met that we would be done for!
三月11日至23日的事件?! 3月8日 預測貼中3月11日地震
Elenin Nibiru 棕矮星的新聞
彗星Elenin 是一干擾 行星X正從南方來
彗星ELENIN - NASA 後立體聲的圖像為何無尾
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