

他們設法使世界忘記他的名字 - 特斯拉

他們設法使世界忘記他的名字 -尼古拉 ·特斯拉 前無古人的最偉大發明家
They tried to make the world forget his name - Nikola Tesla the greatest Inventor of all time

Topic started on 25-3-2010 @ 01:38 AM by ZeuZZ

This clip was recently removed from youtube due to their "copyright rules", despite me having the rights to this one, and so has gone from having 1,000,000 views and appearing number one in a google search for Tesla to having next to no views. So a few stars and favorites to give it a headstart back up would be much appreciated.
此剪輯最近已從 youtube 移除,歸因於他們的"版權規則",儘管我對此有版權,和已去到一百萬閱覽,及成為google 搜索特斯拉的第一名 。
You may have seen it before, if you haven't watch it. Tesla is a legend that deserves the respect he was not given in his lifetime.
您可能之前已看過,如果你還沒有看過它, 特斯拉是一個值得尊重,而在他有生之年未被尊重的傳奇。
His lifes a sad but inspirational story, I've seen people cry by the end of this video. Hope you enjoy it.
他生命是一悲傷但激動人心的故事,我見過人哭在此片結束時, 希望您喜歡。

They tried to make the world forget his name - Nikola Tesla the greatest Inventor of all time
他們設法使世界忘記他的名字 -尼古拉 ·特斯拉 前無古人的最偉大發明家


The selfish Thomas Eddison, JP morgan, and other businessmen in the world have suceeded in erasing him nearly completely from the official record, effecting right up to modern education where he is never mentioned. Tesla would invent the machines and create scientific and engineering breakthroughs, but the people getting the recognition for them all were the businessmen that copied his ideas and mass marketed them.
自私的湯瑪斯 ·埃迪森、 JP 摩根和世界上的其他商人,已成功從官方的記錄幾乎完全抹掉他,達到他永遠不會被提起的現代教育。 特斯拉會發明機器和創造科學與工程的突破,但因它們而獲取承認的人們,全部都是商人,複製他的主意和大量銷售它們。
Tesla remained forgotten, despite inventing probably a good percentage of what you are using this minute. He invented Robotics, Lasers, Radio, Remote Control, AC electric current (Alternating Current), wireless communication, the electric motor, xrays, neon lights, space weapons, energy weapons, and many more. He achieved far more than even einstein, who was really just a good theoretical physicist, whereas Tesla was a practical engineer and accomplished scientist.
特斯拉仍然被遺忘,儘管發明可能這一分鐘你在使用的東西的好一個百分比。 他發明了機械人、 鐳射、 無線電、 遠端控制、 交流電流 (AC)、 無線通訊、 電摩托機、 X光、 霓虹燈、 太空武器、 能量武器和很多更多。 他取得的成就遠遠超過甚至愛因斯坦,它是一個真正但是好的理論物理學家,而特斯拉是一個實用的工程師和實現的科學家。
Who knows what secrets were kept in his head, Edgar Hoover and the FBI raided his labs and stole all his work as soon as he died, and are thought to have classified some of his technology for use in black ops, mainly as energy weapons.
誰知道他的頭內藏有什麼秘密,愛德格 ·胡佛和聯邦調查局突然查抄他的實驗室,和當他死時偷了他所有的工作,並被認為已列他的一些科技使用於黑色操作,主要作為能源武器。

Nikola Tesla The Philadephia Experiment and Time Travel

09:39 - 1 年前

氣候變化,HAARP,流感疫苗,戰爭與UFO (点中海地災刼)

海地地震 HAARP試驗出錯導致?

反重力科技是真的 多謝特斯拉 & 和記

實踐科學家尼古拉•特斯拉(Nikola Tesla 1856-1943)

