

氣候變化,HAARP,流感疫苗,戰爭與UFO (点中海地災刼)


Climate Change, HAARP, Flu Vaccines, War and UFOs
Topic started on 26-12-2009 @ 03:14 AM by Unleashed68

If you are religious, you might refer to the recent Norway Spiral as the Sixth Seal of Seven Seals, however, if you have a mind of reason and common sense, what you are about to digest is obvious.
1) Government and media are the propaganda engines to maintain control of a community by self will. Law enforcement by police and courts as well as offshore law enforcement through military is to maintain control of communities who need to be forced into submission. This is not new news, it is blatant and obvious, and therefore, undisputable, unless a person lacking obvious common sense wants to play skeptic.
2) Religions throughout the ages are distorted by interpretations much as laws are subject to interpretation. Religions, much like history are told to the current community exactly as they are told by leaders to be told to the rest of the community. This is not new news, it is blatant and obvious, and therefore, undisputable, unless someone merely wants to make a debacle out of truth due to mere ignorance.
3) In the late 1800's, medical sciences began to advance rapidly, in the late 1900s science itself began to advance rapidly, and in the twentieth century, technology rapidly advanced. According to population growth charts, we had an estimated 100 million people on Earth around the times of Jesus, and yes we have to use Jesus as our calendar is based on his death. It took 1800 years to get from 100 million to 500 million and then we expanded to near 7 billion in just 200 years, during these other rapid and relevant advancements. (If you want to debate the population growth estimates, Google or Wikipedia them).
3)在1800年代末期,醫學開始突飛猛進;在1900年代後期科學本身開始突飛猛進;並在20世紀時,科技亦突飛猛進。根據人口增長圖表,我們估計在耶穌的時代地球上有1億人左右,是的我們要用耶穌的死亡作為我們的日曆,它用了一千八百年來從一億到五億人口,然後僅200年我們擴展至接近70億人,於這時有其它迅速和有關的進步。 (如果你想辯論人口增長估計,Google或維基一下)。
A man named Tesla is honoured as creating patents decades ago, one of them being an instrument that has led to a government installation in Alaska referred to as HAARP. The invention took place in around the same time lines of WW2, the inception of the United Nations and the International Monetary Funds Group in the early 1940s. Here is the neat part. Society as a whole is controlled by law enforcement and government, while religion and media influences everyone. The sheep effect is well fashioned throughout every country on Earth.
Now, the UFO stream began increasing public recognition after 1947 in Roswell, and has generated more steam every decade, and as technology has become available to everyone, more video recordings and pictures have come forward.
Here is the what if scenario for you to digest. What if other races have been assisting our own in advancement in exchange for our resources, and our governments signed treaties to exchange with them. What would happen if the government was forced to hide tax money to fund these resource exchanges and used the money to also form non government military complexes designed for industrializing our technology to advance our culture and at the same time, they were afraid of a looming threat? They would tell governments and media to ignore the UFO stream wave, and they would do whatever they could to quietly prepare for a war with the advanced race, while not alarming their own people, or more importantly, not alarming the race they went into agreement with.
When government and media tries to convince you of climate change, they were preparing the masses for the use of HAARP against Haiti, the Indian Ocean Tsunami and other locations under the guise of carbon emissions. And, to insure the USA was not recognized as the villain, they even targeted their own in Hurricane Katrina, much like they targeted their own on 9/11 with the destruction of their own buildings to create unfettered fear and willingness to go to war to complete an agenda with Afghanistan billionaires and Israel, to take over Iraq and Iran and complete the dominance of oil reserves, and why?
They will need these reserves for their underground cities to maintain survival soon, very very soon. The introduction of Swine Flu vaccines and the epidemic lies promoted in the media is to prepare everyone with new bio cell structures that are dormant until energized by ion transmissions they can control through HAARP technology.
The internet ironically is an amazing fools rush. The technology was designed under the control of the Pentagon in the USA in the 70s, now it is monitors every keystroke much like every cell phone call is under surveillance without knowledge of the community. The fool portion is that the government itself believes their special operations that monitor all activity to the best of their human ability, but they are also being monitored by the providers of the technology.
So, our technology and our race is monitored by the advanced race who assisted governments in space development such as satellites. The satellites we have orbiting this planet and redirecting information is calmly monitored by a very advances race, every minute of the day. The complete industrialization of communication technology allows them to monitor the secret operations of the world that control governments, and they know every move. Their ability to enter our atmosphere undetected and cease use of military installation weapons scares the hell out of our military operations.
So, government’s say UFOs are a joke when millions have recorded or photographed them? The media says UFOs are comical like ghosts and goblins, even when the governor of Phoenix says he seen the Phoenix Lights, and hundreds of special air force pilots and high ranking officials say otherwise hey? However, governments want people to fear a cataclysm by carbon emissions and climate change? Media promotes the swine flu virus as some serious epidemic? Why do they want people to prepare for a mass of flu deaths and possible weather disasters when the threat is clearly in their own hands? Or is it?

This is where it gets interesting. World leaders who finance governments and officials such as Obama or George Bush, yah, they love control as much as any of us would and a world government would suit them fine as far as financing options would be. If they know there is an imminent threat however to mankind over an agreement with advanced races they can not control, oil reserves and underground cities to hide and maintain a way of life would be a serious agenda. This would mean that a lot of tax dollars would have to be used and hidden to the community as to where the money went.

As Iran is next on the agenda, and the time period is expiring, a war to attain the reserves in Iran is obviously as imminent as it was with Iraq, especially the primary war with Iraq that was caused when Iraq interfered with US control of Kuwait form more oil reserves.
There will be a much bigger war as Iran has approx 4 times the land mass and population, and, there will be dormant cells introduced in every person who takes the flu vaccine, and there will be more small HAARP hiccups with weather. There will be more influence for global governance and more military installations around mountains building safeguard cities, this will increase in 2010 and 2011, and needs to be fulfilled before the end of 2012, and there is a reason for this as well.
2012 is not only the much predicted Winter Solstice of change in accordance with Mayan Calendar interpretations, it is also the date for which their last 50 year agreement terminates and is subject to renegotiation for a new treaty, but at that time, the resource exchange will not be limited, it will be unlimited, and at that time, the advanced races will seek to fulfill THEIR agenda, not the human race.
For those who can not be fooled by government and media, the Norway Spiral was not man made, nor a ballistic missile. The spiral witnessed was an injection into the waters, which will spread throughout and infiltrate the cells that inhabit the land and air.
Here is the good news. We all inhabit an environment suit that we created from nothing within a womb, and these suits were designed to exist within the environment we call Earth. The conscious spirit that inhabits your environment suit we call a body does so to experience existence using a variety of sensory perceptions.

There are now almost 7 billion souls scheduled to perish by age, disease, natural disaster or accident….or by mass extermination. Either way, you like the billions of human beings before us must die soon.
So, although we will not escape mass annihilation, we inevitably had to face the separation from these bio-environment suits we inhabit as we read this post, and, return to the first birthplace in the vastness of the universe. Death of the physical body is imminent. Cheers and have a happy new year. Thanks for taking the time to read.

Naomi Klein發出海地災難資本主義警報:在它們再次震動之前停止它們
Naomi Klein Issues Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert: Stop Them Before They Shock Again
Jan 14, 2010
Journalist and author Naomi Klein spoke in New York last night and addressed the crisis in Haiti: “We have to be absolutely clear that this tragedy—which is part natural, part unnatural—must, under no circumstances, be used to, one, further indebt Haiti and, two, to push through unpopular corporatist policies in the interest of our corporations. This is not conspiracy theory. They have done it again and again.” [includes rush transcript]

But as I write about in The Shock Doctrine, crises are often used now as the pretext for pushing through policies that you cannot push through under times of stability. Countries in periods of extreme crisis are desperate for any kind of aid, any kind of money, and are not in a position to negotiate fairly the terms of that exchange.
And I just want to pause for a second and read you something, which is pretty extraordinary. I just put this up on my website. The headline is “Haiti: Stop Them Before They Shock Again.” This went up a few hours ago, three hours ago, I believe, on the Heritage Foundation website.

“Amidst the Suffering, Crisis in Haiti Offers Opportunities to the U.S. In addition to providing immediate humanitarian assistance, the U.S. response to the tragic earthquake in Haiti earthquake offers opportunities to re-shape Haiti’s long-dysfunctional government and economy as well as to improve the image of the United States in the region.” And then goes on.

Now, I don’t know whether things are improving or not, because it took the Heritage Foundation thirteen days before they issued thirty-two free market solutions for Hurricane Katrina. We put that document up on our website, as well. It was close down the housing projects, turn the Gulf Coast into a tax-free free enterprise zone, get rid of the labor laws that forces contractors to pay a living wage. Yeah, so it took them thirteen days before they did that in the case of Katrina. In the case of Haiti, they didn’t even wait twenty-four hours.

Now, why I say I don’t know whether it’s improving or not is that two hours ago they took this down. So somebody told them that it wasn’t couth. And then they put up something that was much more delicate. Fortunately, the investigative reporters at Democracy Now! managed to find that earlier document in a Google cache. But what you’ll find now is a much gentler “Things to Remember While Helping Haiti.” And buried down there, it says, “Long-term reforms for Haitian democracy and its economy are also badly overdue.”

But the point is, we need to make sure that the aid that goes to Haiti is, one, grants, not loans. This is absolutely crucial. This is an already heavily indebted country. This is a disaster that, as Amy said, on the one hand is nature, is, you know, an earthquake; on the other hand is the creation, is worsened by the poverty that our governments have been so complicit in deepening. Crises—natural disasters are so much worse in countries like Haiti, because you have soil erosion because the poverty means people are building in very, very precarious ways, so houses just slide down because they are built in places where they shouldn’t be built. All of this is interconnected. But we have to be absolutely clear that this tragedy, which is part natural, part unnatural, must, under no circumstances, be used to, one, further indebt Haiti, and, two, to push through unpopular corporatist policies in the interests of our corporations. And this is not a conspiracy theory. They have done it again and again.


Naomi Klein Issues Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert
