



Knights Templar 2083 by Anders Behring Breivik - Oslo killer
聖殿騎士團2083 由奧斯陸殺手Anders貝林布雷維克

Masonic Symbolism Behind Norway Shooter
25 July, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Norway Shooter in Full Masonic Garb

In Freemasonry, colors have meaning:

"The assigning of symbolic meanings to colors is probably as old as symbolism itself. To cite but one set of examples from the practices of an ancient people: The Egyptians, those ancient masters of symbolism to whom the investigator of the symbols used in Masonry first looks for explanations of those symbols, made use of colors in their hieroglyphics to convey certain definite ideas, each color being expressive of certain conceptions. Hieroglyphs of the spirits of the dead were characterized by white. Men were marked out by having their flesh red, while the flesh of the women was yellow. Sapphire was the color of the Egyptian god Amon. Green was the color used for the flesh of the god Ptah, founder of the world, the active creative spirit and the divine intelligence, and was also the color used for the flesh of Lunus, the moon. Russet- brown was the color given to the flesh of Thoueri, the concubine of Typhon. And black was the color of Anubis, the god of the dead and of embalming.
The colors symbolically significant in Masonry are purple, red, white, black, green, yellow, violet and blue. Each color has for its purpose the teaching to the Mason of a valuable moral lesson or the calling of his attention to some historical fact of interest Masonically, certain of the colors serving both purposes at one and the same time....
在共濟會有象徵意義的顏色是紫色、紅色、白色、黑色、綠色、黃色、紫色和藍色。每種顏色都有其目的,教導共濟會員一寶貴的德育課或吸引他注意一些有共濟會利益的歷史事實,某些顏色會代表兩種目的在某一和同一時間 ....
Blue is the supreme color of Masonry. First, because it is that color which, among all those used in Masonry, is the unquestioned Masonic possession of every Mason. The Royal Arch Mason may attempt to appropriate to himself the red, the Perfect Master may feel himself the exclusive proprietor of the green and the black, and so on, but blue is acknowledged by every Mason to belong to us all and no Mason, whatever his degree, questions the Master Mason's ownership of blue.... (Source)
藍色是共濟會至高無上的顏色。首先,因為它是所有用於共濟會中的色彩中,是不容置疑的共濟會擁有每一位共濟會員。皇家大共濟會可能會嘗試適合自己的紅色,完美法師可能會覺得自己是綠色和黑色的獨家所有人,諸如此類;但藍色是被每一位共濟會員確認屬於我們大家所有,和無論是什麽度數,沒有共濟會員質疑主共濟會員的藍色擁有權 .... (源Source)

To the ancient Egyptians, the color blue (saphire) was symbolic of the god Amun who later became Amun-Ra. He was the god of the poor. This could also be linked to Socialism and Communism.

Within the Illuminati, color programming is used to create assassins just like the Norway Shooter:

"Once the child completely identifies with the color (or rather, the main alter or template for the system accepts this color), then they are taught in progressive stages, over many training sessions, what the color blue means. They are in set ups, or dramas with other blue children, where they act out the role of a "blue". They are drugged, hypnotized, traumatized, while the meaning of blue is ground in over and over. They are forced to act in "blue" ways. Different trainers and regions will assign different meanings to different colors. Many military systems are coded blue, or protective. The military alters all are called up periodically to reinforce blue training. If the trainer at a later date wants to access a blue system, they may call them up by color, or wear a piece of clothing or a scarf in the color they want to reach." (Source)

Blue is the color of military programming. It can also be the color of the alter personality which would explain why the shooter was wearing blue in the above photo. Alter personalities are created by splitting the mind with trauma based programming. The alter personality can be trained to handle weapons, or murder scores of people just like the Norway shooter.

This would also explain why he was wearing a police uniform (protective and blue) when he attacked. Not only was it to disarm the victims, it also would have been a way to call up the alter-personality that murdered innocent children. What would be interesting to note is if the man turned demon appeared to be in a daze or trance during the shootings, a clear sign of someone operating under an Illuminati created alter-personality.

This incident screams "Manchurian Candidate"


26.07.2011 01:12

奪76命 民眾指法律太仁慈 挪威冷血殺手最多監21年
星島日報 –




  根據挪威法律,所有刑期均同時執行,所以不能判處布雷維克七十六項殺人罪刑期。奧斯陸大學刑事法教授埃斯克蘭(Staale Eskeland)表示:「不論他殺了多少人,最多只坐二十一年牢。」









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