Washington Monument's connection to the devil
by Newton2012 »
January 13th, 2010, 1:09 am
Translation by Autumnson Blog
"Now the last age by Cumae’s Sibyl sung Has come and gone, and the majestic roll Of circling centuries begins anew: Justice returns, returns old Saturn’s reign, With a new breed of men sent down from heaven. Only do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom The iron shall cease, the golden race arise, Befriend him, chaste Lucina; ‘tis thine own Apollo reigns." Virgil’s Eclogue IV, line 5
“現在由Cumae的女預言家所唱的最後年代已來卻又走了,和盤旋世紀的雄偉滾動重新開始:正義回來了,回來老土星的統治,用從天上送下來的新品種男人。只有你,在男孩的出生其中鐵將停止,金色的種族出現,和他交朋友,貞潔的盧西納; 阿波羅統治擁有你的服務貿易。“維吉爾的牧歌四第5行
With Tom Horn's revealing of the 36-cubed Magic Square’s numerology—111, 555, and 666, which binds the Bible in the base of the Washington Obelisk, the great time-line spoken by the Cumaean prophetess can be seen in relation to it. The great numeric secret of the mystery school concerned these numbers. For example: Since the magic square of the sun has 36 numbers arranged in 36 squares the number 72 is produced. 72 is quintessentially Pythagorian. Pythagoras has been called the father of "symbolic Freemasonry". It is said that he would offer an apple to initiates of his school. Those considered worthy of further teaching would halve the apple at its equator revealing the organic pentagram within.
用湯康的36立方的幻方數字學的揭示 - 111、555、666,那在基華盛頓方尖碑的基部中與聖經有密切關係,Cumaean先知所講的偉大時間線可以看到與它有關。該神秘學校的偉大數字秘密關係到這些數字。例如:由於太陽的幻方有36個數字被安排在36個正方形,數字 72產生。 72是典型地信奉畢達哥拉斯學說者。畢達哥拉斯已被稱為“象徵性共濟會”的父親,據說他會提供一個蘋果給他學校的接受初步知識者。那些被認為值得進一步教授的,會在赤道減去蘋果的一半,揭示內裡有組織的五角星。

The 5 points of the pentagram, each 72 degrees apart produced a formula for the time-cycle spoken by the priestess of Apollo, known as the precession of the equinox.
5 times 72 equals 360. Further more, 360 times 72 equals 25,920... the exact number of years in one cycle of the precession.The duration of the precession was known by all of antiquity's illuminated elite. It was an important component of their religious infrastructure. In fact, the precession marked the destruction and re-birth of world civilizations, the most important of which was the first, before the flood of Noah. It was said that that the knowledge of civilization itself had been bestowed to man by gods that descended from heaven. The understanding of the precession was said to have come from the gods themselves.
5 x 72等於 360;更進一步,360 x 72等於 25,920 ...正確的年數在一個歲差的週期,所有古代的光明會精英都知道歲差的持續時間,是他們的宗教基礎設施一個重要的組成部分。事實上,歲差標誌著世界文明的破壞和重新誕生,其中最重要的是首先,在諾亞的洪水前,據說文明本身的知識已經由從天而降的眾神賜予人類。歲差的理解據說是來自眾神自己。
For the Egyptians, the "Zep Tepi" (the first time) recounted this genesis of humanity from primitive wanderers to communities organized under the patronage of the gods. The heavenly markers of this event included the milky way and the two points in which the line that the planets traced across the sky (the ecliptic) cut across it. The ecliptic crosses the milky way at opposite sides, between Gemini and Taurus and between Sagittarius and Aquarius. This later crossing place is the most important. It is where the milky way galaxy's center lies. This center resembles a "serpent eating it's tail", an Ouroboros. In Hebrew cosmology, this symbol is "Leviathan" literally (Levi - tan, a connected serpent).
對於埃及人,“Zep Tepi”(第一次)講述這人類的創始,在眾神的恩惠下從原始的流浪漢們成為社區。這事件的天上標記包括銀河和那兩位置,在其線內行星越過天空(黃道)追踪並徹底遍及它的各處。黃道在對立面交叉銀河而過,在雙子座和金牛座之間及與射手座和水瓶座之間,這後來跨越的地方是最重要的,它是銀河系的中心所在地。這中心類似“大蛇吃自己的尾巴”,一條大毒蛇。在希伯來語宇宙學,這個符號的字面上是“利維坦(巨輪)”(利維 - 坦,一條連接的大蛇)。
Sagittarius, the centaur, draws an arrow in his bow directly at the dividing point of Leviathan. The Greek word for arrow is obolus, meaning "pointed, arrow or pertaining to the shooting of arrows". This is the root origin for the word "Obelisk" translated by the Latins into sagitta.
射手座、半人馬座在在他的弓畫出一枝箭直接在利維坦的分界點。箭的希臘字是 obolus,意思是“尖頭的、箭或與箭射擊相關的“。這是單詞“方尖塔Obelisk“的根源由拉丁人翻譯成矢。
Greek myth explains that the centaur Cheiron, the tutor of Hercules, had been taught archery by Apollo himself and the arrow (obelus) in Sagittarius' bow was a gift from Apollo.
From here the Washington Monument obelisk takes on advanced meaning. Not only is it the regenerative organ of Apollo, but it is also the time-marking arrow that points to the end of the Aions. It combines the prophecy of Apollo's priestess of when "the majestic roll Of circling centuries begins anew" with the identity of the god that will arise when that cycle ends. The sun's count of days is the natural clockwork for measuring time. It is the deity of the sun, Apollo whose return is timed by its rising and setting.
On December 21st, 2012, the sun will rise in the center of the milkyway where Leviathan bites its tail. The arrow of Apollo marks this time both in heaven and on earth at Washington DC.

Apollo as the 'sun god' has his magic square, the numbers 1 through 36 arranged in 6 rows of 6. Each row added together equals 111. All rows added together equal 666. Since this magic square is incorporated into the Washington monument "obelisk", the symbolism clearly indicates the intended incarnation of the sun god Apollo.
There is more time-based information in these numbers however. The precession occurs due to the slow rotation of the earth's celestial axis. This axis is 23.3 (mean average) from perpendicular to the earth's orbit around the sun.
If one takes the length of precession 25,920 divided by 23.3 the result is 1,111.
The magic square number (36 x 72)= 2,592 divided by 23.3 is 111... or the total of the numbers in each row of the square.
The name Apollyon in Greek equals 1461. This is the number of the sides of a square times the number of days in a solar year, 365.25 x 4.
The difference between the biblical year count (360 days) and the solar year count (365.25 days) in one cycle of precession 25,920 is 378 years.
378 x 2 = 756 (the length of one side of the Great Pyramid)
378 x 3 = 1135 (360 x 3.15 'PI rounded')
378 x 4 = 1512 ( the gematria of 'revelation' in Greek) The square root of 1512 is the exact latitude of the Washington Monument, 38.88 degrees north.
378 x 8 = 3024 (the perimeter of the Great Pyramid)
Apollo, like other Greek deities, had a number of epithets applied to him, chief among them Phoebus ("shining one"), which was very commonly used by both the Greeks and Romans in Apollo's role as the god of light and the sun. Apollo's most common attributes were the bow and arrow. As a god of archery, Apollo was known as Aphetoros ("god of the bow") Aει-βάλλων Aeballon ("ever-shooting" and Argurotoxos ("with the silver bow"). The Romans referred to Apollo as Articenens ("carrying the bow") as well.
The connection between obelisks, money and Apollo:
The great Dionysiak myth 375-379 Robert Brown - 1877
Meteorites, fallen from heaven, were worshiped in antiquity as arrows from the sun god. As these were often composed of iron nickel they were fashioned into arrow points.
偉大的Dionysiak神話375-379羅伯特布朗 - 1877

Understanding that the first denomination of exchange was the obelisk, the origin of another extremely recognized name in the bible surfaces.
In Greek the name devil (diabolos) is spelled
Διaβολος meaning "opposing the cause of God, to act the part of the devil or to side with him" Strong's G1228. This is derived from diaballō, to throw or shoot over or across, to send over (from dia "through" and ballow "to hurl or throw")Strong's G1225
The Greek word for the monetary unit diobolus is spelled;
ΔιoβολοςDiabolos and Diobolos are virtually the same etymological framework, connected to Apollo's arrows.
The Greeks believed that the Milky way was a passageway for souls to enter Hades.The gate for entering the next life was at the dividing point indicated by Cherion's obolus, pointed at the mouth of the connected serpent. In order to gain entry, the deceased had to provide two obolus that had been provided at their burial, placed over each eye.
HERACLES. Ah! that's a long journey. First you will reach the edge of the
vast, deep mere of Acheron.
And how am I to cross?
HERACLES. There is an ancient ferryman, Charon by name, who will pass you
over in his little boat for a diobolus.
DIONYSUS. Oh! what power the diobolus has the whole world through! But however has it
got as far as that?
HERACLES. 'Twas Theseus who introduced its vogue. After that you
will see snakes and all sorts of fearful monsters ...
The Frogs Aristophanes 405 B.C.E
This explains a great part of the mystery surrounding the mark of the beast and the number of his name. It is intimately connected with Apollyon and the creation of money itself. It also shows the time-based nature of the obelisk pointing out the dividing point of the connected serpent, where the dead pass into eternal life or eternal damnation. "Oh! what power the diobolus has the whole world through!"
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows". 1Ti 6:10
A couple more points I've discovered:
Revelation 9:11 provides the name of the angel of the abyss that releases a plague of locusts on the earth "Apollyon".
As a plague god Apollo was known as Parnopius ("locust"). The word locust appears in 9 chapters of the bible 11 times.
As Apollyon equals 1461 in Greek it is more than significant that the greatest symbol ever erected in his honor "the Washington monument" stands 555 feet high. It marks the ultimate point in the future when Apollo will rise to his most 'diabolical' height.
555 + 1461 = 2016
...and 1461 was the year of the end of the Holy Roman Empire.
The number 555 has particular meaning in the bible. It is found to equal:
"Discerning"... "The Rulers"... "The kingdoms of nations [Is 13.4]"
Sibyl's Cave, Cuma, Italy
意大利Cuma 女預言家的洞
神秘之地- 華盛頓美國國會大廈(上)
神秘之地- 華盛頓美國國會大廈(下)