

神秘之地- 華盛頓美國國會大廈 (下)

神秘之地- 美國國會大廈(下)
Mystical Sites – U.S. Capitol

Alchemical Meaning
Alchemy is both a philosophy and a practice with an aim of achieving ultimate wisdom as well as immortality, involving the improvement of the alchemist as well as the making of several substances described as possessing unusual properties.
The ultimate goal of alchemy is the achievement of the “Great Work” which is the transmutation of base metals into gold or, esoterically, the transmutation of men into gods. The painting reflects this harmony between the elements of alchemy, which are air, fire, water and earth who are embodied respectively by Hermes, Vulcan, Ceres and Poseidon. George Washington himself is portrayed in a similar fashion as the figure of “Alchemy” on the very esoteric Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral.
煉金術的最終目標是達成“偉大的工作”,它是基本金屬的嬗變成為黃金,或秘傳地,男人的嬗變成為神。畫作反映這一種煉金術元素之間的和諧,它們是空氣、火、水和土,分別 賦予形體為愛馬仕,火神,谷神星和波塞冬。喬治華盛頓本人以類似的方式被描繪為“煉金術”的 一位名人在非常深奧的聖母院巴黎聖母院上。

“Alchemy” on Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral
(這知名撒旦圖像是我加上去的,其中一個掉轉左右和下面的圖比對一下他們的姿勢! ) Washington pointing towards a book

“In alchemical symbolism Washington’s throne is the Seat of Wisdom. He is comparable to Alchemy on the Seal of the Great Work at Notre Dame Cathedral. Commenting on this seal in The Mystery of the Cathedrals, Fulcanelli says Alchemy is represented by a woman with her head ‘in’ the clouds. Seated on a throne, she holds in her left hand a scepter, the sign of royal power, while her right hand supports two books, one closed (esotericism), the other open (exotericism). Supported between her knees and running up her body is a the scala philosphorum — the ladder of the philosophers — also known as the scala dei or stairway to heaven. Like Alchemy, George Washington is in the clouds. Instead of a scepter he has a downturned sword. He directs us to an open book. This is the book of light, the book of heavenly secrets. What are these secrets?”
-W. Henry, Freedom’s Gate
“在煉金術的象徵主義,華盛頓的寶座是智慧的座位,他媲美在巴黎聖母院的偉大工作的印上面的煉金術。教堂的神秘論到這印,Fulcanelli說,煉金術是由一位她的頭'在'雲內的女人作代表;坐在一寶座上,她在左手握有王權跡象的權杖,同時她的右手支持兩本書,一本緊閉(祕傳),另一本敞開(exotericism)。在她兩膝之間支持的和從她身體走上的是梯的 philosphorum - 哲學家的梯 - 亦以梯的蒙主或天國的階梯知名。似煉金術,喬治華盛頓是在雲中,代替權杖的是一把轉下的劍,他指示我們去一本打開的書,這本是光之書,天堂的秘密的書,什麼是這些秘密呢?“

The Crypt
Directly under the dome, on the floor below is the Capitol’s crypt. It comprises 40 Doric columns sustaining the floor above. At the center of this circle of columns is a brass compass star which is the literal center of Washington DC.
All street addresses in Washington DC are attributed in relation to this star. If you’ve read the other “Mystical Sites” articles concerning the Manitoba Legislative Building and the Supreme Court of Israel, you’ll notice that all of these buildings feature a crypt with columns placed in a circular fashion with a star at the center of them, directly aligned with the top of the dome. This distinctive feature present in those modern day Masonic temples hold a special significance.

Washington’s Tomb

Under the crypt is Washington’s Tomb. His body is however in Mount Vernon due to a legal battle. One might argue however that the tomb was meant to be empty…a little like Jesus Christ’s was. Washington is not a man but a god.

Misc Items
It is impossible to include all of the Capitol’s noteworthy features in a single article but here are some interesting photos.

Rejected Washington Statue
This sculpture depicting a bare chested and fiery Washington (modeled after Zeus of Olympia) was meant to be put on display at the Capitol. It caused controversy and made people uncomfortable in very Christian, very puritan early America. Nobody really understood why they had to look at a naked Washington. They also did not understand why he was portrayed as a pagan god. It is now in the Smithsonian.

Rejected Embarrassing Sculpture
This was created by the same mastermind who brought us the above Washington-Zeus-Baphomet sculpture, Horatio Greenough. It depicts a strong White reasonable man subduing a crazy savage Indian. The strong White man, who is about 2 times his size, is saying to him “Shhh, it’s O.K. puny savage, your misery is over. Our great civilization will take good care of you”. This non-offensive work is appropriately called “The Rescue” and was placed in the Capitol’s Rotunda for a while. It is now in storage and reportedly in bad condition.
這是由相同的策劃者所創造,他給我們帶來了上面的華盛頓 - 宙斯- 掖雕塑,Hartio Greenough,它描述了一個強壯白種合理的人征服一個瘋狂兇猛的印第安人。那強壯的白人,約2倍他的體積,正在對他說:“噓,它是冇問題,弱小野蠻的,你的苦難已過去,我們偉大的文明將好好照顧你。"這種非侵犯性的作品是恰當地被稱為“拯救”,和擺在國會大廈的圓形大廳一段時間,現在被儲存和據說情況惡劣。

Prayer Room Window

In 1955, a prayer room was set up next to the Capitol’s rotunda. The window depicts the god-man Washington praying and contains some other interesting symbols you might recognize..
在1955年,一個祈禱室設立在國會大廈旁的圓形大廳;窗口描述了祈禱中的神人華盛頓,並包括一些您可能認識的其它有趣符號, ..

The Apotheosis of Lincoln

To Conclude
Simply put, the Capitol is America’s ceremonial center. It is where Americans celebrate their new President’s inauguration and where they morn morn those who’ve deceased. Whether we are witnessing Obama marching up the 33 steps to the Capitol after his inauguration or seeing Gerald Ford’s casket on display under “The Apotheosis”, all rituals are fully permeated with occult symbolism. It is simply impossible to understand this country, its rulers and their philosophy without understanding their Masonic origin.
Related Reading
“Freedom’s Gate” by Willam Henry and Dr. Mark Gray
Related Posts:
Sinister Sites – Israel Supreme Court
Sinister Sites – The Manitoba Legislative Building

華盛頓特區派發女用避孕套更新時間 2010年 3月 6日, 格林尼治標準時間20:47








Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed Part 1/8
煉金術 - 神聖的秘蜜揭露1/8


神秘之地- 華盛頓美國國會大廈 (上)

神秘之地- 法國布拉尼亞克的光明會金字塔






光明會的秩序:它的起源、它的方法和對世界事件的影響 (3) - 滲透共濟會和法國大革命
