


(法新社)2010年3月28日 星期日 20:05
(法新社華盛頓 27日電) 「紐約 時報」(The NewYork Times)今天晚間報導,聯合國 檢查員和西方國家情報專家相信,儘管國際社會要求伊朗 公開其核子計畫,伊朗可能正準備興建至少2座秘密核子設施。


伊朗原子能組織首長沙列西(Ali Akbar Salehi)接受「伊朗學生通訊社」(Iranian Student NewsAgency, ISNA)訪問時表示,伊朗總統艾馬丹加(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)已下令,兩座新核子工場的工程要盡快展開。



去年9月,美國 總統歐巴馬公佈了有關證據,證實伊朗在聖城科姆(Qum)有座秘密核子設施。

紐時指出,美國官員表示,他們和國際原子能總署(International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA)都懷疑伊朗暗中發展核武,因此正在檢視該國境內數個可疑地點的衛星照片。




Iran 'building two new nuclear enrichment plants'

Iran has come under fresh international scrutiny after evidence emerged to suggest that the regime had secretly begun to construct two new nuclear enrichment plants.

By Adrian Blomfield, Middle East Correspondent
Published: 4:36PM BST 28 Mar 2010

Western intelligence agencies are understood to have concluded that Tehran has escalated the covert elements of its nuclear programme, giving renewed impetus for a US-led push to tighten sanctions on Iran.

The findings are partly based on anomalies in Tehran's nuclear inventory that were recently identified by inspectors from the United Nations' nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The inspectors have expressed serious concern that new uranium enriching equipment developed by Iranian scientists has mysteriously disappeared, the New York Times reported. The equipment has not turned up at Iran's main uranium enrichment plant, leading inspectors to believe that it is being stored in secret until it can be installed in an as yet unidentified facility.

Iran recently piqued international interest after the country's atomic energy chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, announced that work was to begin on two new plants to be "built inside mountains". But a European official was quoted as saying that there was "some evidence" to suggest that building was already under way.

US intelligence agencies are studying satellite evidence of a number of suspect sites, while Israel is said to have uncovered evidence of "two Qom look-alikes".

Six months ago, President Barack Obama exposed the existence of a secret Iranian nuclear facility near the city of Qom. The revelation shocked even Iran's traditional allies and served to introduce a measure of consensus in the debate on how to respond to Tehran's nuclear programme as Russia dropped long-standing objections to tougher sanctions against the Islamic regime. Since then, however, there have been signs that the international community's united stand has begun to fray.

Veto-wielding Russia has hinted that it would limit the scope of any sanctions resolution introduced to the UN's Security Council, while China's attitudes remain uncertain. The United States and its European allies will seek to convince both states to back tough sanctions when foreign ministers from the Group of Eight leading industrialised nations meet in Quebec this week.

