At Least 10 States Have Introduced Gold Coins-As-Currency Bills
Jillian Rayfield
January 5, 2011, 8:59AM
Translation by Autumnson Blog

As we reported, Georgia state Rep. Bobby Franklin (R) recently reintroduced legislation to force his state to conduct all monetary transactions with U.S. gold or silver coins -- including the payment of taxes.
正如我們報導,喬治亞州眾議員鮑比富蘭克林(R)最近重新引入立法,以迫使他的州進行所有的貨幣交易以黃金或銀幣 - 包括支付稅款。
The Georgia bill has a long way to go before become law -- but it's by no means the only state that's considering a future in gold. Lawmakers in Montana, Missouri, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington have proposed legislation, mostly in 2009, to include gold and silver in its accepted currency forms.
喬治亞洲法案在成為法律前有很長的路要走 - 但它絕不是唯一的州正在考慮黃金的未來。議員們在蒙大拿州、密蘇里州、科羅拉多州、愛達荷州、印第安納州、新罕布什爾州、南卡羅來納州、猶他州和華盛頓已提出立法,主要在2009年,在其接受的貨幣形式包括有黃金和白銀。, a site dedicated to tracking and promoting these bills, explains:
The United States Constitution declares, in Article I, Section 10, "No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts". But, in fact, EVERY state in the United States of America DOES make some other "Thing" besides gold and silver coin a "Tender in Payment of Debts" -- some "Thing" called "Federal Reserve Notes." Thus the need for the "Constitutional Tender Act" -- a bill template that can be introduced in every state legislature in the nation, returning each of them to adherence to the United States Constitution's actual legal tender provisions. The site's Facebook page says all donations to the group go to RightMarch, a conservative 501(c)(4) that describes its goal as to "counter the well-financed antics of radical left-wing groups like, by appealing to the grassroots "silent majority" to take action." RightMarch is run by Bill Greene, who ran for Congress in Georgia in 2008.
This idea of using gold and silver as currency has recently enjoyed a bit of a renaissance -- Fox Business' Stuart Varney and Andrew Napolitano, for example, recently debated whether the country should return to using gold as everyday currency. Gold vending machines had already been operating in some European countries and the United Arab Emirates before one recently opened in a Florida mall. And, of course, there's Glenn Beck's consistent touting of the gold seller Goldline on his radio show.
密歇根州白銀作貨幣 - 替代貨幣的崛起