Sec. Clinton admits fraudulent drug war is all about money
Wednesday, February 09, 2011 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
Translation by Autumnson Blog
(NaturalNews) In what is now being dubbed one of the most incoherent and nonsensical statements to be made by a politician in recent days concerning the "drug war", U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently told Mexican reporters that drugs like marijuana can never be legalized because "there is just too much money in it." Displaying a complete lack of understanding concerning basic economics and simple common sense, Clinton foolishly tried to claim that legalization would benefit criminal drug lords, despite the fact that simple supply and demand proves otherwise.
"You can legalize small amounts for possession, but those who are making so much money selling, they have to be stopped," Clinton said. "They can't be given an even easier road to take, because they will then find it in their interest to addict even more young people."
“你可以合法化擁有少量,但那些以販賣做出這麼多錢的,他們必須停止,”克林頓說。 “他們不能被給予更簡單的可行之路,因為他們將繼後發現,渡甚至更多年輕人上癮是符合他們的利益。”
On the contrary, legalization would actually drive down drug prices, which would in turn be a disincentive to drug lords to continue selling as they currently do. Instead of all the violence and corruption that currently takes place in the "black market" of drug dealing, legal dealers would have little reason to resort to such actions in normal market settings.
"Clinton evidently does not understand that there is so much money to be made by selling illegal drugs precisely because they are illegal," writes Jacob Sullum in an article at Reason.com. "Prohibition not only enables traffickers to earn a 'risk premium' that makes drug prices much higher than they would otherwise be; it delivers this highly lucrative business into the hands of criminals who, having no legal recourse, resolve disputes by spilling blood."
“克林頓顯然不明白,有那麼多錢可以通過出售非法製造毒品而做出,正確地是因為它們是非法的,”在Reason.com的一篇文章雅各Sullum寫道。 “禁止不單祇讓毒販賺取'風險溢價',使藥品價格遠遠高於他們原應是的,它傳遞這利潤豐厚的業務進入罪犯的手中,沒有法律資源,他們以流血解決糾紛。”
Several pro-legalization groups have also come out against Clinton, calling her statements "ignorant" and "preposterous," noting that if someone like Sarah Palin had said such things, she would have immediately been the laughing stock of the media.
Others say that Clinton's statements were not birthed out of ignorance, but rather are a clear reflection of central government efforts to protect the illegal drug market. A 1998 PBS investigation, for instance, explains how the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) relies on international drug dealing to finance covert operations, which offers insight into the real reasons for the war on drugs (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/front...).
Sources for this story include:
毒品戰爭:真是笑話! (必看視頻!!)