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Updated: ASCII Code in Italian Crop Formation
© 2011 by Linda Moulton Howe
Translation by Autumnson Blog

“The Poirino 2011 formation contains some coded information ...
the outer rim contains the names ‘Enki Ea,’ coded in ASCII.”
“皮埃蒙特 2011年構成包含了一些編碼信息...
外緣包括蘇美爾神的名稱“Enki Ea,”在ASCII的編碼中。“
Poirino is 12 miles (20 km) southeast of Turin (Torino), Italy.

Updated 063011: June 28, 2011 Poirino, Italy - Two extraordinary 2011 crop formations have been reported in the northwestern town of Poirino, Italy, on June 13 and 20, 2011. Poirino is a town in the Province of Turin in the Italian Piedmont region located about 12 miles (20 km) southeast of Turin (Torino) where the famous Christ Shroud is kept. Poirino has also been the location of other crop formations over the past decade, including one alleged a year ago on June 11, 2010, that was described by the CMM research group in 2010 graphics below in More Information.
063011更新:2011年6月28日意大利皮埃蒙特 - 兩個非凡的2011年作物組合已在意大利西北小鎮皮埃蒙特被報告,在2011年6月13日和20日。皮埃蒙特是都靈省的一個鎮,位於意大利都靈東南部約 12英里(20公里)的皮埃蒙特區,那裡著名的基督裹屍布被保存。在過去的十年中皮埃蒙特也是其它作物組合的地點,包括一年前2010年6月11日據稱的一個,那被CMM的研究小組在2010年描述過。
This year on June 20, 2011, a 7-petal pattern emerged that has a 7-pointed star around a ring at its center. The seven petals are divided by seven straight lines of dark (standing crop) and light (flattened crop) patterns of seven circles.

June 20, 2011 - Poirino, Italy
June 20, 2011, crop formation in Poirino, Italy.
Aerial image © 2011 by Concesso l'uso a Space Freedom.
For more images and information: Cropcircleconnector.

Strob (George Costanza) on Circle Chasers Facebook writes: “The Poirino 2011 formation contains some coded information. Among other things, the outer rim contains the names ‘Enki Ea,’ coded in ASCII. These are names of a Sumerian god: Lord of the earth, god of water, creator of mankind.”
Strob(喬治 Costanza)在臉譜的圈追逐者上寫道:“2011年皮埃蒙特構圖包含一些編碼信息。除其他事項外,外緣包括“Enki Ea”的名稱在ASCII的編碼中,”這些是一位蘇美爾神的名字:地球之主、水神、人類的創造者。“

ASCII Code of June 20th Poirino Formation
June 20, 2011, crop formation in Poirino, Italy. Beginning at 69 = E and moving clockwise
around the formation, the ASCII code lines spell Enki Ea. ASCII code analysis by Strob(George Costanza), Circle Chasers Facebook. Aerial image © 2011 by Concesso
2011年6月20日意大利皮埃蒙特作物構圖。開始於69=E和圍繞構圖作順時針方向移動,ASCII代碼線串出Enki Ea。ASCII碼分析由Strob(喬治 Costanza),臉譜的圈追逐者。空中影像由© 2011 Concesso
l'uso a Space Freedom. For more images and information: Cropcircleconnector. 

Wikipedia says the name Enki translates to “Lord of the Earth.” His sacred number was 40 and Enki was linked to the constellation of stars known as the Square of Pegasus. It is Enki who decides to create humankind out of clay and blood to be servants to the Gods. Enki was also known as Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology. See Websites below.

June 13, 2011 - Poirino, Italy

Seven days before the ASCII pattern on June 13, 2011, this 6-petal pattern with a 12-pointed central star and six rings dotted with various small circle patterns was found in Poirino.
June 13, 2011, crop formation in Poirino, Italy.
Aerial image © 2011 by Concesso l'uso a Space Freedom.
For more images and information: Cropcircleconnector.
June 13, 2011, crop formation in Poirino, Italy.
Aerial image © 2011 by Concesso l'uso a Space Freedom.
For more images and information: Cropcircleconnector.


poirino crop circle Italy,2011 ALERT! dire warning for humanity.
意大利皮埃蒙特麥田圈,2011 警報!給人類的可怕警告

Crop Circle 03/07/2011 Riva di Chieri ( Torino ) Italy
麥田圈2011年7月3日意大利(都靈)Riva di Chieri

2011年新麥田圈:俄羅斯、意大利、英國 - 2011年5和6月


新麥田圈在荷蘭胡芬和 意大利艾米利亞


星門、巴別塔和蘇美爾眾神的回歸 - Stan Deyo
