


Hormones in U.S. Beef Linked to Cancer Risk

Thursday, March 25, 2010 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Beef produced in the United States contains dangerously high levels of natural and synthetic hormones, warns Dr. Samuel S. Epstein of the Cancer Prevention Coalition.
According to Epstein, more than half of all beef cows slaughtered in the United States each year have been treated with either the natural hormones estrogen, progesterone or testosterone, or the synthetic hormones melengesterol, trenbolone or zeranol. Hormone-emitting pellets are implanted under each cow's ear when it enters the feedlot, then again 50 days later. After another 50 days, the cow is slaughtered.
據愛潑斯坦,每年在美國屠宰的肉牛超過半數接受治療,不是以自然的荷爾蒙雌激素、孕激素或睾酮,就是以合成荷爾蒙 melengesterol、崙諾,或玉米赤黴醇。當牛隻進入飼養場,激素放射顆粒會被植入在每頭牛的耳下,然後在50天以後再次,再過 50天後牛隻被屠宰。
The hormones cause the cows to rapidly put on weight, leading to approximately $80 more profit per animal.
激素導致牛隻迅速增加體重,導致每頭牲畜約多 80元的利潤。
"Not surprisingly, but contrary to longstanding claims by the [FDA] and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), residues of these hormones in meat are up to 20-fold higher than normal," Epstein said in a press release. "Still higher residues result from the not uncommon illegal practice of implantation directly into muscle. Furthermore, contrary to misleading assurances, meat is still not monitored for hormone residues."
“毫不奇怪,但卻與[美國 藥檢局]和美國農業部(USDA)的長期宣稱相反,這些在肉內殘留的激素可高於正常達19倍,”愛潑斯坦在一份新聞稿說。 “依然較高的殘留歸因於並不罕見非法行為,直接植入肌肉。此外,與誤導的保證相反,肉在激素殘留物方面還是沒有監視。”
The FDA insists that hormone levels in U.S. beef are safe and normal, but does not require any testing to back up this claim.
According to Epstein, however, tests reveal that an eight-year-old boy eating two hamburgers in one day would be exposed to enough estradiol to increase his body's levels of the hormone by 10 percent.
但是據愛潑斯坦,試驗表明,一個 8歲的男孩吃兩個漢堡包一天,會接觸到足夠的雌激素,增加他身體的激素水平10%。
Exposure to external hormones is well known to increase the risk of cancer, reproductive dysfunction and other health problems.
"Increased levels of sex hormones are linked to the escalating incidence of reproductive cancers in the United States since 1975 - 60 percent for prostate, 59 percent for testis and 10 percent for breast," Epstein said.
“提高性激素水平是與生殖系統癌症的上升有關,在美國發病率自1975年 - 前列腺癌60%、睾丸59%和乳癌10%,”愛潑斯坦說。
Women in the United States are five times more likely to get breast cancer than women in the European Community or other countries that have banned the production or importation of hormonal beef.
美國婦女是5倍比在歐洲共同體或其它國家的女性,更可能獲得乳癌,它們已禁止生產或進口激素牛肉 。


牛奶安全受質疑 養牛使用抗生素有"毒"嗎?

