

神秘之地- 華盛頓美國國會大廈 (上)

神秘之地- 美國國會大廈
Mystical Sites – U.S. Capitol
By Vigilant
Category: Sinister Sites

The US Capitol is not simply another governmental building. It is the spiritual center of the United States. Its structure, its art and its symbols all reveal the great importance of secret Fraternities in the shaping of the world most powerful government. We’ll explore the Capitol and discover the features that make this building a Masonic site, an American Temple of Solomon.

The Capitol is viewed by the average American as the seat of democracy, where big political decisions are taken. Very few recognize the spiritual elements of the architecture and the symbolism of the building which literally makes it a temple of Masonic mysteries. At the center of it all is George Washington, a 33rd degree Freemason being anointed as the “American Christ”. The building of the Capitol involved many notions unknown to the common man yet the builders seemed to give great importance to them: alignment with heavenly bodies, importance of ley lines, occult numerology, spiritual energy, etc. Those things might sound like “crazy New Age stuff” to the average Joe not to the Founding Fathers who attributed great importance the them. Here’s a look at the meaning of the Capitol.
國會大樓被一般美國人視為民主的座位,在那裡決定重大的政治。很少人認許到建築物的精神元素,和建築物的象徵意義,它實質上使它成為共濟會奧秘的廟宇。在它的中心全是喬治華盛頓,一個 33度共濟會員被欽點為“美國的基督”。國會大廈的建築涉及到許多慨念,為普通人所未知的,但建設者看來給它們很大的重要性:與天體對齊,史前地貌的重要性,命理神秘學,精神能量,等等。那些事情東西可能聽起來像“瘋狂的新紀元東西“,對一般的傢伙但不是對開國元勳,他們歸功於他們的重要意義。這裡看一看國會大廈的意義。

Built by Freemasonry

The Capitol, like all Washington DC, has been almost entirely designed by Freemasons and integrates within its architecture and artwork the “keys to the Craft”.
The United States Capitol, at Washington, D.C., was the creation of a succession
of architects who were almost all Freemasons. Originally designed by William
Thornton (1759-1828), the work was completed by Brother Benjamin Latrobe (a
pupil of the English architect Samuel Pepys Cockerell, 1754-1827) who also
redesigned it after the War of 1812. The flanking wings and the great dome were
added later by Brother Thomas Ustick Walter.
The laying of the cornerstone by Washington in full Masonic attire

The cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol Building was laid with Masonic Honors on
September 18, 1793 under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Maryland. At the
ceremony, President George Washington presided. Worshipful Brother Washington
was assisted by R.W. Bro. Joseph Clarke, Grand Master pro. tem. of Maryland,
Wor. Elisha C. Dick, Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22 of Virginia (Washington’s
home Lodge) and Wor. Valentine Reintzel, Master of Lodge No. 9 of Maryland (now
Potomac Lodge No. 5 of the District of Colombia).
Geographical Layout

The Capitol facing the Washington Monument

Washington DC was carefully laid out in accordance to ancient occult principles. The Capitol is a vital part of the design by its location and its shape. The Capitol’s most important feature is of course its massive dome which carries heavy symbolic meaning, as we’ll see later. This dome faces the Washington Monument, the 555.5 foot tall (6,666 inches) replica of an Egyptian obelisk. This layout is strikingly similar to St.Peter’s Square in the Vatican, where an obelisk faces a giant dome.
St.Peter Square, Vatican. An obelisk facing a dome.

The same layout can also be found in Paris, Astana and many other cities. There is no coincidence here: this layout carries an important alchemical meaning. In almost all cultures the dome has been associated with the female principle, the womb, the matrix. Opposed to it is the obelisk, the ancient Egyptian phallic symbol representing the male principle. The union of those two principles gives birth to a third entity, an offspring, that can be described as “spiritual energy”. Whether this energy is symbolic or a palpable reality is something that I’m not (yet) qualified to advance on. Many theories claim that shapes such as pyramids, domes and arches can either store, extract or diffuse energy from their surrounding area but I’ll leave this analysis to someone else. The theme of the union of male and female principles is very common in occult architecture and is surely the most easily recognizable.
Let’s look at the Capitol. Imagine a straight line starting at the tip of the Capitol’s dome and going down, right to the crypt. This is how we’ll explore the Capitol.

Freedom Statue
Standing at top of the dome of the Capitol is the enigmatic Statue of Freedom standing on a spherical shape, which probably represent Earth. Around this globe is the saying “E Pluribus Unum” (Out of Many, One).

She is a female allegorical figure whose right hand holds
the hilt of a sheathed sword while a laurel wreath of victory and the Shield of
the United States are clasped in her left hand. The heraldic shield is the same
as in the Great Seal of the United States, with thirteen stripes, except that
the chief has stars (again, thirteen). Her chiton is secured by a brooch
inscribed “U.S.” and is partially covered by a heavy, Indian-style fringed
blanket thrown over her left shoulder. She symbolically faces east towards the
main entrance of the building which means that incidentally, the sun never sets
on Freedom.
So who is this Goddess standing on top of America’s most important building and overlooking the state Capital? She’s certainly not the Virgin Mary (you’d be surprised at the number of people who think that) and she cannot be positively associated with any ancient goddess. Truth is, the district bears her name. D.C. = District of Columbia. She is the allegorical goddess of America, the typically American mythological figure, Columbia.
所以這女神是誰站在美國最重要的建築物的頂上,高瞰國家首都?她肯定不是聖母(你會感到驚訝很多人認為是),和她不能正確地與任何古代女神有關。真相是,區域載有她的名字,D.C. =哥倫比亞區域,她是美國女神的寓意,作為特色的美國神話人物,哥倫比亞。

The Dome

The dome of the Capitol features in its occulus an incredibly significant painting that reveals the philosophical, spiritual and political aims of the Founding Fathers. Rare are the writers have discussed the gnostic, alchemical and esoteric meaning of this work, yet it has been visited by millions of tourists. The interesting book “Freedom’s Gate” written by William Henry and Mark Gray is the only work I’ve found analyzing the mystical meaning of this painting called “The Apotheosis”.
國會大廈圓頂在它的神秘物中 起重要作用,一幅難以置信地重要的畫作,揭示了開國元勳在哲學、精神和政治的目標。罕有的是作家有討論這作品的諾斯替、煉金術和秘傳意義,然而它已被數以百萬計的遊客探訪過。威廉亨利和馬克基寫的有趣書“自由之門”,是唯一我已發現的作品,有分析這幅被稱為“尊奉為神”的畫作的神秘含義。
“The Apotheosis” is the work of Constantino Brumidi, an Italian artist who became famous for his paintings commissioned by the Vatican and Pope Pius IX. In 1848, an attempt to overthrow papal power in the Vatican was led by Freemason Giuseppe Manzini, which lead to a period of chaos and the fleeing of the Pope. The revolution wasn’t however successful and papal power was restored by a Europeen coalition. Surprisingly, Brumidi was arrested in and found guilty of leading one of Manzini’s revolutionary groups to overthrow the Vatican. He served some of his sentence in prisons but was later permitted to leave Italy for the USA under the condition that he would never come back. He then made a name for himself in the USA by working for occult fraternities sucha s the Jesuits and such. Burmidi’s story is in perfect accordance with the Capitol’s status as the “Anti-Vatican” or the mirror, Mystery Religion opposite of the Vatican. Let’s look at Brumidi’s magnum opus, the Apotheosis.
“尊奉為神”是意大利藝術家康斯坦丁奴布魯米迪的作品,他成名因為他的畫作被梵蒂岡和教皇庇護九世委託。 在1848年,一項由共濟會員朱塞佩齊尼領導,企圖推翻教皇在梵蒂岡的權力,它導致一個時期的混亂和教皇出逃。但革命沒有成功,教皇的權力由一個東歐聯盟恢復。驚訝的是,布魯米迪被捕和被判有罪,因為領導其中一個曼齊尼的革命團體去推翻梵蒂岡。他在監獄中服了一些刑期,但後來被准許離開意大利去美國,條件是他永不回來。他隨後在美國為自己打出名堂,以為神秘的聯誼會蘇哈 的耶酥會士等工作。 布魯米迪的故事是完美的參照,有國會大厦的狀況如“反梵蒂岡”或榜樣,神秘宗教與梵蒂岡相反。讓我們來看看布魯米迪的巨著的典範:尊奉為神。
An apotheosis can be defined as the exaltation of a subject to divine level. In other words, this painting depicts the elevation of George Washington to a god-man status, like Jesus Christ. He is shown seated on a rainbow and behind him is the gateway, the vortex, the sungate to the heavens (the spirit world). As stated above, the dome esoterically represents the womb giver of life. Washington is about to exit the womb of the dome to experience rebirth as an immortal god. William Henry has appropriately noted that Jesus Christ’s divinity was portrayed in a similar way in ancient religious art.
“The Last Judgment” (Detail) by Hans Memling – Christ on a rainbow with sungate behind him
由漢斯梅姆林的“最後的審判”(詳細) - 基督在彩虹上與太陽閘在身後
“Christ in Majesty”. He again find here Jesus on a rainbow surrounded by religious figures.

The Apotheosis sends therefore a clear message: George Washington is the American Christ. This might sound blasphemous to the average Christian but it is in perfect harmony with the Masonic/Rosicrucian/Gnostic philosophy of the builders of the Capitol.
尊奉為神因此發出一個明確的信息:喬治華盛頓是美國的基督。這可能聽起來褻瀆一般基督徒,但它是完美和諧的,在共濟會 /玫瑰十字會 /國會大廈的諾斯底哲學建設者。
The esoteric teachings of those Orders explain that a spark of divinity lies dormant within each person. This inner-godliness can be awakened through rigorous intellectual and spiritual training and the mastering of occult arts. The result of a successful training is the birth of perfected man, a Christ, a god-man. Rosicrucians believe that Jesus Christ’s teachings, like Buddha’s, show the path to the spiritual reform that one must undertake to attain illumination. George Washington, as a 33rd degree Mason has reached this exalted level.
Contrarily to the above paintings of Jesus where he was surrounded by angel and Saints, Washington is surrounded by important figures of ancient paganism, which are intricate parts of the Masonic mysteries:
Toth Hermes with his Caduceus and winged hat
Poseidon, king of Atlantis and his daughter Venus
Vulcan, god of Fire and also esoterically the god of Alchemy
Freedom (aka Columbia) shooing away kings and tyrants
Ceres goddess of agriculture
Minerva goddess of wisdom

Hermes, Poseidon, Vulcan, Freedom, Ceres and Minerva are meant to respectively represent commerce, marine, mechanics, war, agriculture and wisdom.
The painting hides however an esoteric, alchemical meaning.
不過畫作隱藏一 祕傳的、煉金的意義。

神秘之地- 華盛頓美國國會大廈 (下)


神秘之地- 法國布拉尼亞克的光明會金字塔



