遮光劑導致佝僂病- 英格蘭新個案浪潮
Sunscreen causes rickets - new wave of cases in England
Sunday, February 13, 2011
by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
Translation by Autumnson Blog
(NaturalNews) Overprotective parents who cover their children with sunscreen even in far northern latitudes have helped bring the disease rickets back from the grave across the United Kingdom, orthopedic surgeon Nicholas Clark has warned.
Ricketts is a childhood bone-softening disease produced by deficiency of vitamin D, which the body produces upon exposure to sunlight. Children living far from the equator, where the sun is weaker, are particularly at risk if they do not get regular skin exposure to full-strength sunlight. The disease was common in the United Kingdom for centuries, until fortification of milk helped stamp it out 80 years ago.
佝僂病是一種兒時軟骨疾病由維他命 D缺乏症產生,那是由身體暴露在陽光下產生的。兒童生活遠離赤道,在太陽較弱的地方是特別危險,如果他們的皮膚得不到定期接觸全強度的陽光。這在英國數個世紀是常見的疾病,直到80年前強化牛奶有助消滅它。
Now doctors are warning that cases are on the rise even in the southern parts of England, where they had not been seen for decades.
"The return of rickets in northern parts of the UK came as a surprise despite the colder climate and lower levels of sunshine in the north, but what has developed in Southampton is quite astonishing," Clark said.
"In my 22 years at Southampton General Hospital, this is a completely new occurrence ... that has evolved over the last 12 to 24 months and we are seeing cases across the board, from areas of deprivation up to the middle classes."
“我在修咸頓總醫院的22年,這是一次全新的發生 ...那已在過去的 12至24個月演變,和我們看到一刀切的情況,從匱乏地區至中產階級。”
Clark attributes the rise in rickets in large part to a more sedentary, indoor lifestyle combined with over-application of sunscreen.
Only extreme cases of vitamin D deficiency produce rickets, but more mild cases of deficiency and insufficiency can also increase the risk of a wide variety of diseases.
"Vitamin D levels ... significantly affect the complications associated with ... a Westernized diet and lifestyle," writes Gabriel Cousens in his book There Is a Cure for Diabetes.
"Research shows that vitamin D has a variety of important benefits besides lowering blood sugar. It seems to protect against eighteen different kinds of cancers, has a significant positive impact on the immune system in fighting colds and flus, viruses, and TB, and protects against rickets and osteoporosis."