The Illuminati, Learned Elders of Zion, Holy Roman Empire & the NWO plus The Simpsons Code. 禍 哉 、 那 些 以 虛 假 之 細 繩 牽 罪 孽 的 人 、 他 們 又 像 以 套 繩 拉 罪 惡 。 說 、 任 他 急 速 行 、 趕 快 成 就 他 的 作 為 、 使 我 們 看 看 . 任 以 色 列 聖 者 所 謀 劃 的 臨 近 成 就 、 使 我 們 知 道 。〔賽 5 18-19〕禍 哉 、 那 些 向 耶 和 華 深 藏 謀 略 的 、 又 在 暗 中 行 事 、 說 、 誰 看 見 我 們 呢 . 誰 知 道 我 們 呢 。〔賽 29 15〕 禍 哉 、 這 悖 逆 的 兒 女 ...要 靠 法 老 的 力 量 ...〔賽 30 1-2〕 禍 哉 、 那 些 下 埃 及 求 幫 助 的...那 作 惡 之 家...〔賽 31 1-2〕那 撒 但 一 會 的 、 自 稱 是 猶 太 人 、 其 實 不 是 猶 太 人 、 乃 是 說 謊 話 的 ...〔啟 3 9〕
豬流感戰士: 中國大蒜價錢狂升
China Proclaims Garlic 'The Swine Flu Fighter' Of 2009
Last Updated on Thursday, 31 December
2009 01:13 Thursday, 31 December 2009 00:53
Garlic prices soar in China amid flu fears
By Calum MacLeod, USA TODAY
BEIJING-- Garlic prices have jumped so high in China that the crop has outperformed gold and stocks to be the country's best performing asset this year. As H1N1 swine flu continues to worry China's leaders — who are rolling out a nationwide vaccine program — its people seek a more traditional remedy. Just as some Chinese turned to turnips to prevent the SARS virus in 2003, garlic has emerged as a swine flu fighter in 2009. "Garlic kills bacteria, and I eat at least half a bulb each day," says Liu, 43, whose prices have leapt from just five cents per pound in February to almost 55 cents today. The soaring costs still raise eyebrows on China's streets. "How can it be this expensive?" asks Zhao Wenjing, a Beijing nurse buying garlic Monday. "I haven't cooked for a long time, but I heard some doctors said it could prevent H1N1, so I came to buy some, although I don't actually like the smell," says Zhao, 26. Read full story
Source link:
There are several ways of odorless use of garlic - sample advice here:
“瘋狂的大蒜”貴過豬肉 身價短期暴漲100倍
草藥配方對抗豬流感 臨床證明有效
草藥配方對抗豬流感 臨床證明有效
Herbal Formula against H1N1 Clinically Proven Effective
Last Updated on Saturday, 19 December 2009 16:47
Friday, 18 December 2009 19:26
News - Latest News
Swine Flu Cured Using Chinese Herbs
INSIDER’S HEALTH by Cathy Margolin
Just a few days ago, a hospital in China published an article stating that a combination of four different herbs was able to successfully treat many people with swine flu (H1N1). This article describes these herbs.
An article released today from the Ditan Hospital in Beijing reported that, “88 out of 117 patients treated for (H1N1) the disease only on the herbs fully recovered and were discharged.” This is a 75% success rate. What are these Chinese herbs that worked so well? The Deputy Director of the hospital said there were four herbs in the packets given to patients who drank them as a tea and used as a mouth wash. Lonicera Japonica, (honeysuckle flower), Isatis Indigodica, Mentha (mint) and Glycyrrhiza (licorice). All were dosed at 3 grams per serving. These same herbs are available in Chinese herbal medicine shops in the US.
The first herb, Lonicera, is used almost exclusively for prevention and treatment of the common cold and upper respiratory tract infections, sore throats and general flu symptoms. It can be used in a vaporizer and inhaled along with the traditional way of ingesting it after cooking (decocting) in water. In one study, 1150 patients were treated for influenza using a combination of herbs which included Lonicera and had excellent results. Using fresh Lonicera is best as it contains the most anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. As an antibiotic, it has “demonstrated a broad spectrum of inhibitory actions against staphylococcus aureus, E. Coli” and a host of other pathogens.
The second herb in the flu fighting formula is Isatis, otherwise known as Woad root. This herb is categorized as a toxic heat clearing herb in Chinese herbal medicine and is also commonly used for upper respiratory infections. It’s pharmacological effects have been well studied and research supports its success in treating acute sore throats and influenza viruses. Like other Chinese herbs, it is often used in a formula combined with other herbs. Herbs often work more effectively when cooked together with the right combination of other synergistically compatible herbs. People allergic to sulfonamides may have an allergic reaction to this herb, and it is not recommended for those taking Coumadin or any blood thinning medication as it may potentiate this action. However, the risk of any serious interaction is slight. I mention this to emphasize that herbs are strong medicine and should be prescribed and dosed by a qualified practitioner.
The last two herbs in this very simple formula are herbs that I am certain everyone has heard of, but may not have held in high regard for treatment of flu virus such as Swine flu. I hope this article changes that perspective. Although mint and licorice are fairly common, they are not necessarily found in the neighborhood grocery store. As there are hundreds of different species, you must be certain of obtaining the correct species. Mentha has quite a history when comes to treating high fever accompanied by flu symptoms. In fact, the original source text on mentha was written in approximately 600 A.D., while the beneficial effects of licorice were documented even earlier. Sore throats, red eyes, and headache are some of the most common symptoms mentha can treat. It is included in many famous Chinese herb formulas as is licorice. Both are considered GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the FDA. Licorice is one of the most commonly used herbs in the Chinese Materia Medica with volumes of information and research. It is traditionally used to “harmonize” a formula in Chinese medicine, yet it has many therapeutic actions of its own. More than I can list here.
Together, these four powerful herbs are more than just the sum of their individual parts. Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has introduced a H1N1 prevention herbal medicine pack. If you are traveling to China, you may want to pick up a few. Better yet, consult your local Acupuncturist or Herbalist and get your very own powerhouse of herbs custom made for your constitution.
References: Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology, Chen & Chen, Art of Medicine Press, 2001.
Text source:
Early short release of July 24, 2009: d=427649
Polish version, botanic terms adapted:
Another medication is called "Jin Hua" and its effects are visible from the second day of treatment:
The chinese won the swine flu with medicine called "Jin Hua"
IT Chuiko, December 19 2009
"To develop the drug, which lasted six months, brought hundreds of Chinese and foreign experts, has spent about 10 million yuan (about 1,5 million dollars)", - said the director of the Beijing administration of traditional Chinese medicine, Zhao Jing.
The medicine against influenza A/H1N1, entitled "Jin Hua" ( "Golden Flower") is based on prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as with the involvement of the Western experience.
Full recovery occurs in 5-7 days. Moreover, the patient feels great relief already on the second day dosing. Drug price of 80 yuan (about $ 12).
Experts believe that the novelty will completely abandon the use of antibiotics in the treatment of swine influenza.
© IT News
To All Women who recently suffered a Miscarriage, Stillbirth or who are Currently Pregnant
Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 December 2009 02:13 Monday, 21 December 2009 23:29
News - Highlighted News
National Coalition of Organized Women
From Laboring Women To Labor Unions - We Move As One!
Public Service Announcement
Consuela Sylvester, Director
Ohio Chapter - National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW)
(614) 893-8775 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Eileen Dannermann, Standing Director
National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW)
(631) 907-4050
To All Women who recently suffered a Miscarriage, Stillbirth or who are Currently Pregnant
As a public health service to women, the Ohio Chapter of the National Coalition of Organized
Women (NCOW) is currently collecting data from women who have experienced a
miscarriage, stillbirth or complication in their pregnancy within one week of being
administered the seasonal flu or the H1N1 vaccine.
Data is being collected as a public service and will be submitted to Congress and the
appropriate Public Health Service Agencies.
Please contact Connie at OHIODirectorNCOW@yahoo or 614-893-8775
The vitamin jab that shrinks tumours in a day
By Pat Hagan
Last updated at 12:41 AM on 23rd December 2009
A vitamin jab that shrinks tumours in a day is being hailed as a powerful new treatment for cancer.
British researchers who are testing the therapy say injecting an extract of vitamin E into the bloodstream has a rapid effect.
Within 24 hours, tumours begin to shrivel and after ten days they have almost completely disappeared.

New research has found that injecting an extract of vitamin E into the bloodstream starts to shrivel tumours within 24 hours
So far, research has focused on the vitamin's ability to find and destroy skin cancers.
But scientists from the University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde, who led the research, are confident it will work for other types of tumours, too.
Vitamin E is vital for helping the body to fight illness and is found in foods such as vegetable oils, cereals, nuts, green vegetables and eggs.
It is rich in antioxidants that protect against disease by blocking damage from free radicals - harmful molecules that attack cells in much the same way as rust rots a car.
The one-off, one-hour treatment that can cure blindness
Does cold weather REALLY make arthritis worse?
But for the past few years, one particular compound found in vitamin E has attracted attention as a potential medicine that can attack cancer once it has set in.
Tocotrienol is an extract of vitamin E found in abundance in palm oil, cocoa butter, barley and wheat germ.
In the mid-Nineties, scientists carrying out laboratory tests discovered the ability of tocotrienol to halt the growth of breast cancer cells.
Since then, there have been several studies to see if injecting the vitamin extract into the body can help women who have a tumour.
But most failed, for several reasons.
First, much of the extract ended up floating around the bloodstream, as there was no easy way of directing it towards the cancer.
Second, very high quantities of tocotrienol can be toxic to healthy tissue as well as cancerous ones. And there is the added concern that vitamin E supplements have in the past been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer.
The latest breakthrough gets round all of these by smuggling the vitamin extract past healthy cells and making sure it hits its only target - the tumour.
To do this, scientists encapsulated the vitamin extract inside thousands of microscopic bubbles made from fat.
This meant the tocotrienol could travel through the body without damaging healthy cells.
Then, to make sure the cargo-laden bubbles headed straight for the tumour, the researchers coated them with the protein transferrin.
'This new formulation proved to be efficient and has had extremely encouraging results'''
This has the job of escorting iron through the bloodstream to where it is needed, so that it can be absorbed by cells.
Cancer cells need a rich supply of iron in order to keep reproducing. This means they have large numbers of receptors on their surface designed to attract transferrin and the iron it is carrying.
By disguising the tumour-busting vitamin inside a bubble, the scientists were able to sneak it inside the cancer cell, where it launched its attack.
'This new formulation proved to be efficient and has had extremely encouraging results,' says research leader Dr Christine Dufés.
A separate British trial, due to end in 2012, is looking at whether vitamin E can stop bladder cancer returning in patients who are in remission.
Cancer Research UK voiced concerns about vitamin E supplements' previous link with lung cancer and said the new treatment's safety would have to be thoroughly tested before it could be widely used.
'This research is at an early stage and more work is needed before we'll know if this could be a viable tool in the future,' says health information officer Dr Jodie Moffat.
'Previous studies have found high doses of vitamin supplements can actually increase the risk of certain types of cancer, which highlights just how impo
第一次H1N1豬流感死亡 驗屍
First autopsies show pattern of lung injury causing H1N1 deaths
December 23, 7:50 AMscreen.

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Researchers from Brazil have performed the first autopsies, finding a pattern associated with H1N1 flu deaths from pneumonia. The findings are hoped to lead clinicians to better management of H1N1 flu and pneumonia by providing clues about the need for antibacterial and antiviral medications to limit lungdamage and deaths from the pandemic flu.
"The lack of information on the pathophysiology of this novel disease is a limitation that prevents better clinical management and hinders the development of a therapeutic strategy," said lead author, Thais Mauad, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Pathology at São Paulo University, in Brazil.
The study, due for publication January 1 in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, found that 75 percent of 21 patients autopsied who died from H1N1 influenza had underlying medical conditions such as cancer or heart disease. The patients died in São Paulo with confirmed H1N1 infection in July and August, 2009.
One fourth of those autopsied with H1N1 flu had no underlying medical condition. All of the H1N1 patients who died experienced rapid progression of flu symptoms that lead to death, and were between age 39 to 50.
According to Dr. Mauad, body aches and fever were less frequently present in patients who died from rapid progression of respiratory symptoms associated with H1N1 flu. "Most patients with a fatal form of the disease presented with difficulty breathing (dyspnea), with fever and myalgia being less frequently present."
根據Mauad博士,死於與H1N1豬流感病毒有關的急速進展呼吸系統症狀的病人, 身體疼痛和發燒並不出現頻繁,“大部分患者有呼吸困(呼吸困難)形式作為致命疾病,發燒和肌肉疼痛是不經常存在。”
All of the patients who died from H1N1 flu had acute lung injury that followed three distinct patterns. “All patients have a picture of acute lung injury," said Dr. Mauad. "In some patients this is the predominant pattern; in others, acute lung injury is associated with necrotizing bronchiolitis (NB); and in others there is a hemorrhagic pattern." Bronchiolitis is an inflammation of the small airways in the lung. Necrotizing refers to destruction of the lung tissue.
Patients with underlying medical conditions such as heart disease and cancer who died from H1N1 flu were more likely to have a hemorrhagic lung condition. Bacterial co-infections were associated with necrotizing bronchiolitis (NB).
“It is important to bear in mind that patients with underlying medical conditions must be adequately monitored, since they are at greater risk of developing a severe H1N1 infection," said Dr. Mauad. In these patients, H1N1 infection may present as a potential fatal disease, requiring early and prompt intensive care management, including protective ventilation strategies and adequate hemodynamic management. "We found that 38 percent of these patients had a bacterial infection (bronchopneumonia). This has important consequences because these patients need to receive antibiotic therapy, in addition to antiviral therapy."
Cytokine storm was also found to play a role in deaths from H1N1 influenza. Cytokine storm leading to H1N1 flu deaths is the result of an overly vigorous inflammatory response that causes acute lung injury.
The scientists say the first autopsies uncovering distinct patterns of infection from H1N1 flu in the lungs should lay some groundwork for a better understanding of the disease. "We would like to deepen our efforts into the understanding of the immune responses in cases of severe infection," said Dr. Mauad. "This could ultimately lead to new therapeutic approaches”.
doi: 10.1164/rccm.200909-1420OC
Taiwan mulls compulsory autopsies in suspected flu-vaccine deaths
Posted : Wed, 23 Dec 2009 09:03:58 GMT
By : dpa
Category : Health
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Taipei - Taiwan plans to perform compulsory autopsies on people suspected of dying from the swine-flu vaccine, an official said Wednesday. "Currently, the families of some people who are suspected to have died from the H1N1 vaccine do not allow us to perform an autopsy," said Chou Chih-hao, deputy director of the Centres for Disease Control (CDC).
"To clear up public concern about the safety of the vaccine, we plan to ask the authorities to amend the law, so that we can perform autopsies on the bodies of people who are suspected of having died from the H1N1 vaccine," he said.
Since Taiwan began vaccinations against swine flu on November 1, 787 people have been hospitalized for symptoms associated with the shots and 35 of them have died.
There have been legal disputes because some families insisted their relatives died from the vaccine while the hospitals giving the shots and the CDC insisted the deaths were unrelated to the vaccine.
So far, 4.8 million Taiwanese have been vaccinated against the H1N1 virus.
The vaccines used in Taiwan are AdimFlu-S, developed by Taiwan's Adimmune Corp, and Focetria, developed by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis AG.,taiwan-mulls-compulsory-autopsies-in-suspected-flu-vaccine-deaths.html
印加:黃金文明的起源和神秘 展覽

A 3000 Year Journey...
..through the mysteries of the civilizations which followed one another in Peru from the XV Century B.C. to the well-known Inca people. An emotional exhibition with the typical sounds and music characterising those people. More than 250 finds, a total immersion in the magic still shrouding ancient pre-Columbian civilizations.
..通過在秘魯一個接一個的文明奧秘,從公元前15世紀至著名的印加民族,用特有的聲音和音樂刻畫那民族的一個動情的展覽,超過 250多項發現,完全沉浸在古老的前哥倫比亞文明魅力中。

INCA - 'Origin and Mysteries of the Golden Civilization' is promoted by Brescia Municipality, Artematica, Lombardy Region, Brescia Musei Foundation and it is supported by the Presidency of the Italian Republic, Department for Cultural Activities, Department for Education and Skills and by the Embassy of Peru, the Civiltà Bresciana Foundation and CAB Foundation. The exhibition will present more than 200 art works coming from the most important Peruvian museums like the Peruvian Gold Museum, the Nacional Sicán Museum, the Nacional Museum de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Peru, and many other museums able to go back over the entire golden cultures history. The exhibition is organized with the partnership of the Peruvian Government that has granted a lot of treasures for the first time exhibited outside the national frontiers.
印加- '黃金文明的起源和神秘'是由布雷西亞市Artematica的倫巴第大區布雷西亞Musei基金會推廣,亦由意大利共和國的總統直轄機構和文化活動部、教育與技能部、秘魯大使館、Civiltà Bresciana基金會和CAB基金會所支持。展覽將提供超過來自秘魯最重要的博物館的200件藝術作品,如秘魯的黃金博物館,全國西錢博物館,國立考古學博物館和許多其他博物館有能回到整個黃金文化的歷史。該展覽是組織在與秘魯政府的夥伴關係,它已批准展出很多在國界以外首次展出的珍品。
Mostra Inca a Brescia - Vivi la leggenda! Il trailer
The exhibition is supported by Peruvian Political Institutions on the Italian territory. The project is cured by Paloma Carcedo Muro de Mufarech, a pre-Colombian art researcher in Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru in Lima, with the assistance of the scientific committee composed by Walter Alva Alva, the manager of Tumbas Reales de Sipán Museum in Lambayeque, Antonio Aimi, lecturer of Hispanic - American Literatures at Milan University, Andrés Alvarez Calderón Larco, the manager of Larco Museum in Lima, Carmen Arellano Hoffmann, the manager of Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia of Peru Museum, Claudio Cavatrunci, archaeologist and responsible of the “America” Museo Nazionale Preistorico ed Etnografico “L.Pigorini” in Rome, Carlos G. Elera Arévalo, director of the Museo Nacional Sicán di Lambayeque, Heidi King, researcher at Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Francesca Morandini, conservation specialist and archaeologist at Civici Musei di Arte e Storia di Brescia, Victoria Mujica Diez-Canseco, director of the Museo Oro del Perú di Lima, Giuseppe Orefici, director of the Centro Studi e Ricerche Archeologiche Precolombiane in Brescia, Fernando Rosas Moscoso, academic at Universidad Ricardo Palma e Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Carlos Wester La Torre, director of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional Brüning di Lambayeque.
From December 4th, 2009 till June, 27th 2010
Museum Santa Giulia - Via Musei 81/b 25121 - Brescia (BS) ITALY
意大利布雷西亞Santa Giulia博物館
The Ancients Pyramids of the Visoko Valley and the new underground Labirinth
The Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, the Pyramid of the Dragon, The Pyramid of Love, the Pyramid of the Earth, a complex Labitinth of tunnels and galleries basements beyond to an enormous buried amount of Artefacts to their inside. Ancients Pyramids left behind by a forgotten Civilization and that the new discoveries and their confirmation could be the Greatest Archeological discovery ever… that will change the history of Mankind… Forever!








Written by Dr. sci. Sam Semir Osmanagich
Friday, 18 December 2009
Dr. sci. Sam Semir Osmanagich Founder of the “Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation,
Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
All these elements are present in the case of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina. At the same time, this pyramidal complex in Bosnia is most mysterious and most exciting archaeological project in the world.
After I discovered the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon in spring of 2005, I visited, together with the local children, what they called a "Ravne cave", couple of km away. Narrow entrance was followed by hundred meters passageway which was only one meter high. When I saw regular semi-circled ceilings I knew that it wasn't of natural origin.
Soon after, in 2006 our teams started the cleaning process in the underground tunnels. Four archaeological seasons later (2006-2009) over 500 tons of the material (dirt, sand, pebbles, stones) is taken out from the underground tunnels. We still have a lot of questions, but some answers can be produced as well.
These are the facts so far:
•- Approximately 350 meters of existing underground tunnels have been cleared and secured by the wooden support;
•- Choice was made to follow the tunnel that lead in the direction of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (South East-North West direction);
•- Total of 53 side tunnels to the right and 45 side tunnels to the left are discovered in reference to the "main" tunnel; that's the reason why we call this underground complex a "labyrinth";
•- All side tunnels are sealed off with the fill in material and drywalls that are made from the rounded stones from the river beds;
•- Tunnel labyrinth was made in conglomerate; huge quantities of material (pebbles different granulation, sand) were taken out and most probably used to produce the concrete blocks needed to coat the sides of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun;
•- Number of sandstone blocks, different in size, have been discovered. Some of them have a peculiar shape and surface that looked shaped. They are all located on the top of clay and marl (natural floor) and all of them were covered by the conglomerate. Their weight is in the range from 1 - 8 tons. Conclusion: they were brought or made at this location before the conglomerate was formed.
•- According to the dowsers from several countries, sandstone megaliths are located over the underground water flows.
•- Some of the megaliths have the carved symbols on the surface.
•- Five radiocarbon dating have been performed in a period 2007-2009. (1) Piece of wood was discovered 50 cm deep in the conglomerate wall and 80 cm above the megalith. According to the Lab from the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany and Sylesian University of Technology from Gliwice, Poland the age of the organic material is over 32.000 years. (2) Stalagmite was formed between ceiling and one collapsed section in side tunnel. According to the Gliwice Lab age is 5.080 years. (3) Age for the stalactite, also found in one side tunnel, as per the same Lab, is 3.560 years. (4) One piece of burned organic material is 3.090 years old, according to the University of Upsala (Sweden). (5) Another piece of discovered burned organic material is 4.610 years old as per Gliwice Lab.
So far, the following possible conclusions could be drawn about the cultural layers:
1."Megalithic culture" - Multi-ton sandstone blocks were brought to the open area more than 32.000 years ago by some unknown megalithic culture. Purpose of the megaliths is unknown, but there is a possibility that they were located the underground water flows (potent energy spots). That could subscribe them a ceremonial properties.
2."Tunnel builders" are most probably pyramid builders as well. They extracted hundred of thousands of stone material in order to make a huge underground labyrinth. But, there was no waste. Material was used as a component for the concrete blocks (clay was used as a binding material). Age of the tunnel builders: more than 5.080 years - less than 32.000 years (actually, much less than 32.000 years, because time was needed for conglomerate to form from the floods and conglomerate sedimentation)
3."Secret holders" - culture who knew for the tunnels and pyramids and who wanted to hide them for some reason. They carefully cleaned the tunnels from the artifacts, tools, bones and sealed all of them off bringing enormous quantities of the fill in material from the rivers. Age: more than 3.090 years - much less than 32.000 years.
4."Innocent users" - human societies older than advanced cultures that we know (Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman) but less than the pyramid builders. They were using some sections of the tunnel close to the entrance. Age: 3.090 years - 4.610 years.
Main questions still remain open:
• Who built the most-extensive underground tunnel network in pre-historical times?
• What was the purpose of the labyrinth?
• Why was the labyrinth sealed off?
• Who and why brought the megaliths in the area?
• When the symbols were carved on the megaliths?
The beauty of the new discoveries and magic of the archaeology is what we have in Bosnia. For the decades to come.
G.S.M.密碼破解 35億手機可被竊聽

G.S.M.密碼破解 35億手機可被竊聽
全球八成共 35億手機用戶,都要面臨隨時被人竊聽通話和短訊的危險。德國一名電腦科學家聲稱,他已破解 GSM網絡所用的加密演算法,並在網上公開已破解的密碼本。
28歲的諾爾( Karsten Nohl)在柏林一個通訊會議,公開研究成果,並指密碼本已可用 BT下載。他說,這樣做是要令公眾知道 GSM有嚴重保安問題,「 15年前就應該修正了」,「我們對網絡商自行改善保安,已沒有寄望,但希望此舉引起關注,令更多顧客對他們施壓」。
目前全球約有 43億部手機,當中 35億使用 GSM,差不多都是用有 22年歷史的 A5/1演算法加密,可令手機和訊號基站,在 80個無線電頻道之間急速轉換頻道,以防遭人截取竊聽。 3G網絡則是用另一種加密演算法,不受諾爾的發現影響。
加 23400元器材可竊聽
諾爾稱,他和數十個解碼愛好者使用多個電腦網絡,花了五個月,推算數以萬億個輸出和輸入的所有可能組合,製成一個龐的大密碼本,可從輸出結果,還原 A5/1保護通話和短訊所用的加密密碼。
他聲稱,任何人有這密碼本、一部性能良好的電腦和價值 3,000美元( 23,400港元)的無線電器材,就可竊聽手機通話,甚至用一部手提電腦和兩張手機網絡卡,也可在 15分鐘內偷錄手機通話;要實時解碼竊聽,亦只需價值 3萬美元( 23.4萬港元)的器材。
流動器材加密專家米金( Ian Meakin)表示,其實過去一直都有方法破解竊聽 GSM訊號,但所涉器材要幾十萬美元,政府部門和資金充裕的罪犯才有財力使用,諾爾的技術大大降低門檻,恐落入罪犯手中,用來竊聽和盜竊身份。
總部設於倫敦的 GSM協會,卻淡化這憂慮。協會發言人指過去多次有人發表學術文章,指出如何破解 A5/1演算法,但至今沒有人實際發動竊聽襲擊,協會認為諾爾距離可行應用階段,還有一段距離,而且協會已開發升了級的 A5/3加密演算法,網絡商正逐步引入。
(星島)2009年12月31日 星期四 16:54
俄羅斯 太空總署署長佩爾米諾夫針對小行星 「阿波菲斯」(Apophis),可能會在2032年之前撞向地球,他正考慮派出一架太空船撞向這枚直徑達270米的小行星,以便把它撞離原定的軌道,以消除撞地球的可能浩劫。
佩爾米諾夫周三接受Golos Rossii電台訪問時透露,俄方最終可能邀請美國 太空總署、歐洲太空總署、中國國家航太局以及其他航天機構參與這項撞擊小行星的任務。
Apophis Hit Earth in 2029 ?
Apophis Stikes Earth in 2034
ASTROID APOPHIS asteroide apofis 2036

End of the world this century? Nonsense says Nasa, but the Russia Space Agency isn't so sure...
What on Earth?! Russia may send spaceship to knock threatening asteroid off course
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 11:41 PM on 30th December
Earth could be in peril from a large asteroid and a spacecraft may be needed to knock it off its path, the head of Russia's space agency claimed today.
Anatoly Perminov said the space agency will soon hold a meeting to assess a mission to Apophis, in a bid to stave off the end of the world.
He told Golos Rossii radio that it would invite Nasa, the European Space Agency, the Chinese space agency and others to join the project once it is finalised.
The news may come as something of a surprise to the U.S space agency, who down-scaled the threat of the 885ft rock hitting Earth in 2029 from one in 37 to virtually non existent.
Nasa predicts the asteroid will peacefully pass us by, coming no nearer than 18,000miles away.
There is a tiny possibility that Apophis could hit Earth in 2035 however, although again the odds of this happening have been lowered from 1 in 45,000 to 1 in 250,000
會有一個微小可能阿波菲斯可能在2035年撞擊地球,但再次出現這種可能性已經降低至45,000 或 25萬之一 。
However, Mr Perminov insists the asteroid is a potential menace. He was vague about the evidence of a possible hit but said he had heard from a scientists that the asteroid is getting closer.
'I don't remember exactly, but it seems to me it could hit the Earth by 2032,' he said.
'People's lives are at stake. We should pay several hundred million dollars and build a system that would allow to prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen and kill hundreds of thousands of people,' Perminov said.
Scientists have long theorised about asteroid deflection strategies.
Some have proposed sending a probe to circle around a dangerous asteroid to gradually change its trajectory. Others suggested sending a spacecraft to collide with the asteroid and alter its momentum, or using nuclear weapons to hit it.
Mr Perminov wouldn't disclose any details of the project, saying they still need to be worked out. But he said the mission wouldn't require any nuclear explosions.
Hollywood action films "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon," have featured space missions scrambling to avoid catastrophic collisions. In both movies space crews use nuclear bombs in an attempt to prevent collisions.
'Calculations show that it's possible to create a special purpose spacecraft within the time we have, which would help avoid the collision without destroying it (the asteroid) and without detonating any nuclear charges,' Mr Perminov said.
'The threat of collision can be averted.'
Boris Shustov, the director of the Institute of Astronomy under the Russian Academy of Sciences, hailed Mr Perminov's statement as a signal that officials had come to recognize the danger posed by asteroids.
'Apophis is just a symbolic example, there are many other dangerous objects we know little about,' he said, according to RIA Novosti news agency.
2036年行星恐撞地球 俄太空總署密研對策
俄羅斯 太空總署署長今天表示,俄羅斯科學家不久將召開閉門會議,討論如何解除地球26年後可能遭一顆巨型小行星 撞擊的危機。
貝米諾夫(Anatoly Perminov)告訴「俄羅斯之聲」(Voice of Russia)電台,「我們的科學團隊不久將舉行一場閉門會議,研究如何防止小行星阿波菲斯(Apophis)在2036年撞上地球。」
報導引述他的話:「我們談的是大家的性命。花費數億美元 建立系統防止碰撞,總比等到無數人喪生好。」
「俄羅斯新聞社」(RIA Novosti)說,如果直徑約350公尺的阿波菲斯2036年擦撞地球時,可能會形成相當法國 面積大小的新沙漠。
貝米諾夫說,防止災難發生的正式計畫可能是一項跨國工程,屆時會邀請俄羅斯、歐洲、美國 和中國太空專家參與。
貝米諾夫又說:「這不會造成任何核子爆炸,一切都是依據物理定律來進行。我們會仔細研究一切。 」

「甲流」是指短期內蔓延全球的甲型 H1N1流感,港人普遍稱為「豬流感」。牽動兩岸三地人民情感的「八八水災」,則是今年 8月 8日出現在台灣南部的嚴重水災,造成重大傷亡。其餘三個四地共用的常見新詞是「巧實力」、「民族柱」和「富二代」。「巧實力」是指美國總統奧巴馬上台後,由國務卿希拉莉提出的概念,靈巧運用美國的外交、經濟及軍事等政策。
城大調查也就台北、北京及上海傳媒各自出現的常用新詞。在台北,壹傳媒始創的動畫新聞,被指犯罪、暴力及性侵犯的畫面過於逼真,引起社會輿論熱烈爭議,「動新聞」一詞因而成為台北的 09年潮語之首。其次是 ECFA,是 Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement的簡稱,即兩岸經濟合作架構協議。
北京 09傳媒最常見新詞是「快通卡」,是京津城際鐵路使用的充值車票,類似香港的八達通。


WHO Chief Dr Chan Admits She Hasn't Had Swine Flu Vaccine
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 11:30
News - Highlighted News
GENEVA (AFP) - World Health Organization chief Margaret Chan revealed Tuesday that she has yet to be vaccinated against the swine flu virus, which has killed over 11,500 people world-wide.
"I have asked my medical service to enquire where I can go to get my vaccination," she told reporters in Geneva, pointing out that she has just returned from leave.
The WHO director-general stressed that she would "of course" get vaccinated and that "many of my staff" at the WHO have already taken their jabs against the A(H1N1) virus.
Many countries rolled out their vaccination programmes over the past two months, but the take-up rate has been lower than expected.
Germany said in early December it wants to sell spare vaccines to other countries, while Switzerland said in mid-December that it would give away part of its stock to developing countries and sell another part to countries that are still trying to procure vaccines.
法國法庭裁決碳稅計劃 不合法
French Court Rules Carbon Tax Plans Illegal
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 11:31
News - Highlighted News
In another blow to the UN and World Bank's ambition to set up a carbon tax scheme on the basis of fraudulent scientific evidence, the French constitutional court has ruled that government plans to introduce a tax of 17 euros on every tonne of carbon emitted from January 1st, 2010, is illegal.French Constitutional Court Rejects Carbon Tax (Update1)
By Gregory Viscusi
Dec. 30 (Bloomberg) -- France’s constitutional court rejected a proposed tax on carbon emissions, saying a web of exemptions violated the principal of equality and rendered efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions ineffective.
The government said it will make new proposals on Jan. 20.
The tax, which would have started on Jan. 1, was set at 17 euros ($24.38) per ton of carbon-dioxide emissions, President Nicolas Sarkozy said in September. To make the tax more palatable, he partially or fully exempted power plants, public transport, airlines, farming and fishing, as well as 1,018 older cement, steel and glass factories.
In all, 93 percent of all industrial carbon emissions in France would have avoided paying the full tax, the constitutional court said in a decision published on its Web site. The tax would have fallen disproportionately on fuel for heating and cars, it said.
“The court ruled that the system of exemptions, due to their extensive nature, were contrary to the objective of fighting global warming and contravene the principle of equality before the tax system,” the court said.
The court rejected all the articles relating to the carbon tax in the government’s 2010 budget.
In a statement, Prime Minister Francois Fillon said a carbon tax remains a “priority for the President of the Republic and the government.” He said changes to satisfy the constitutional court will be presented at a cabinet meeting Jan. 20.
The tax had been criticized by the Socialist-led opposition and critics in Sarkozy’s Union for a Popular Movement, who said the tax would hurt the poor and handicap employers.

UN to produce bullion coins as world currency
December 15, 7:38 PMVancouver Humanism Examiner
The announcement by the United Nations this week that it will license the minting of silver and gold bullion coins bearing the UN logo may be the button that launches metal prices into orbit.
In its wide-ranging report this fall, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) stated that the system of currencies and international banking practices within today’s economies were inadequate, and responsible for the present economic crisis. The report advocates that the present monetary system, wherein the dollar acts as the global reserve currency be re-examined “with urgency”.
The UNCTAD Report was the first time a major multinational institution had forwarded such a suggestion or measure, although a number of countries, including Russia and Brazil have supported replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency. China's central bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan has mentioned that the dollar could become a basket of currencies instead.
The UN commission dismissed such a widening, saying a multiple-country system "may be equally unstable, and not transparent."
The panel is seeking more monetary balance for developing countries, and a means for them to retain their reserves and domestic savings independent of foreign agencies and arrangements.
Panel Chair US economist Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel economics laureate, has made plain that there was "a growing consensus that there are problems with the dollar reserve system. Developing countries are lending the United States trillions dollars at almost zero interest rates when they have huge needs themselves," Stiglitz stated.
"It's indicative of the nature of the problem. It's a net transfer, in a sense, to the United States, a form of foreign aid."
A report contributor, Detlef Koffe, concluded that "Replacing the dollar with a bullion currency would solve some of the problems related to the potential of countries running large deficits and would help stability,"
US Fed spokesperson Patrick Paulsen acknowledged that there could be some strong reaction in the US to the global currency, and that it would “…be viewed as a step toward a New World Order. But those same people have probably lost patience with the money-changers as well.”
He clarified that he would “…nonetheless anticipate that the western currencies will continue to depreciate, given Asia’s ascendancy in trade and manufacturing, to find their own value and enable their economies to compete. This is a UN perogrative we cannot and should not control, it’s returning to what we had with Bretton-Woods.”
The UN decided to provide a “public option” savings currency, whereby currency mints will be licensed to mint two kinds of bullion coins the size of the 1€ coin - the Uno (silver ~$5) and the Oro (gold, ~$500). The names were adopted from the book “The Humanist”, which foresees the UN being better funded by 2015 via its licensing fees, expected to be 10-15%.
The coins have a marker chemical in them that enables their authentication and processing by modified retail ATM and exchange machines in Europe, which will be distributed globally. Any licensee, public or private, can produce such bullion coinage under contract. The United Nations is doing no more than what most countries do already, except that the value of its coins will reflect their bullion weight.
Armand Dufour of the European Bank welcomes their introduction. “People have enough Fiat currency options, government and banks cannot intrude on bullion coins – they will have their own inviolable value.”
He does have one concern, however. “If we see a dismounting from the US dollar, as is inevitable in the main view, there will be a strong move to the Oro, which may drive its price up to the point where governments will not allow its circulation; they will try to isolate it.”
“That’s when the fun begins.” he said.
聖誕奇跡:母子產時雙雙死亡 繼而復活
Christmas miracle mom and baby or just side effects of labor drugs?
January 2, 8:13 AMPregnancy Health Examiner
While there is no doubt, the blessings this family feels for having each other during the holiday season. No father should watch his wife die during childbirth and hold his stillborn son on Christmas Eve. Only to receive the wonderful miracle of having his wife and son brought back to life. However, there are some facts most mainstream media may be missing (or not revealing) to the public about this event. Here are just a few facts about maternal medicine in the United States:
The U.S.A. ranks 14th among developed nations for its maternal mortality ratio, the ratio of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, meaning 13 other countries lose less mothers within 6 weeks of childbirth than the US does per year
American women who elect epidurals are FOUR times as likely to have cesarean sections
In 2006, the United States had the second worst newborn death rate in the world
The United States currently ranks 41st for maternal and infant mortatilty rate
Of the 4.3 million babies born annually in the U.S., 5% represent natural childbirth
So what happened to Tracey Hermanstorfer to go into cardiac arrest. Here is a little history about her:
Her first two births were unmedicated, meaning she used no pitocin and no epidural
Her water broke at 33 weeks gestation this time around
The last thing she remembers is the catheter being inserted
Whenever a mother receives pitocin, a synthetic form of oxytocin which.....
聖誕奇跡:母子產時雙雙死亡 繼而復活
Christmas miracle: The mother and baby who BOTH died during labour... then came back to life
By Richard Luscombe
Last updated at 8:01 PM on 30th December 2009
A father is claiming a Christmas miracle after his wife and newborn baby apparently came back from the dead.
Mike Hermanstorfer told how his wife Tracy went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing just after being wheeled into a hospital delivery room on Christmas Eve.
Doctors performed an emergency caesarean section to try to save the baby’s life but then had to give Mr Hermanstorfer the heartbreaking news that his son had not survived either.
Miracle mum: Tracy Hermanstorfer kisses baby Coltyn
Unexplained: Mike,Tracey and Coltyn Hermanstorfer with Dr Stephanie Martin, who revived the mother she thought was
But as the sobbing father held his tiny son in his hands, he felt the boy slowly begin to move.
And at the same time Mrs Hermanstorfer, 33, began to breathe again.
Her husband said: ‘My legs went out from under me. I had everything in the world taken from me, and then suddenly everything given to me. It was the hand of God.’
Doctors at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs, Colorado, said there was no logical explanation for the sudden recovery of the mother or her baby.
Dr Stephanie Martin, a maternal foetal medicine specialist, said: ‘She was dead. She had no heartbeat, no breathing, no blood pressure. She was as grey as her sweat suit and there were no signs of life. The baby was basically limp, with a very slow heart rate.
‘We did a thorough evaluation and can’t find anything that explains why this happened.’
Mr Hermanstorfer, 37, said: ‘We are both believers but this right here, even to a non-believer, you explain to me how this happened. There is no other explanation. Half of my family was lying right there in front of me in my hands, there’s no other way to say it, but dead.’
Mr Hermanstorfer said his wife had begun to feel sleepy as she was being prepared for the delivery.
‘She literally stopped breathing and her heart stopped. I was holding her hand when we realised she was gone,’ he said. ‘I lost all feeling. Once her heartbeat stopped, I felt like mine did too.’
Doctors and nurses began CPR in an attempt to restart her heart, but Mr Hermanstorfer recalls a doctor telling him: ‘We have been unable to revive her and we’re going to take your son out.'
My Christmas miracle: Tracy Hermanstorfer with son Coltyn
Glad to be here: The rest of the Hermanstorfer family meet their new brother
They began a caesarean section to remove the baby – and did not use anaesthetic on the assumption that the mother was dead.
After the caesarean, some of the medical team stayed with Mrs Hermanstorfer to continue efforts to resuscitate her, while other doctors began massaging the baby, named Coltyn, as he lay in his father’s arms in what they thought was a vain hope of reviving him.
‘They handed him to me, he was absolutely lifeless,’ Mr Hermanstorfer said. ‘But then they actually got him started right there in my hands. That’s a feeling like no other. Life actually began in the palm of my hands.’
Dr Martin said delivering the baby could have relieved the mother’s body of the stress of labour or unblocked previously clogged blood flow to the rest of her body. Mrs Hermanstorfer, whose heart was said to have stopped for about four minutes, said she recalled nothing of the incident.
She plans to tell Coltyn about his traumatic birth when he is old enough to understand.
‘I’ll tell him everything. That he had a tough time coming into this world, that he’s my miracle baby,’ she said.
Christmas Miracle: Mom and Baby Die, Then Revive
奇蹟平安夜 母嬰死而復生
赫爾曼斯托費( Mike Hermanstorfer)和妻子特蕾茜( Tracey)及主診女醫生馬丁,透露上周四心情跌宕的經歷。馬丁指,特蕾茜當時已沒有生命迹象,面色轉灰,急救數分鐘後,為了保住胎兒,她特地棄用麻醉藥,緊急剖腹取出男嬰。

Belarus toughens Internet controls
Today at 18:02 Associated Press
Belarus' authoritarian leader promised Wednesday to toughen regulation of the Internet & its users in an apparent effort to exert control over the last fully free medium in the former Soviet state.
"We will identify any person who disseminates lies and dirt, and will make them answer strictly to the law," President Alexander Lukashenko said.
He told journalists that a new Internet bill, proposed Tuesday, will require the registration and identification of all online publications and of each Web user, including visitors to Internet cafes. Web service providers will have to report this information to police, courts and special services.
Lukashenko has ruled Berlarus with an iron fist since 1994, weeding out opposition and dissidents. All television channels and most print media have become state-controlled, and many of the independent newspapers ordered closed have taken refuge in cyberspace.
Last June, Belarus adopted a media bill that allowed the government to close Web sites without warning and imprison journalists for reproducing foreign media reports.
Lukashenko won a third term in 2006 in an election Western governments deemed fraudulent.

Belarusian President Aleksander Lukashenko promises to hunt down and punish anyone 'spreading lies and dirt' in the .by Internet zone
Contrails - 一般拖曳

Chemtrails over Miami
索馬里人在機場被捕 携有化學品和針筒
Somali arrested at airport with chemicals, syringe
By MOHAMED OLAD HASSAN, KATHARINE HOURELD and JASON STRAZIUSO, Associated Press Writers Mohamed Olad Hassan, Katharine Houreld And Jason Straziuso, Associated Press Writers – Wed Dec 30, 9:26 am ET
MOGADISHU, Somalia – A man tried to board a commercial airliner in Mogadishu last month carrying powdered chemicals, liquid and a syringe that could have caused an explosion in a case bearing chilling similarities to the terrorist plot to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner, officials told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
The Somali man — whose name has not yet been released — was arrested by African Union peacekeeping troops before the Nov. 13 Daallo Airlines flight took off. It had been scheduled to travel from Mogadishu to the northern Somali city of Hargeisa, then to Djibouti and Dubai. A Somali police spokesman, Abdulahi Hassan Barise, said the suspect is in Somali custody.
"We don't know whether he's linked with al-Qaida or other foreign organizations, but his actions were the acts of a terrorist. We caught him red-handed," said Barise.
A Nairobi-based diplomat said the incident in Somalia is similar to the attempted attack on the Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day in that the Somali man had a syringe, a bag of powdered chemicals and liquid — tools similar to those used in the Detroit attack. The diplomat spoke on condition he not be identified because he isn't authorized to release the information.
Barigye Bahoku, the spokesman for the African Union military force in Mogadishu, said the chemicals from the Somali suspect could have caused an explosion that would have caused air decompression inside the plane. However, Bahoku said he doesn't believe an explosion would have brought the plane down.
A second international official familiar with the incident, also speaking on condition of anonymity because he isn't authorized to discuss the case, confirmed that the substances carried by the Somali passenger could have been used as an explosive device.
In the Detroit case, alleged attacker Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab hid explosive PETN in a condom or condom-like bag just below his torso when he traveled from Amsterdam to Detroit. Like the captured Somali, Abdulmutallab also had a syringe filled with liquid. The substances seized from the Somali passenger are being tested.
The November incident garnered little attention before the Dec. 25 attack aboard a flight on final approach to Detroit. U.S. officials have now learned of the Somali case and are hastening to investigate any possible links between it and the Detroit attack, though no officials would speak on the record about the probe.
U.S. investigators said Abdulmutallab told them he received training and instructions from al-Qaida operatives in Yemen — which lies across the Gulf of Aden from Somalia. Similarly, large swaths of Somalia are controlled by an insurgent group, al-Shabab, which has ties to al-Qaida.
Western officials say many of the hundreds of foreign jihadi fighters in Somalia come in small boats across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen. The officials also say that examination of equipment used in some Somali suicide attacks leads them to believe it was originally assembled in Yemen.
Law enforcement officials believe the suspect in the Detroit incident tried to ignite a two-part concoction of the high explosive PETN and possibly a glycol-based liquid explosive, setting off popping, smoke and some fire but no deadly detonation. Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian national, is charged with trying to destroy an aircraft.
A Somali security official involved in the capture of the suspect in Mogadishu said he had a 1-kilogram (2.2-pound) package of chemical powder and a container of liquid chemicals. The security official said the suspect was the last passenger to try to board.
Once security officials detected the powder chemicals and syringe, the suspect tried to bribe the security team that detained him, the Somali security official said. The security official said the suspect had a white shampoo bottle with a black acid-like substance in it. He also had a clear plastic bag with a light green chalky substance and a syringe containing a green liquid. The security official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to release the information.
The powdered material had the strong scent of ammonia, Bahoku said, and samples have been sent to London for testing.
The Somali security officials said the Daallo Airlines flight was scheduled to go from Mogadishu to Hargeisa, to Djibouti and then to Dubai.
A spokeswoman for Daallo Airlines said that company officials weren't aware of the incident and would have to seek more information before commenting. Daallo Airlines is based in Dubai and has offices in Djibouti and France.
Associated Press writer Katharine Houreld reported from Baghdad. Jason Straziuso reported from Nairobi, Kenya.
31/12/2009 1:27AM
美國華府考慮在全國機場, 加裝全身掃瞄檢測器, 檢查旅客有否藏有炸藥, 以往的金屬探測器, 只能探測金屬物品 , 目前全美五百六十個機場, 只有十九個裝有這種掃瞄器, 而且屬自願性, 旅客若覺得侵犯私隱, 可拒絕接受掃瞄, 改為人手檢測. 有關安排不用通過國會立法 , 國土安全局和交通安全部授權 , 便可隨時執行.此外 , 荷蘭政府決定 , 三星期內在機場加裝全身掃瞄器, 檢查飛美國航班的乘客. 尼日利亞也將在全國機場加裝掃瞄器.尼日利亞男子穆塔拉布在聖誔日, 把炸藥收藏在褲內, 由荷蘭登機企圖炸毀一架美國客機.
