

問卷: 假如外星人都是真的,為何各國政府會隱藏他們的存在?

問卷: 假如外星人都是真的,為何各國政府會隱藏他們的存在?

⊙ 保持我們安全
⊙ 保持我們無知
⊙ 保持他們安全
⊙ 保持他們無知
⊙ 以上全不(讓我來解釋)

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

All wrong...
Alien brainwash game never get hid...it keep propagandizing everywhere to plebeian with the Topic "confidential" lmfao

Alien bullshit just benefit NWO(project blue beam) for the Evil IHS jesuit...not different countries government

take a look of Albert Pike's WW1 plan
Thats the reason why all modern government sign the Antarctica Treaty to hide the Flat Earth...they fear the religion game back

but also fall to jesuit's trap if they lie together to brainwash citizen the global-pseudo science

because the global-pseudo science is the prelude of False Flag Alien Invasion(project blue beam), it will drive the world to submit the New World Order

So the modern government wanna keep global pseudo science but not pushing the project blue beam by deny/ignore the Alien bullshit

UFO=IFO=Human Invention

Alien in sky = Hologram tech

UFO hoax will be the modern satanism
take a look of Albert Pike's WW3 Plan