Some Vegetable Seeds Are Already Cleaned Out
March 3, 2011
Holly Deyo
Translation by Autumnson Blog

We purchased garden seeds last weekend and noticed that some retailers are already cleaned out, listing availability as "unknown" for certain varieties, certain types. This is specfically the case at major retailer, Seeds of Change.
Here are a few examples of out of stock seeds: Arkansas Traveler Heirloom Tomato, Tuffy Acorn Squash, Sugar Baby Watermelon, Purple Dove Bush Bean and Oregon Giant Snow Pea. Many others were also noticeably sold out.
Repatedly, when I clicked for bulk seeds, those were hardest to find. This is very telling about people's views of the necessity of growing your own food and having ample seeds on hand for multiple seasons.
Take heart. This is not the case for all seeds or all produce. If specific seeds are sold out at one location, try another, or multiple sites. I used several companies to make a complete order.
Yes, it would have been smarter to shop a couple weeks ago, but Stan is giving so many interviews, seeds had to wait. We had a hunch this would be a tight seed season – tighter than last year – and it's proving correct. People are buying early, buying in quantity to save $$.
Keep in mind, too, that some fruits and veggies have been hammered by intense cold and freezing temps both here in America and in Mexico, which supply a lot of produce to the US and Canada. So even if veggies are available in stores, they will cost dearly and taste like cardboard.
Last week, tomatoes in local grocery stores looked like they'd come from Libya's war zone; bruised, dented, scarred, green as grass and hard as hockey-pucks. Tasteless too. Tasteless still. Many fast food chains aren't even offering tomatoes due to weather's onslaught.
Because the world is chaotic and uncertain with food and fuel prices skyrocketing, we purchased a lot of seeds, I mean a lot of seeds – enough for several seasons. Garden Gold again proved invaluable. Searching for seeds sources was easy using the over 200 non-hybrid retailers listed.
Its Seed Shelf Life Tables on pages 133-136 show what will still be viable in 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years. For those, we bought even larger than needed quantities. By using the Seed Shelf Life Charts it was easy to see what wouldn't waste $$ and ultimately be an even smarter investment.
This year we'll also be packing seeds for long-term storage. The easy how-to's are included in Garden Gold. Burying seeds in the backyard as some sellers suggest, simply won't cut it. They be "dead" by next year. Heat kills.
Food is a great investment. Grow a little extra this year for canning, freezing and your favorite friends and neighbors. They'll be in your debt and catch garden fever, which ultimately protect your own supplies when things fall in a heap!
Happy growing!