

司馬昭之心了: 拿破崙再生: 我們需要一個"歐洲帝國"來挑戰美國和中國,法國部長說

司馬昭之心了: 拿破崙再生: 我們需要一個"歐洲帝國"來挑戰美國和中國,法國部長說
Napoleon Reborn: We Need A "European Empire" To Challenge US And China, French Minister Says

As increasingly unpopular French President Emmanuel Macron's calls for creating a "Real European Army" have been met with ridicule from President Trump, who has insisted that Macron should first try meeting France's NATO commitments...

...Another senior French official upped the aggressive rhetoric in an interview published on Monday, saying that Europe shouldn’t be afraid of using its power to become "a peaceful empire" to help it stand up to China and the US. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire made the comments in an interview with Germay's Handelsblatt, which noted that Germany remains largely opposed to such a Continent-wide military alliance.

To be sure, Le Maire insisted that "I am using this phrase because, in tomorrow’s world, it’s going to be all about power...technological power, economic, financial, monetary, cultural power - all will be decisive. Europe cannot be shy any longer about using its power."
Le Maire also hinted that there will be "decisions made" about a Continent-wide fighting force during an upcoming EU summit.
"We have talked about it for a long time. Now it’s time for decisions. And there will be decisions made on December 4,at the next meeting of the economy and finance ministers. I cannot imagine anything else."
Because the people of Europe have had enough of the "babble from Brussels."
"Everybody knows it takes guts to stand in the way of Donald Trump’s administration," Le Maire said. "The people of Europe have had enough of the babble from Brussels. They want to see action."

