


How High-tech Is Your “Smart Car”?

Thanks to Andrew Michrowski, PhD, President of the Planetary Association for Clean Energy in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, for sharing the following information with me, which I truly appreciate.

The “Smart Car” is destined to become an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT), which will operate on 5G bandwidths.  It’s known as “Car-to-Car Communication.”

Already so for [U.S.] FCC car rules @ 2200 X higher power at 3 metres [9 feet] away than European Council EMF guidelines (giving exposure of 220 µW/cm2 for drivers).

… Federal Register 2012/08/13/2012-19732

What drivers need to remember is the amount of radiofrequencies (RFs) that are in newer cars due to GHz frequencies at which they function and transmit information.  For what reasons?  Snooping?

One GHz is one BILLION cycles per second.  Now, multiply that base by 24 GHz and 77 GHz.  You get an awful lot of RFs being pumped out and into your body, which mostly likely has no way of existing since most automobiles are comparable to “Faraday cages.”

Then drivers and their passengers must consider the extra EMFs coming at them from passing hybrid cars; from cellphones; from Bluetooth, Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers; from radars of other cars; plus microwaves from on-board radar sensors to detect motion and driver alertness.

Take special note of this:

FCC Directive : elevated radars exposure must continue even when cars idle; With many cars at stop sign could result  in exposure to those crossing a street to over 100 X Safety Code 6 – especially dangerous for children.  after: Prof. Kostoff Georgia Tech, 2018

Source: 5G – overview Andrew Michrowski Planetary Association for Clean Energy
Whole Life 2018 5G Overview, Pg. 11

