


Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake
Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating earthquake in Japan, say scientists.
Physics arXiv Blog
kfc 05/18/2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Geologists have long puzzled over anecdotal reports of strange atmospheric phenomena in the days before big earthquakes. But good data to back up these stories has been hard to come by.
In recent years, however, various teams have set up atmospheric monitoring stations in earthquake zones and a number of satellites are capable of sending back data about the state of the upper atmosphere and the ionosphere during an earthquake.
Last year, we looked at some fascinating data from the DEMETER spacecraft showing a significant increase in ultra-low frequency radio signals before the magnitude 7 Haiti earthquake in January 2010
Today, Dimitar Ouzounov at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland and a few buddies present the data from the Great Tohoku earthquake which devastated Japan on 11 March. Their results, although preliminary, are eye-opening.
如今,在馬里蘭州美國航天局戈達德太空飛行中心的貝爾巴托夫 Ouzounov,和幾位老友介紹來自3月11日摧毀日本的東北大地震數據。他們的研究結果雖然初步的,但令人大開眼界。
They say that before the M9 earthquake, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicentre, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck.
At the same time, satellite observations showed a big increase in infrared emissions from above the epicentre, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up.
These kinds of observations are consistent with an idea called the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling mechanism. The thinking is that in the days before an earthquake, the great stresses in a fault as it is about to give cause the releases large amounts of radon.
The radioactivity from this gas ionises the air on a large scale and this has a number of knock on effects. Since water molecules are attracted to ions in the air, ionisation triggers the large scale condensation of water.

But the process of condensation also releases heat and it is this that causes infrared emissions. "Our first results show that on March 8th a rapid increase of emitted infrared radiation was observed from the satellite data," say Ouzounov and co.

These emissions go on to effect the ionosphere and its total electron content.

It certainly makes sense that the lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere are coupled in a way that can be measured when one of them is perturbed. The question is to what extent the new evidence backs up this idea.

The Japan earthquake is the largest to have struck the island in modern times and will certainly turn out to be among the best studied. If good evidence of this relationship doesn't emerge from this data, other opportunities will be few and far between.

Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1105.2841: Atmosphere-Ionosphere Response to the M9 Tohoku Earthquake Revealed by Joined Satellite and Ground Observations. Preliminary Results.



  北京時間5月20日消息, 據美國生活科學網報道,據初始數據顯示,臨近3月11日日本大地震前的幾天,震中所在位置上空的大氣發生了不同尋常的變化。這項研究的參與者、美國加利福尼亞州查普曼大學地球科學教授迪米塔·奧佐諾夫表示,該研究結果至今還未在學院雜志上發表,或者被其他科學家重新研究過,但它為地震預測提供了可能性,當然,這個夢想距離變成現實還很遙遠。


  奧佐諾夫及其同事利用衛星數據尋找日本大地震發生前幾天大氣裡的變化。他們發現,地震前幾天電離層裡的電子濃度和紅外輻射量增加了。3月8日,即日本地震發生前3天,是最反常的一天。奧佐諾夫表示,研究人員對亞洲和台灣發生的100多次地震的數據進行分析, 發現震級超過5.5,震源深度小於31英裡(50公裡)的地震存在這種聯系。現在該科研組包括日本和來自世界各地的研究人員,奧佐諾夫稱,因為這項志向遠大的大氣監控工作將通過國際間合作進行。


  布朗大學地質學系名譽退休教授特裡·圖裡斯也有類似疑慮。地震學家“過去已經在這方面花了大量時間”,因此應該已經學會了在面對任何潛在的預測方法時,都不會感到吃驚。目前他們正打算今年夏季開一項研討會,由地球學家和大氣學家討論這項有關電離層變化的研究。圖裡斯說:“我不想不假思索就拒絕這種說法,但是目前我仍對它很懷疑。”如果對此感興趣,可以在The Physics arXiv Blog上查找完整報告。奧佐諾夫及其同事已經把他們的研究成果提交給一家科學雜志社。(來源:新浪科技 任秋凌)

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