

加州居民停止威訊通信在家居附近裝置小手機塔! 如果你不想危險的5G科技在你整個社區裝置,杯葛5G公司

California Residents Stopped Verizon from Installing Small Cell Tower Near Homes!

Danville, CA residents aren’t the first Americans to stop harmful and unwanted cell tower infrastructure from being installed in their community.  Activist Post has reported about the many Americans who are fighting to stop this as well as some who have already been successful.  (See 1, 2)

Kudos to the record number of Danville residents who attended their February and March council meetings which led to this victory against Verizon.



Americans all over the country are opposed to the forced installation  of 4G and 5G small cell technology.  Elected officials are involved.  Federal legislation has been introduced to overturn federal 5G legislation which eliminated local control over installation.  The Telecom Industry can’t even prove 5G is safe!


There’s more!

  1. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is being investigated for collusion regarding federal 5G legislation which eliminated local control over installation
  2. Telecom companies have been warning shareholders that they may eventually be held liable for harming everyone with their products and infrastructure
  3. Insurance companies won’t cover telecom companies anymore because it’s too risky
  4. Security experts say 5G and The Internet of Things (IoT) create huge cybersecurity risks (See 1, 2)
  5. Last summer, New Yorkers reported about newly installed 5G affecting their health as well as their pets
  6. Last fall, the first 5G court case was won in England after 5G was installed in street lamps but only after residents had become sick and some women delivered stillborn babies.

Activist Post is one of countless sources that has already covered the MANY issues associated with 5G and its equally dangerous applications (The Internet of Things (IoT), Automated Vehicles, “Smart Cities”, etc.).




If you don’t want 4G or 5G small cell technology installed near homes, hospitals, schools, etc., you may also want to consider boycotting all companies that are doing this.  Verizon isn’t the only stinker.  (See 1, 2)


If You Don’t Want Dangerous 5G Technology Installed Throughout Your Community, Boycott 5G Companies.

From December 5, 1955 until November 23, 1956, African Americans in Montgomery, Alabama stopped riding public buses until they were legally allowed to sit wherever they wanted.  This is one of many examples of how voting with your money makes a difference.

Organization, No5G.com suggests that there is no better time than to vote with your money AGAINST dangerous 5G technology.

The Telecom Industry can’t even prove that 5G is safe.

BUT current laws still make it legal for them to install it everywhere so they are – in front of homes, hospitals, schools, etc. throughout communities in the U.S. and around the world.  EVERYWHERE.

Suggestions from No5G include:

  • Don’t buy any of the 5G gadgets that are already being advertised.
  • Boycott SpaceX, OneWeb, Boeing and any other corporations that are involved in the launch of 5G satellites.
  • Display posters on your house’s windows to alert your neighbors about the real 5G grid that they are building.
  • Organize local discussion groups to exchange information with others from your area.
  • Educate your local elected officials about 5G.
  • Force your government to reveal its knowledge about the dangers of 5G infrastructure.
  • Inform the telecom workers who install the 5G grid near you about how this hurts them and their children.
  • Don’t use (“free”) WiFi in public spaces.

Even if you can’t do absolutely everything, every little bit helps.

