


Vatican to Open Second World War-Era Archives, Allow Investigation into Pius XII

In a surprising move, Pope Francis announced today that the Vatican, after decades of silence, will open its secret archives to allow access to files pertaining to Second World War-era Pope Pius XII. Jewish groups have long accused Pius of remaining silent in the face of his alleged knowledge of the Holocaust.

The documents will only become available on March 2, 2020 and will include documents spanning from Pius’s election in 1939 to his death in 1958 will be available to researchers.

“The Church is not afraid of history,” Francis said, adding that Pius’ legacy had been treated with “some prejudice and exaggeration.”

The Vatican usually enforces a 70-year moratorium from the end of a pontificate until it opens its archives to researchers. However, the Holy See has come under increasing pressure to publicize documents pertaining to Pius XII sooner, while Holocaust survivors are still alive.

Pius XII is a hugely controversial figure, with Jews charging that he was aware of Nazi attempt to annihilate European Jewry – and that he did not do enough to combat it. Many Jews have criticized him for not speaking out forcefully enough against the Nazi atrocities. However, a more nuanced view has taken shape over the last two decades or so, with the late British Jewish historian Sir Martin Gilbert being one of the proponents of the argument that he did much behind the scenes to try and hide Jews in Church properties in Rome and Italy.

Pius’s disputed legacy will be scrutinized as part of a process to decide whether or not he should be canonized as a saint.


遭猶太團體指責對納粹大屠殺「冷眼旁觀」 梵蒂岡擬提前解密二戰時期檔案

遵守二戰前夕與義大利簽訂的《拉特蘭條約》(Lateran Treaty),在第二次世界大戰期間宣布並保持中立立場的梵蒂岡,卻在戰後不斷遭後人質疑,在對納粹(Nazi)暴行知曉下,選擇沉默與冷眼旁觀的態度,並未出手或出聲制止。

尤其是1939年上任的教宗庇護十二世(Pope Pius XII),其個人對大屠殺(Holocaust)的態度,也出現了正反兩極化的說法。已故羅馬首席拉比托伏(Elio Toaff)曾公開感謝教廷對猶太人的幫助,但同時也有一部名為「希特勒的教宗」(Hitler's Pope)著作,作者康沃爾(John Cornwell)直指教宗放縱希特勒暴行,導致悲劇規模不斷擴大。

《路透社》(Reuters)報導,隨著愈來愈多猶太社團指責,前教宗庇護十二世在阻止納粹德國執行大屠殺上,付出之力並不足夠。為平息各方的質疑和指責,現任教宗方濟各(Pope Francis)4日宣布,梵蒂岡將提前解密戰爭期間、與庇護十二世有關的祕密檔案,最快將於2020年3月份向公眾開放查閱。



