



US Rejects Demands to Vacate Pakistan Drone Base
June 30, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

WASHINGTON / ISLAMABAD: The US is rejecting demands from Pakistan that American personnel abandon a military base used by the CIA to stage drone strikes against militants, US officials told Reuters.
US personnel have not left the Shamsi air base and there is no plan for them to do so, said a US official familiar with the matter. "That base is neither vacated nor being vacated," the official said. The information was confirmed by a second US official.
美方人員並沒有離開 Shamsi空軍基地,及沒有計劃他們要這樣做,一名熟悉此事的美國官員說。 “這基地既沒騰空也不在被騰空,”這名官員說。有關資料被第二名美國官員證實。
On Wednesday, federal Minister for Defence Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar said that US had been asked to stop using the base for drone strikes and vacate it.

Relations between the two uneasy allies deteriorated after the May 2 raid by US SEALs in Abbottabad that killed Osama bin Laden. Wednesday statement by Mr Mukhtar was the latest salvo.

"We have been talking to them (on the issue) for some time, but after May 2, we told them again," he told Reuters on Thursday. "When they (US forces) will not operate from there (Shamsi base), no drone attacks will be carried out."

Earlier, the Financial Times quoted Mr Mukhtar as saying that Pakistan had already stopped US drone flights from the air base. Despite the defence minister statements, it was unclear what the situation at Shamsi is.

A US military official said no American military personnel had ever been stationed at the base, but the drone programme in Pakistan is run by the CIA, and the official declined to comment on that.

Pakistani military officials confirmed that the US had been asked to vacate the base, but wouldn comment on when the request had been made or whether the Americans had complied.

"We have told them to leave, vacate our base. We cannot provide security to their people," a senior air force official told Reuters.

But a member of parliament who represents the area, retired lieutenant general Abdul Qadir Baluch, said that US officials were still at the base.

A senior Pakistani military official added that when US forces first launched counter-terrorism operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan "provided Americans two bases in Jaccobabad and Shamsi. Jacobabad base has been vacated for long time ago, but Shamsi is still with them."

"They are vacating it," the official insisted. "Shamsi base was for logistic purpose. They also used it for drones for some time but no drones have been flown from there."


路透(中央社) –

(路透新加坡30日電)英國「金融時報」(Financial Times)今天引述巴基斯坦國防部長阿邁德(Ahmed Mukhtar)說法報導,指出巴國已不再讓美國使用該國西南部的一處基地執行「無人飛機攻擊行動」,對付該國好戰分子。巴美關係依舊緊張。

巴基斯坦長期以來都公開反對美國這些空襲行動,認為美國侵犯主權,但私下卻又提供美國包括情報在內的支援,以協助找出蓋達組織(al Qaeda),以及位於阿富汗邊界帶、西北地區的塔利班成員的目標。



美國中央情報局(CIA)探員1月殺害2名巴基斯坦人,自此兩國關係緊繃迄今;加上美國海軍海豹部隊(U.S. SEALs)上月狙殺賓拉登,雙方關係更是雪上加霜,巴基斯坦官員直指美國進一步侵犯國家主權。中央社(翻譯)
