Earthbound Planet X is Now Near Jupiter
March 1, 2011
John DiNardo
The big earthquakes are coming very soon -- maybe in a few weeks. I am rather sure that Planet X is coming up into the Ecliptic from below the Ecliptic. It should now be shoulder-to-shoulder with Jupiter on one side of it, and the Asteroid Belt on the other side of it. Because X is being gravitationally sucked toward the Sun, this means that Planet X will be traveling over the top of the orbital paths, first, of the Asteroid Belt, then of Mars, then of Earth, then of Venus, then of Mercury, then over the top of the Sun and then back down over the orbital paths of these planets in the reverse order. Prepare by feeling the presence of God all day, each day. He promises to protect you from this wrecking ball which He has told us is His doing, which He has told us, in ISAIAH 63, in REVELATION, etc., is His plan, to bring people to embrace His invisible presence due to sheer fear. In PROVERBS 9:10, God spoke these words through King Solomon: "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (i.e. faith).
大地震很快要來了- 也許在幾個星期內。我頗肯定行星X正在從黃道下上來進入黃道,它現在應與木星肩到肩在它的一側,和那小行星帶在的另一邊它。由於 X正被引力吸向太陽,這意味著行星X將從軌道路徑的頂部上空飛行,首先小行星帶、然後火星、然後地球、然後金星,然後水星、然後太陽頂部的上空,及然後以相反次序回落到這些行星的軌道路徑上空。準備整天感覺神的存在,每一天;祂承諾會在這個破壞的球保護你,那祂已告訴我們是他所做的,那他已告訴我們在以賽亞書63、在啟示錄中等等是他的計劃,由於純粹的恐懼去帶人們擁抱他的無形存在;在箴言9:10上帝通過所羅門王說這些話:“敬 畏 耶 和 華 、 是 智 慧 的 開 端 “(即是信心)。
Nibiru?? 新行星被發現 - 四倍木星大小!
日本東北部8.9級強震引發的海嘯吞沒海邊住宅區 +Haarp圖 (極移影響?)
三月11日至23日的事件?! 3月8日 預測貼中3月11日地震