


Aleutian volcano showing signs of impending eruption

Aleutian volcano showing signs of impending eruption
Alaska Dispatch |
Jul 22, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Based on satellite data showing "thermal anomalies," the Alaska Volcano Observatory has issued an eruption advisory for Cleveland Volcano, located in the Aleutian Chain about 45 miles west of Nikolski and about 150 miles west of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor. The advisory means the volcano could erupt at any moment with little further warning.
根據衛星數據顯示的“熱異常”,阿拉斯加火山觀測站已發出一項給克利夫蘭火山的噴發諮詢,它位於阿留申群島在Nikolski以西約 45英里,及Unalaska/荷蘭港以西約 150英里。該諮詢意味著火山隨時可能爆發而祇有有限的進一步警告。
The volcano lacks a seismic network, so observers are monitoring it as best they can via satellite, but if it blows, it could disrupt major air traffic routes. According to the AVO's latest status report, the volcano's most recent significant eruption began in February, 2001 and it produced 3 explosive events that produced ash clouds as high as 12 km (39,000 ft) above sea level and produced a rubbly lava flow and hot avalanche that reached the sea. Learn more from a Reuters report on the advisory, and from the AVO's Cleveland Volcano page.京

在12小時六條火山羽柱噴出 - 加州和內華達州

