


Rise of Disembodied Virtual Assets and Identities

This is a cyborg chip that copies your DNA.  It has the capacity to write new strands of DNA and it can read the electrical signatures of your DNA in real time.

第三部份: 分析區域鏈開動
Part III: Breaking Down BlockChains Launch

We find ourselves in a CryptoWinter where God's creation including you as a unique human being is being transitioned into a disembodied virtual asset and identity.  The bests system is rewriting the Tree of Life and the Book of Life and cinching down their identity and asset securitization control grid.   You must remember that you were created uniquely deep in your mother's womb by the Creator, not by some magical trick.

As we look at a few parts of the architecture of BlockChains LLC we should also keep in mind that:

The currency on the Ethereum blockchain is actually called Ether, not Ethereum.  Ether is ethereal.

This is a cyborg chip that copies your DNA.  It has the capacity to write new strands of DNA and it can read the electrical signatures of your DNA in real time.

Do you notice anything interesting about the shape of this chip?  It has an extremely close resemblance to the layout of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Temple.


Man is a metaphor. Indeed, one of several meanings of the Hebrew word adam (“man”) is “I resemble.” For man is a microcosm of creation—“As the soul fills the body, so God fills the universe.” Thus Job declares, “From my flesh, I perceive God“, by contemplating the workings of our body and the manner in which it relates to and is animated by our soul, we gain insight into the workings of creation and the manner in which it relates to and is sustained by its source. Man is a microcosm, and so provides analogies for all other worlds which can explain the secrets of reality and the great riddles hidden from our senses”. Watchman

The Tabernacle also resembles God's other microcosmos, man, it too has outer “skin” (the outer curtains of goat and tachash skins), an intellectual center (the menorah, corresponding to the light of understanding), a food processing mechanism, without which the intellect cannot function (the copper altar at the entrance to the Tabernacle, and the table within, with its supply of weekly bread, consumed by the priests), and at its heart, the tablets in the ark in the Holy of Holies (compare the two tablets of the decalogue with the heart’s ventricles). Each space inside the Tabernacle is separated and defined by membranes (curtains). The entire structure is supported by wooden acacia beams, its ribs and skeletal framework. Over this are stretched the curtains and animal skins. Close to the place of the heart is the altar of incense associated with the sense of smell, and the soul. The keruvim spread their wings over the ark, tightly bound to its cover, the caporet, corresponding to the lungs and their close and vital connection to the heart. The kiyor (laver) represents the function of water in the body. Each of the holy utensils may represent an inner organ of the human body.


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Flat earth science:aether and radiant energy