

超級核颱風?大型風暴可能在本週接近福島 - 當前陣風每小時195哩

超級核颱風?大型風暴可能在本週接近福島 - 當前陣風每小時195哩
Nuclear Super Typhoon? Massive storm may approach Fukushima this weekend — Current gusts of 195 mph
May 26th, 2011 at 04:58 PM

最新消息:美國海軍的預測顯示,超強颱風可能襲擊福島電廠 - 東京電力公司“仍在考慮颱風措施“
UPDATE:  US Navy forecast shows super typhoon may hit Fukushima plant — TEPCO “still considering typhoon measures”

Super typhoon churns through Pacific, threatens Okinawa, CNN, May 26, 2011:

Super Typhoon Songda ripped across the western Pacific on Thursday, dropping heavy rain on the Philippines and threatening Okinawa and the Japanese main islands with rain and damaging winds into the weekend.
Songda was a Category 5 storm late Thursday, with maximum sustained winds of 161 mph and gusts of 195 mph, according to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The storm was producing wave heights of 38 feet in the Pacific, forecasters said.
The forecast track for Songda put it over Okinawa on Saturday night as a Category 2 storm, with maximum sustained winds of 109 mph and gusts up 132 mph. [...]
Tropical Cyclone Information, Japan Meteorological Agency, May 26, 2011:
Typhoon Songda brings floods, snarls traffic in Philippines,  Bloomberg News by Cecilia Yap and Joel Guinto, May 25, 2011:
[ ...] The typhoon may pass over the main island of Honshu, including Fukushima prefecture where Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s crippled nuclear plant is located, according to the forecast. The storm is expected to weaken before reaching Japan.

Engineers at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear station are trying to cool reactors and stop radiation leaks after the plant was hit by a March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

(商台)2011年5月27日 星期五 14:51
超強颱風桑達,集結在高雄東南面,以時速約二十公里,橫過呂宋海峽,靠近台灣 以東海域,台東縣政府已成立颱風災害應變中心。來往台東、綠島及蘭嶼之間的渡輪,今明兩日停航。台灣的氣象局說,雖然桑達不會直接影響台灣陸地,但外圍環流已經為宜蘭礁溪、南澳、蘇澳、羅東及新北市坪林地區,帶來五十毫米雨量。預測東北部及北部山區,會落大雨落。


