


Are all pharmaceuticals designed for population control?

Natural News) What’s the fourth leading cause of death in the United States? Don’t guess heart attacks, cancer, respiratory disease, strokes, diabetes, or traffic accidents. It’s death by prescription. That’s right, doctors in America are pushing “legal” drugs and people are taking them as prescribed and still falling off like flies. On average every year in America, there are about 40,000 deaths from motor vehicle wrecks, another 40,000 from firearm-related deaths, and then there are nearly 130,000 drug overdose deaths. Now, we know what you’re thinking. It’s just a bunch of suicides and junkies taking too many hard core street drugs. Nope. Wrong.

The CDC attributes the massive spike in overdose deaths to our nation’s exploding opioid addiction. Could that be the main reason the U.S. is still engaged in a “war” in Afghanistan? The poppy farming and distribution has also massively spiked since “W” Bush invaded the world’s home to heroin production. Now, Big Pharma in the United States is one huge cabal, and the drug dealers are medical doctors who scribble their signature on a piece of paper that propels one of the most dangerous addictions on planet earth – diluted heroin.

Two of every three Americans takes at least one prescribed drug regularly – all experimental “prescription” chemicals that are extremely dangerous

New drug approvals are at an all-time high. They’re fast tracked through the FDA (Fraud and Death Administration) and stamped for approval by the pharma mafia who participate in the FDA’s revolving door – back and forth from the cabal (Merck, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Eli Lilly, Sanofi, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, etc) to approving drugs that make them filthy rich. Nobody gets busted for insider trading at the FDA or working for Big Pharma.

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As the opioid overdose epidemic sweeps across America, killing children, teens, young adults, rich folks, old folks, and anybody who partakes, health care providers make no attempt to regulate the abuse, in fact, they perpetuate it. Doctors and pharmacists alike cross-prescribe drugs for conditions that the drugs aren’t even tested or marketed for, if that even mattered in the first place.

Doctors prescribe more drugs to treat the horrific side effects of the drugs patients are already addicted to and dying from. People take their friend’s prescribed drugs, visit multiple doctors, then deal prescription drugs at school and college. The FDA can’t even keep up with all the adverse events reported, and when people are prescribed a dozen different medications, nobody knows what the hell is really wrong with them anymore.

Prescription drugs are a prescription for an early death, just as the quack allopathic “doctors ordered”

In 2018, 130,000 people will die as a result of taking medications as prescribed by their doctor. These are supposedly medical professionals who are just winging it now. Even though they all went to medical school for eight years, all they do is scribble out multiple prescriptions for experimental concoctions.

