

曝光: 墮天使科技築起邪魔般的電氣化石墨烯 - 碳聖殿企業

曝光: 墮天使科技築起邪魔般的電氣化石墨烯 - 碳聖殿企業
Exposed: Fallen Angel Technology Erecting the Demonically Electrified Graphene-Carbon Temple Enterprise

In case you missed the foundational article for today's article I am providing the link.  Each can be read as stand alone, but are much better in context:


Rarely do the dots converge in a timely panorama before us.  This is one of those times but we must peer into the world of darkness and wickedness. To understand why our world is transforming into an inhospitable environment we must, ever so briefly, examine the those who have tapped into fallen angel technologies and who are integrating ideologies such as GAIA and sorcery into the fiber of our reality.

CERN is not about black holes, God particles, or Higgs Boson particles. The bottom line is that the Scientist, esoterics, witches, and futurists want strangelets the revealed at CERN to turn the earth into a neutron star and so they can evolve through determinism into spirit beings.

It is unlikely that the amount of strangelets produced thus far that have freefall to earth's core will cause us to turn into a neutron star in the next few weeks, but if they push the envelope it could precipitate massive earthquakes around the world.

What else can one say?  Look up!  Your redemption draweth nigh!

Especially during the holiday season it is our nature to prefer to attend a house of feasting than a house of mourning, peering into dark shadows, but Holy Scripture says:

It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.  Ecclesiastes 7:2

Image Access:  Anthony Patch

And so, it is time that we must mourn for this season.  What is the connection between the Ethereum City, graphene, CERN, nanoparticles, AI, geo-engineering, GMO, increase in witchcraft, and all those things that have bewildered and vexed many of us for decades now?  Why are 'they' doing this to our planet we want to scream!

 Peering into Lucis Trust
Lucis is a form of the Latin word, lux, and means ‘Light’

Lucifer means “light bearer” and has come to be used in various forms such as lucid (clear) and elucidate (to make clear), as luminescent and illuminate or even Illuminate.

But what is the relation between Lucifer, Lucis and Lucent? They are simply different terms for the same thing, the same being. Many companies are using terms related to Lucis and Lucent because they are emphasizing a product that pertains to light, in one way or another. Now, when corporations, companies, products use the term Lucifer it becomes clearer that they mean business. Of course, Lucifer, Lucis or Lucent, they could all be Satanic.

A simple example of the relation between Lucifer and Lucis is that Foster and Alice Bailey established the Lucifer Publishing Co. but later “changed” the name to Lucis Trust. We say “changed” in quote because it is only a change in the eyes of those who do not think about such things. Their goal is to being the world together into one unit via occult.  Dark magic is embedded in very strategic locations such as:

  • New LucisArt-(image enhancement software for photographers and artists)
  • LUCIS-(provides church accounting software for your church’s accounting!?!?)
  • Lucis Healthy Marketplace
  • Lucis - Arcane School-Educating initiates into Dark Arts
  • The Lucis Mission-(referring to “Land-Use Conflict Identification Strategy”)
  • LUCIS Islam & Society / LUCIS Leiden University Centre-The Islam connection

God created the heavens and the earth filled the earth with His handiwork, including mankind.  The universe, earth, man and animal are electrical in nature.

Science is just beginning to understand how the electrical processes of the brain, nervous system, heart, and blood nevertheless certain scientists and philosophers through fallen angel technology are striving to bridge the connection between mankind and his environment.  Scientists and researchers are developing an electrical intermediary between the microcosm, macrocosm, and consciousness.  When finally admitted entrance, the realization that a cosmic bloodstream circulates throughout all that lives and breathes which includes the environment of the cosmos will help to transfer the concept of universal brotherhood of man from mere romanticism to hard scientific fact.

In the words of occultist H.P. Blavatsky, the way in which the universe initiates and coordinates its building processes is:

