

布勞沃德縣的死人不再講故事: 三名新近的告密者結果死亡

布勞沃德縣的死人不再講故事: 三名新近的告密者結果死亡
Dead Men Tell No Tales in Broward County: 3 Recent Whistleblowers Who Ended Up DEAD

Opening your mouth in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s district has been proven to be quite hazardous to one’s health.

For decades, the county has regularly been a hot zone for election-night chaos in both statewide and national races, including the infamous 2000 presidential election. Years of problems have only slapped additional coats of paint on the county’s sordid reputation as a black hole for ballots. Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes, the target of Scott’s legal action, has been accused in recent years of illegally destroying ballots and mismanagement. –Washington Post

Controversies arise regularly in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s 23rd district and those who seek justice sometimes meet an untimely demise.

Below are the stories of 3 men who dared challenge the establishment and soon after paid with their lives.

Whisenant was a federal prosecutor that was murdered in 2017 while investigating voter fraud. Biz Pac Review reported:

A federal prosecutor from the U.S. attorney’s office in Miami who happened to be investigating voter fraud has been found dead along a Hollywood Florida beach, and it’s being investigated as a homicide.

According to Hollywood police spokeswoman Miranda Grossman, although the “investigation is still very preliminary,” 37-year-old Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. likely suffered a head wound from a gunshot or other direct trauma. His body was found by a passerby washed up on the Hollywood beach shore south of Magnolia Terrace. It isn’t clear where the victim actually died.

For now, the FBI’s Miami office is referring all questions related to Whisenant’s death to Hollywood police, but if the death is found to be retaliatory or related to a case Whisenant was working on, standard procedure would mean the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office aggressively working together on the case.

News spread quickly on social media that Whisenant was involved in a recent fraud probe involving the DNC, though none of the news reports mentioned that as fact.

A graduate of the University of Florida law school, Whisenant has been a member of the Florida Bar since 2004, joining the U.S. attorney’s office in January 2017 in the major crimes section.

His office happens to be in Congressman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s district.

Broward County Deputy Jason Fitzsimons

