

頂級5部舊光明會 - 神秘學的荷里活製作

頂級5部舊光明會 - 神秘學的荷里活製作
Top-5 Old Illuminati-Occult Hollywood productions

#1. The Fifth Element (1997)

This movie has it all... A police state, shape shifting lizards, Nibiru, and enough sun pyramid and occult images to last you the rest of your life. Oh yea... here is the key... There are a group of Masons that believe in a supreme being... This movie layed it out for all of us to see... but did we notice? No we didn't notice... We were to focused on how funny Chris Tucker was.
這電影有一切...一個警察國家,轉形蜥蜴,Nibiru,和足夠的太陽金字塔和神秘影像,延續至你生命的活殘餘。噢是的...這裡是關鍵 ...有一組的共濟會人相信至尊生命類...這部影片奠定了出來給我們所有人看...但我們有否注意到?不,我們沒有注意到...我們曾集中在克里斯塔克如何滑稽。
But just remember this... All these stupid lizard conspiracies, these Niburu theories... Were created in this 1997 movie. So it's nothing new. And this occult hollywood crap is nothing new either... as I pointed out with the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.

Illuminati/Luciferian Hollywood-The Fifth Element
第五元素 - 好萊塢光明會/ 撒旦教徒


Watch the videos for yourself... formulate a opinion... and make a reply. But please, no insults are needed.


#2. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Yep... 70 years ago the illuminati made the ultimate movie that we would feed our children for generation after generation. I don't have much to comment on... other than wasn't there a rumor that a Munchkin commited suicide while the movie was being filmed? Regardless... I think this video shows some serious occult subliminals. (And remember I don't agree with everything the video illustrates)
是的... 70年前的光明會做出終極的電影,我們用以餵飼我們的子女一代又一代,我沒有太多評論在 ...除了有一個傳聞,一個小好人自殺當電影拍攝時?不管怎樣地 ...我想這影片顯示了一些認真的神祕學潛意識。 (和記住我不同意視頻演示的每一件事)

The Wizard of Oz-Movie Magick-illuminati Hollywood
綠野仙踪- 電影魔法,好萊塢光明會

#3. The Matrix (1999)
Oh yea... the movie that is suppose to wake us up? Funny. Directed by the Wachowski brothers who also made V for Vendetta (youtube covers the subliminlas on this as well). But nevertheless many people will argue that there is suppose to be religous overtones in this movie... but what about all the images? And Neo's passport was not even brought up in this video.
噢是的...電影是想喚醒我們嗎?有趣,由沃卓斯基兄弟導演,他們亦為Vendetta 執導V怪客(YouTube亦包括這的潛意識)。但無論如何,很多人會爭論,在這部電影裡假設是宗教色彩 ...但所有的影像如何?和里奧的護照在這片段是甚至沒有被帶出。

Hollywood Illiuminati-The Matrix

#4. The Big Lebowski (1998)
How much more obvious does this movie need to get... my main concern isn't even brought up by the person who made this youtube video (who talks about groups using the number 5 instead???). Well what about the fact that (4:43) he wrote 9-11-1991 on a check while George Bush Sr. is speaking in the back ground? This movie is directed by the Cohen Brothers... and there is video made by the same guy that points out subliminals in the movie Fargo.

THE BIG LEBOWSKI-illuminati hollywood
大LEBOWSKI - 好萊塢光明會


#5。發條橙 (1971)
#5. A Clockwork Orange. (1971)

We start off simple. Stanley Kubrick is one sick director. Most people on ATS have seen Eyes Wide Shut and 2001 Space Oddysey (which also contain subliminals), but I want to focus on this movie in particular. I want to ask the question... Did MKUltra take place in the 70's?
我們簡單的出發,斯坦利庫布里克是一個有病的導演,大多數在ATS的人對苯丙胺類興奮劑已看 Eyes Wide Shut 和 2001 Space Oddysey (其中亦包含潛意識),但我尤其想集中在這部影片,我想要問問題 ... MKUltra是否發生在70年代?

A Clockwork Orange -illuminati Kubrick
發條橙 - 庫布里克光明會



