


As Biblical End Times Signs Appear, We Remember This Warning From The Patriarch Of The Russian Orthodox Church: 'If Evil Prevails, The End Times Will Be Upon Us'

- Urged Mankind To 'Stop The Movement Towards The End Of History's Abyss'

While the story over at the Mirror that Steve Quayle and the Drudge Report linked to Saturday reports that THREE recent signs that signal Biblical prophecies about the 'end of the world' and the Return of the Messiah have come true in recent months, visiting story after story across the internet recently shows our world has gone mad as we arrive at what some believe to be this very late hour.

As one of the top rated comments seen below which was left on this horrifying story over at the Daily Mail points out, after a 15-year old Florida boy had been charged with murdering his mother after they argued about a 'D' grade on his report card, with the 'trigger' being her calling his father about it:

Something has gone wrong in today's society. I would have never thought to kill my parents no matter what they said or did to me. My son is 21 and he would have never thought to even call me a bad name, much less kill me when I punished him. It's like society is soulless. How and when did this happen?

As we've previously reported on ANP, what we've witnessed happening to America is nothing less than 'luciferian inversion'. With the mainstream media and many politicians in America, along with most of the Democratic party followers, now embracing what is 'evil' as 'goodness' while outright rejecting 'goodness' as being 'evil', the left's descent into insanity has been swift if not yet complete.

Take, for instance, the satanic practice of baby murder embraced as 'every day normal' as William B Stoecker reported in this October 30th ANP story. Planned Parenthood is celebrated, put on a pedestal by the democrats, despite their ritualistic butchering of over 3,000 lives of the most innocent souls every day all across America. 

And as we've previously reported on ANP, much of the left's descent into madness has to do with the massive 'indoctrination' that has gone on within the Democratic party, with the very leaders of the Democrats from California having socialized politically with the Reverend Jim Jones of the Jonestown massacre fame. Calling Democrats a 'cult' in 2018 cuts much closer to the truth than the 'cult leaders' would ever want us to know.

As Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, said back in January of 2018, "the normalization of evil" that we're now witnessing across America and throughout much of the entire planet could lead to the very downfall of humanity, the apocalypse and 'end times'. Patriarch Kirill also recently urged mankind to "stop the movement towards the end of history’s abyss." From our January story on his warning: 

As Patriarch Kirill told us, never before have evil and righteousness been put upon the same level as we are witnessing now and the Patriarch issues this firm warning, "if evil prevails, the end times will be upon us."

When asked about the apocalypse and if 'the end is near' and what would bring about such a scenario, Patriarch Kirill tells us "In the case when the human society stops to be viable, when the resources to exist will be exhausted which would happen in the case when we have absolute dominance of evil". Warning us that evil is not viable and in cases where systems are taken over by evil, those systems will fall, Kirill continues "If evil drives away good from human society, then the end will come".

When asked by the interviewer "why do we have to talk about this today?", Patriarch Kirill replies "Because we are now living through a special period in history. Never before did human society put good and evil on the same level. There were attempts to justify evil but never to say that good and evil are relative and not absolute truths. People's perception of good and evil was that they were absolute truth. But today they are relative. When can evil unrestrainedly grow in human society? EXACTLY when this point of view that good and evil are the same triumphs globally. And we are currently not at the beginning of this process but a certain amount of time has passed. History as we know it is exhausted, so how can the church keep silent? How can it avoid sending up an alarm? How can it avoid warning that we are on a very dangerous path of self-annihilation? If the church will not say this than who will?"


