


NATO’s Afghanistan: The Champion of Drugs Production

April 2, 2010...12:54

by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
Published: Apr. 01, 2010 – Pravda.ru

We really have to take our hats off to NATO. This clique of arms lobbyists and defender of jobs for the boys invaded Afghanistan in 2001 on the pretext that Osama bin Laden was using the country to attack western interests. Almost a decade after the Taleban declared war on drugs production, NATO’s Afghanistan is not only the world’s largest producer of opium but now, of hashish also.
我們真的要對北約除帽致敬,這武器集團的說客和男孩職位的防衛者,在2001年入侵阿富汗,藉口是本拉登利用國家去攻擊西方利益。將近 10年,在塔利班宣戰對抗毒品生產後,北約的阿富汗不僅是世界上最大的鴉片生產國,但目前還是大麻。

Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taleban, had stated in an interview with Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper in 1998 that the USA would invade Afghanistan because he had refused to let them build a gas pipeline across his country in exchange for 5 billion USD. He was right. The invasion came three years later after those two jets flew into the Twin Towers, that one jet crash-landed in the Pentagon, managing to avoid two lamp posts with its wings and to fail to produce a single piece of evidence either on camera or otherwise and then there was the other one that simply disintegrated without trace.
塔利班的領導毛拉奧馬爾,在1998年接受巴基斯坦黎明報採訪時,已曾表明美國會入侵阿富汗,因為他拒絕讓他們在自己的國家,建設天然氣管以換取 50億美元,他是對的,三年後入侵來到,在那兩架飛機飛入雙塔後,而一架飛機墜落在五角大樓,以它的翼設法避開兩燈柱,和在相機或其它上未能產生單一件的證據,然後有另一架簡簞地解體而無痕跡。
Like 200 tonnes of metal vaporised.
No, really.
And nearly ten years later, NATO’s considerable coalition has not managed to gain control of the country, the NATO-installed President, Karzai, is railing against his NATO masters because he has been accused of corruption and considers it is their fault (no really) and now we learn from the United Nations Organization that NATO’s Afghanistan, already the world’s leading supplier of opium, has now become the record-breaking producer of hashish as well.
Wow, NATO 2 world population 0. Is this why they insisted on expanding eastwards (after saying they wouldn’t) to create new markets?
The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in its report Afghanistan Cannabis Survey, released on Wednesday, estimated that between 10 and 24 thousand hectares of cannabis per year are cultivated in Afghanistan. Not only is the figure shocking, worse still is the affirmation that this production takes place in half of the country’s 34 provinces.

UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa declared in the report that “the astonishing yield of the Afghan cannabis crop makes Afghanistan the world’s biggest producer of hashish, estimated at between 1,500 and 3,500 tons a year,” being 145 kg per hectare, compared with Morocco’s 40 kg. Cannabis fetches 3,900 USD in income per hectare, compared with opium’s 3,600 USD.
The UN report states that there are both cannabis and opium trading centres throughout the country.

So what exactly is NATO doing in Afghanistan, where the Taleban was supposed to surrender ten years ago and still has not, where heroin production has risen no less than 40 times in the same period and now Afghanistan’s claim to fame is world record holder of opium and cannabis production?

Source: http://english.pravda.ru/world/asia/01-04-2010/112814-nato_afghanistan-0






