Giant locusts threaten NSW crops
From: AAP
February 10, 2011 11:30AM
Translation by Autumnson Blog
A RARE, giant breed of locusts has the potential to destroy crops in NSW overnight, the State Government says.
The spur-throated locusts is a mainly tropical species found in Queensland and the Northern Territory but warm and humid weather has drawn them into NSW.
Primary Industries Minister Steve Whan says the Government has a plan of attack to help northwestern NSW farmers control the largest outbreak in 40 years.
"The much larger spur-throated locust is a ferocious eater and can completely destroy a crop overnight," Mr Whan said in a statement.
"Insecticides are now being made available to farmers to control densely-populated spur-throated locust nymphs on their properties."
Rangers are also being deployed to help farmers identify the creatures, which have a spur or throat peg between their front legs.