Government Green Lights Murdoch To Dominate UK Media
Saturday, 05 March 2011 09:30

MPs attack Sky News spin-off to clear way for BSkyB bid
Jeremy Hunt, the Culture Secretary, came under fire from MPs for his decision to clear the way for Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation to takeover BSkyB.
By Amanda Andrews
5:28PM GMT 03 Mar 2011
In a statement in the House of Commons Mr Hunt said he was minded to wave through the proposed deal after News Corp undertook to spin off Sky News into a new independent company.
Labour's Dennis Skinner called the decision a "disastrous day for democracy", while Green Party leader Caroline Lucas said Mr Murdoch had an "unhealthy influence" over Britain's media landscape.
John McDonnell, Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington, urged Mr Hunt to still refer the deal to the Competition Commission because "nobody believes these undertakings agreed to by Murdoch will be adhered to in the long term".
Mr Hunt said the deal featured independently-set safeguards to ensure editorial independence and media plurality.
“The process has been completely fair, completely impartial and completely above board,” he insisted, adding that the independence of Sky News will be better protected under the spin-off plan.
Mr Hunt said News Corp and James Murdoch had to surrender a "significant degree of control" over the news channel to be able to purchase the 61pc of BSkyB it does not own.
The new company will have a board made up of a majority of independent directors, the Culture Secretary said in an earlier statement. This will include an independent chairman, and a corporate governance and editorial committee made up of independent directors, who would have no other News Corp interests.
News Corporation will not be allowed to increase its shareholding in the new company without permission from the Secretary of State for 10 years. It will also license the Sky News brand to the operation for seven years, providing an incentive to renew a second funding deal.
His decision will go to a 17-day consultation.
Once the Secretary of State has considered responses to the consultation, he will decided whether he still believes that the undertakings should be accepted or whether the merger should be referred to the Competition Commission.
The decision follows weeks of negotiations between News Corp and regulators Ofcom and the Office of Fair Trading.
The owner of The Times, The Sun, The Wall Street Journal and 20th Century Fox has been attempting to buy the 61pc of the satellite broadcaster it does not already own.
Shareholders have already rejected a £7.8bn, 700p-a-share and were expecteda bid of around 850p a share. They are now believed to be looking for at least £9bn or 850p-a-share from News Corp.
Shares in the satellite broadcaster rose 3pc to 818p a share.
Rivals, including a media alliance of BT, Guardian Media Group, Associated Newspapers, Trinity Mirror, Northcliffe Media and the owners of The Daily Telegraph, have raised concerns that the merger would give Mr Murdoch too much influence over public opinion.
The media alliance said in a statement on Thursday: "We deeply regret the fact that the Secretary of State is minded to clear the deal. The proposed undertaking is pure window-dressing ... We shall be vigorously contesting this whitewash of a proposal during the consultation period, as well examining all legal options.”
Ofcom said it was pleased that News Corp has "agreed to place editorial independence and integrity at the heart of Newco and to underpin this with arrangements that secure full independent governance”.
News Corp welcomed the announcement by Mr Hunt that he was minded to accept the remedies it was suggesting.
梅鐸旗下的英國《世界新聞報》竊聽醜聞續鬧大,《衞報》報道指,上議院就新聞集團收購BSkyB一事辯論期間,前副首相彭仕國指出,除《世界新聞報》外,同屬梅鐸旗下的《星期日泰晤士報》亦因為涉及竊聽名人手機通話被當局調查。梅鐸擁有的新聞集團旗下公司新聞國際,強烈否認《世界新聞報》以外,有另一旗下書刊被當局調查。 (綜合報道)
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