Geithner worries Japan will dump treasuries to raise cash
17 Mar, 2011, 04.41AM IST,
TOKYO: A sudden shock to the global financial system has a way of uncovering its true state. As billionaire Warren Buffett famously said, it's only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked. Two events since Japan's March 11 earthquake have shown the extent to which our economic reality has no proverbial clothes.
One is that the yen is rising. You would think earthquakes, tsunamis and radiation clouds would have investors actively fleeing yen assets. Not so! On March 14, a Bloomberg News headline proclaimed: "Yen reaches four-month high against dollar on safe-haven demand." Some haven, that Japan. The other is how quickly Timothy Geithner , the US Treasury secretary, got in front of the biggest worry in markets: that Japan will dump its vast holdings of treasuries to raise cash .
一宗是日元的上升,你會認為地震、海嘯和輻射雲會使投資者積極逃離日元資產,不是這樣的! 在3月14日,一則彭博新聞標題宣稱:“日元對美元到達四個月高位因為避險天堂的需求。“某天堂,那日本。其它一宗是美國財政部長蓋特納如何迅速地站在市場最大擔憂的前面:即日本將傾倒它大量持有的美國國債以套現。
This latter one is worth exploring because its implications would travel farther and wider than the radiation leaking from nuclear power plants. It could just happen, roiling world markets like only a Black Swan-event can. Theories for yen demand tread similar ground as the rationale for Japan selling its dollars holdings - just less convincingly. We always need a handy explanation for why something is happening. New reports argue that it's all about insurance companies repatriating funds to pay for quake demand.
後者是值得探討的,因為它的影響將前往更遠和更廣,比起從核電廠洩漏的輻射。它可能衹是碰巧,攪動全球市場像只是一宗黑天鵝事件可以做到的。日元需求的理論踐踏類似的基礎,正如是日本出售它持有的美元資產的理由 - 衹是令人信服少些。我們總是需要一個方便的解釋給為什麼有些事情在發生。新報告認為,它全是關於保險公司遣回資金以支付地震的需求。
Perhaps, yet it's only part of the story. The yen has been irrationally strong since the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings. Even with the nuclear risks, the yen is considered a less risky currency than the dollar and euro. It's not that the yen is attractive. It's that if the currency markets held a beauty contest, the yen would be the least ugly contestant. The same could be said of US debt.
Pacific Investment Management Co's Bill Gross, who runs the world's biggest bond fund, last month dumped government-related debt. Few investors seem willing to do the same. The reason: What else are you going to buy? Greek debt? French debt? Gold? Try to get your hands on some of the 5% of Japanese government bonds that aren't held in Japan? For better, or worse, it's US debt. That is, unless the Japanese move to draw down large chunks of its $886-billion worth.
It could trigger the nightmare chain reaction officials in Washington have dreaded since 2008. China, which holds $1.2 trillion of US debt, might act to avoid even bigger losses. The UK ($278 billion), oil exporters ($216 billion ), Brazil ($198 billion), Caribbean banking centres ($167 billion) might follow suit. So might Asia's other dollars hoarders including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand.
If history is any guide, it might not happen. "Based on the 1995 experience of the Great Hanshin earthquake, the risk of selling by Japanese insurance companies would appear to be limited, at least in the near-term," says Ward McCarthy, chief financial economist at Jefferies & Co in New York. Yet the Japan of 2011 isn't the Japan of 1995. Its debt is now twice the size of the economy, leaving far less room to borrow to boost growth than there was 16 years ago.
Also, the Bank of Japan's interest-rate policies are already at zero. The next step would be massive BOJ purchases of Japanese stocks after the Nikkei-225 Stock Average fell 16% in the first two trading days after the earthquake. That would be a slippery financial slope, but desperate times do tend to lead to desperate measures.
That would certainly be the case if Japan decided to start dropping big blocks of treasuries on the market. The turmoil would catch many a government policy maker or investor swimming naked, in the Buffett sense.
美財長:不擔心日拋售美債(明報)2011年3月16日 星期三 08:15
美國 財長蓋特納表示,不擔心美國第二大「債主」日本 拋售美國國債以募集災後重建的資金。
當日,美國財政部公布的最新數據顯示,日本在過去七個月來一直持續增持美國國債,今年1月份,日本的持有額從去年12月份的8823億美元 提高至8859億美元,再創該國歷史最高持有規模。
穆迪:日債市無崩盤風險 蓋特納稱不擔心日拋售美債
2011年 03月 17日 01:32
穆迪:日債市無崩盤風險 蓋特納稱不擔心日拋售美債
【香港商報訊】穆迪投資者服務公司高級副總裁Tom Byrne周三表示,日本政府債市場不太可能因受地震影響而出現嚴重崩盤。Byrne認為,日本央行已經采取「重要的先期舉措」作為對震災破壞的回應,加大了對日本政府債的購買力度,此舉多半能壓制利率水平留在低位。他說:「我認為日本政府債市場依然有足夠的縱深和流動性,不會面臨重大的崩盤風險。未來1年左右的時間內,日本政府的舉債行動不會面臨大的問題。」
另據報道,美國財長蓋特納表示,不擔心日本拋售美國國債以為災后重建融資。當周二在美國參議院銀行委員會的聽證會上,被問到是否看到日本拋售美債并推高美國利率的風險時,蓋特納稱并未看到這種風險。他指出,日本是一個高儲蓄率的富有國家,有能力處理災后重建的融資問題。美國財政部發言人Natalie Wyeth表示,蓋特納已表示將向日本財政部和日本銀行提供援助。