

剪除人類的全球主義計劃現在開始: "無用食客"定要毀滅,全球主義者表示

剪除人類的全球主義計劃現在開始: "無用食客"定要毀滅,全球主義者表示
The globalist plan to exterminate humanity begins now: “Useless eaters” must be eliminated, say globalists

Natural News) Far beyond the distractions of political bickering and cultural trends, the big, big picture that’s unfolding across our world right now is a plan to exterminate 90% of the current human population in order to “save” the planet and protect what globalists see as the future of human survival on a cosmic scale.

This plan is under way now due to two very important developments:

#1) The rise of robotic systems that can replace human labor, eliminating the need for a world of impoverished human workers whose only reason for existence — from the point of view of the globalists — was to be exploited for cheap labor and manipulated votes.

If you aren’t yet aware that robots are replacing human labor, you’re way behind the curve. As this Zero Hedge story shows, heavy duty robots are already being introduced that can replace human labor in construction and other similar jobs.

Critically, the reason Democrats and globalists are ready to replace low-wage humans with robots is because robots will be granted voting rights. Once robots are granted voting rights under the justification that AI is “conscious,” Democrats will have no more need for humans, migrant waves or Third World populations. They will simply program all the robots to vote Democrat in every election… which, originally, isn’t far from what’s being done right now with human voters.


#2) Entitlement payouts to humans are draining government resources that globalists believe should be spent on space colonization, space weaponization, faster-than-light (FTL) travel technology and other exotic tech systems that can defend human civilization against cosmic threats.

Thanks to the socialist policies of Leftists, so many people are now collecting entitlements that governments now see the masses as an unsustainable financial burden. If the masses were eliminated, governments that were on the path to financial insolvency could suddenly achieve balanced budgets and remain solvent (rather than collapsing under endless debt spending). This is especially true when considering the robot replacement of human workers, given that robots collect no welfare, food stamps workers comp, sick days or retirement benefits. Once robots can replace all the benefits of human labor without all the costs associated with human entitlements, the globalists will very quickly accelerate their plan to exterminate what they see as “excess humans.”

(See my full, accompanying Counterthink video below, which explains this in more detail.)

Part of the elitist justification for all this rests on the fact that globalists believe Earth is a vulnerable planet for multiple reasons, including space weather events (asteroid strikes, solar flares, etc.) as well as the human depletion of natural resources. The elimination of 90% of the human population, they believe, is necessary to prevent the planet’s resources from being consumed by “useless eaters” instead of being redirected into exotic research projects that would shore up the survival of the human species and protect against cosmic events that, right now, could wipe out humanity in an instant.

Specifically, globalists believe that Earth’s elitists must:

Colonize other planets in order to diversify the survival odds of the human race. Ultimately, this colonization must move beyond our solar system and build human worlds near other stars.
Build faster-than-light travel systems to colonize planets orbiting other stars within our galaxy.
Build exotic planetary defense systems that protect Earth from attacks by other civilizations that they know inhabit the cosmos.
Achieve breakthrough leaps in Artificial Intelligence, quantum computing and materials science that enable, for example, the construction of space elevators — a necessary breakthrough for lifting materials into orbit to support the construction of human colonies on Mars and elsewhere.
The current situation where Earth’s governments are spending the vast majority of their wealth paying for “useless eaters” to continue living and reproducing isn’t a sustainable scenario, globalists believe. Thus, they see the extermination of 90% of the human population as a necessary evil in order to save the world and save humanity on a cosmic scale. (It almost reminds you of Thanos from the Marvel universe, a powerful cosmic being who travels around the universe exterminating half the population on each planet he encounters, all in the name of sustainability.)

In essence — and this is not my point of view, but theirs — every dollar that’s currently going to feed a food stamp recipient, process a migrant or finance the retirement of a former government worker would be better spent on colonizing Mars, the globalists believe. All their current talk of advocating for migrants is merely a way to overthrow sovereign nations, eliminate borders and establish global United Nations control from which global depopulation can be directed without resistance from independent nation states (i.e. Trump is the enemy).

One coming conflict, by the way, will be between this UN-directed global government and communist China, which is about to face its own economic and environmental collapse. Brexit is also playing a role here, throwing a huge delay into the globalism plan.

How globalists plan to exterminate 90% of the human race
The extermination plan rests on the “accidental / on purpose” release of an engineered bioweapon viral strain. Such bioweapons offer several distinct advantages to extermination efforts, from the point of view of globalists:



