


日本機器人Geminoid F!會變臉點頭微笑可做出喜怒哀樂驚!
(NHK/聯合報)日本研究人員3日在大阪發表能幾乎同步且逼真地模仿人類神情的新型機器人Geminoid F。這款機器人5月起將在東京大學、大阪大學等校附設醫院「陪」患者看醫生,緩和患者緊張心情。未來在博物館等公共場所也可能看到它。發表會上,模仿一名20多歲長髮美眉外型製造的Geminoid F,幾乎同時跟隨這名女性做出咧嘴笑、微笑、皺眉、憤怒、驚訝、悲傷等表情。美眉的神情以錄影機拍下,轉成電子訊號,就可用滑鼠遙控Geminoid F即時「變臉」。操作者的聲音也可透過麥克風,從Geminoid F傳出,讓人感覺它彷彿能和人對話。它表情栩栩如生,且和本尊穿相同服裝,讓人難辨真假。本尊也忍不住說,感覺「像是有了個雙胞胎姊妹」。Geminoid F重30公斤,坐姿高140公分,四肢動不了,只有頭、眼睛、嘴巴等處能動,用個人電腦就能操控。它是由大阪大學教授石黑浩團隊、國際電器通信基礎技術研究所等合作研發,凱蒂貓製造商三麗鷗的子公司Kokoro製造,5月上市,定價約1000萬日圓(約台幣340萬元),日後還將外銷。這款機器人將在醫院陪患者就醫。Kokoro發言人井上聰子表示,有資料顯示,有它在旁點頭微笑,可讓患者在接受醫療檢查時,緊張不安的情緒大為緩和。

Sexy Female Android "Geminoid F"
性感的女機器人“Geminoid F”


Walking, talking living doll: Japanese scientists unveil female android

By Anny Shaw
Last updated at 3:54 PM on 04th April 2010

Japanese professor Hiroshi Ishiguro yesterday unveiled a female android that can laugh and smile as it mimics a person's expressions.
Using a motion-capture system, the robot, called Geminoid TMF, can move its rubber face to imitate a smile, a toothy grin, and a grim look with furrowed brows.
機器人使用一動作捕捉系統,名為 Geminoid TMF,能移動它的橡膠面孔去臨模仿一個微笑,露齒的微笑,並有期待的面貌與皺起的眉。
Prof Ishiguro, a professor at Osaka University, developed the android with a team of researchers together with Japan's robot maker Kokoro.

A model pokes the face of Geminoid-F, which was designed and built by Osaka University professor Hiroshi Ishiguro

Geminoid TMF was modelled on a young Japanese woman, who was present at the unveiling today.
Geminoid TMF的是參照一個年輕的日本女子,她出席今天的揭幕。
'I felt like I had a twin sister,' the woman said afterwards.
The developers said they expected the robot to be eventually used in real-life situations, such as in hospitals.
'We've already got some data showing that the robot gave patients psychological security by nodding and smiling at them, when patients were checked on by doctors,' Satoko Inoue, spokeman for Kokoro, told Dawn.com.

Using a motion-capture system, the robot, called Geminoid TMF, can move its rubber face to imitate a smile, a toothy grin, and a grim look with furrowed brows
使用動作捕捉系統,機器人名為 Geminoid TMF,能將它的橡膠面孔臨模仿一個微笑 - 露齒的微笑,並有期待的面貌與皺起的眉
Prof Ishiguro, a professor at Osaka University, developed the android with a team of researchers together with Japan's robot maker Kokoro

'A new technology always creates some fears and negative opinions,' but the researchers wanted to make robots that could express something similar to human emotions, said Prof Ishiguro.

Geminoid TMF is equipped with 12 actuators, powered by air pressure, and her motion can be synched to imitate that of a real human being.

Prof Ishiguro has designed several robots made to look like humans in the past - even building one in his own image.
The professor has said that one day robots could fool us into believing they are human.

'An android could get away with it for a short time, 5-10 seconds. However, if we carefully select the situation, we could extend that, to perhaps 10 minutes,' he said.

Professor Ishiguro with the android he built in his own image


"HRP-4 "能歌善舞的美女機器人




Geminoid-F 機械人在東京百貨等待朋友#DigInfo
