

Q匿名靜了22天: 我們是否正在看著風暴前的平靜?

Q匿名靜了22天: 我們是否正在看著風暴前的平靜?
Q-Anon Silent For 22 Days: Are We Seeing The Calm Before The Storm?

The Facts: Q-Anon, which many believe is the voice of the Alliance attempting to take down the Deep State, has not made a post in over 3 weeks. But Q-Anon's last post provides tantalizing clues as to what may be coming next.

Reflect On: Are we in the calm before the storm that will lead to the takedown of the Deep State? If so, what is our personal role in all this?

So where is the calm? Well, one could say that Donald Trump appears to be fairly calm amidst all this activity. And the motor behind Donald Trump’s dealings with all these matters–which many believe are revealed in the famed Q-Anon posts–appears to be idling at the moment. Indeed, Q-Anon has not made a post since October 9th, a full three weeks ago. But Q’s very last post may help us understand why things are eerily quiet on the patriot front, in a way that may foreshadow what is to come. Let’s break it down here.

