Orchestrated Chaos and the Coming Class Warfare in America
February 18, 2011
Steve Quayle
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The great disconnect between orchestrated chaos and the coming class warfare is becoming more in your face hourly. America is flat-ass broke, pillaged and plundered by the "shadow ghouls of international banking" and their totalitarian manipulation of every aspect of our lives and futures. Pensions, jobs and hope disappear daily as the American Dream vanishes in the glaring reality of those who still refuse to realize that they have voted continually for the "global slavers" and their "political hacks" whose promises are as empty as they have ever been and who have brought our once great Nation at the end of the line.
Liars and the empty promises of all politicians with very few notable exceptions have placed us at the pinnacle of peril, that makes contemporary language fail to convey meaning, requiring the Secular press to use Biblical terms to try and convey the lateness of the hour. "The petrified pulpit personalities" have gone into their 4-Monkey Mode of seeing nothing, saying nothing, hearing nothing and failing to warn, admonish or even tell their congregants that we are under divine judgment at the hand of a holy God and need both personal repentance and national repentance to even start back on the road to redemption. The borrower is servant to the lender, and the great awakening in America may finally come when the Chinese and other freign nations come to claim their commercial rights on all that they hold the mortgages and commercial liens on.
所有政客們的謊言和空洞承諾有很少明顯的例外,已擺我們在危險的頂峰,使得當代語言未能表達意思,要求世俗的新聞界使用聖經字眼試圖及傳達遲到的一小時。 “怕死講壇人物”已經進入了他們4猴制式的看不見什麼、沒說什麼、聽不到什麼和未能警告、訓誡或甚至告訴教友,我們在一位神聖上帝之手的神聖審判之下,和需要個人懺悔和民族悔改兩者,甚至開始返回贖罪的道路上。借款人是貸款人的僕人,和美國偉大的覺醒可能最終來到,當中國和其它外國來到宣稱它們的商業權利,在所有他們持有的抵押和商業留置權。
Turn off your TVs for 1 day. Go sit by a calm mountain stream, a park or behold the breaking waves of the sea, wherever you find peace and solace. Look at every tree, flower, mountain, river stream or the non-chemtrailed sky and ask yourself what have I done to prepare for what's coming, when all that use to be comforting and beautiful is no longer available. Consider, when by design the Internet, your cell phones and all forms of communication stop and you are totally cut off from information, commerce and access to food and you are left with only the Government's "mind melt" TV propaganda as your only source of information, unless of course you had the foresight to acquire a shortwave receiver and a satellite phone or satellite Internet transceiver.
關掉你的電視 1天,去坐在平靜的山澗旁,一個公園或注視大海的碎浪,無論在那裡只要你找到和平與慰藉。看看每一棵樹、花、山、河流或沒病毒拖曳的天空,及問你自己已做什麼準備到來的,當所有那使用來安慰和美麗不再提供。考慮,當由設計互聯網,你的手機和一切形式的通訊停下來,及你是完全信息、商貿和糧食途徑隔絕,及你衹被遺留只有政府的“心靈融化”電視宣傳,作為您的唯一信息來源,當然除非你有先見之明,獲得一短波接收器和一部衛星電話或衛星網絡收發器。
Hawk was made aware of an in the clear communication a number of months ago in which a Canadian General was laughing at the stupid US citizens who were going to be taken to the camps while all their goods were pillaged! This morning I received, from a very well connected Asian source, information telling me that all of the US gold is being moved to Canada for safekeeping.
If the elite are moving their physical gold you know something is up. Are you paying attention to the New Madrid lately, or how about Mt. St Helens, not to mention 30 of the world's most historically important and devastating volcanoes erupting concurrently or every other week. Signs in the heaven, sun, moon and stars and waves raging all point to Planet X - Gabriel's fist, yet the silence is maddening.
如果精英在將他們的實金移動,你知道一些東西來了。您們最近有否關注新馬德里,或者聖海倫斯山脈,更不用提30個世界歷史上最重要和毀滅性的火山同時地或每隔一周噴發。在天堂、太陽、月亮和星星的跡象及海浪洶湧全都指向行星X - 加布里埃爾的拳頭,然而靜寂使人在發瘋。
Super active Sun, extreme weather, crop failures and yet the Golden Arch mentality has produced a Nation of consumers unaware of what goes in to preparing the food we eat let alone the transportation necessary to bring the food and staples to market. Historically when famine ravaged Nations have nothing to eat they literally resort to eating each other. Even animal's appetites are changing as Hannibal's elephants turn to cannibal elephants - with the first recorded instances of elephants killing and eating people. From my Chinese friend, "Several weeks back I was in discussion with higher order bank people in China asking a simple question: "What is the time frame for getting prepared with food, precious metals and long term absence from the normal constant of social Internet?"
The answer was as to the point as one can get. "Don't walk, run!" Canadian bankers that I speak with all nodded in unison that America is preparing (yes) for a vacuum whereby the borders are locked down, and the banks would not allow citizens to take their personal wealth with them.
To avoid the Weimar drama, Canada (yes) is prepared to bunker the 'confiscated metals' and keep it in the Scotia or Bank of Canada storage centers.
Reasoning is that the government would not allow an open market barter exchange to happen if the banks were closed. The gangs seeking au in private homes would be a lure if the government did not step in and protect the assets of each and every American. The fact remains, many gangs (yes) will operate above the law based on their barter/financial network! SQ -- We are on vapor lock. Move all metals to locations away from your primary home bury them, hide them. Move food and necessary self defense weapons to secondary locations now if you have not done so. Have non-EMP dependent mode of transportation available - even a bicycle will get you further faster than just walking.
This is America - Protest and Arrest at Hillary Clinton speech
這是美國 - 抗議和逮捕在希拉里的演說
反政府浪潮殺到美國 :威斯康新州反美抗議