

北極海洋冰增重回一般水平屬撞彩 不是全球變暖完結?

Northern sea ice growth a fluke: researcher

Last Updated: Thursday, April 1, 2010 3:12 PM CT

Arctic sea ice is nearly back to average global levels for the first time in at least a decade after years of spectacular declines.
The surprise growth at a time of year when ice is normally melting has triggered a blizzard of I-told-you-sos among online climate change skeptics.
驚訝的增長出現在一時當冰通常地融化,已引發一場暴風雪在'我-告訴-你- 救命'的網上氣候變化懷疑論者之中。
But the man whose data is behind the furor says a few weeks of cold weather in one part of the Arctic — not the end of climate change — has skewed the numbers.
但那名男子,在喧鬧背後是他的數據,說在北極 一部分的幾星期寒冷天氣- 不是氣候變化的結束- 已 偏斜數字。
"It is not the end of global warming," said Mark Serreze of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo., which publishes monthly sea-ice updates on its website.
“這不是全球氣候變暖的結束,”科羅拉多州博爾德國家冰雪數據中心的馬克 Serreze說,它每月在網站上出版海冰的更新。
On Wednesday, the center posted a new graph showing that the extent of ice-covered Arctic Ocean has nearly returned to the 1979-2000 average.
The graph was a significant surprise. Data from the last eight years shows that September sea ice was 22 per cent below that 20-year average. And until the beginning of March, this year's sea ice was on pace to match 2007's record low.
圖表是一個重大的驚奇,從過去 8年的數據顯示,9月時的海冰是22%低於 20年平均;和直到在3月開始時,今年的海冰是正在步向 2007年的歷史新低。

What happened?

It's called freaky Arctic weather. "All of the action is in the Bering Sea," Serreze said. "For the past several weeks, we've been under a rather unusual weather pattern, a cold pattern, that's given us this late spurt in ice growth in the Bering Sea. If you look at the rest of the Arctic Ocean proper, it is very warm."
這就是所謂的北極畸形天氣。 “所有的動作都是在白令海,”Serreze說。 “在過去的幾個星期,我們一直在處於一個頗不尋常的天氣模式下,一個寒冷的格局,那給我們在白令海有這遲衝刺的冰曾長。如果你看看其它北冰洋的正確剩餘部份,它是很溫暖的。“
The Bering Sea, between Alaska and Russia, is caught between two low-pressure systems.
"This is weather," said Serreze. "Don't conflate this with climate." Serreze notes that on the Atlantic side of the Arctic, ice is low.
“這是天氣,”Serreze說, “不要與氣候混為一談。” Serreze註釋在北極邊的大西洋,冰水平是低。
However, online climate change skeptics have seized on the data as proof that global warming is a hoax. By Thursday morning, hundreds of Twitter posts were referencing Serreze's graph — many linking to a Sydney Morning Herald blog that displays the graph without explanation or context.
然而,網上的氣候變化懷疑論者已抓住數據,作為證明全球變暖是一個騙局。在 25日週四上午,數百 Twitter的帖在引用Serreze的圖 - 許多連接到悉尼的先驅晨報博客,它顯示沒有作出任何解釋或內容的圖表。
"An inconvenient fact," reads one post. "Arctic sea ice back to normal — oops."
“一個難以忽視的事實,”閱讀一帖。 “北極海冰回復正常 - 哎呀。”
Another asked: "Will the hysterical eco-nuts be called out? NO!"
Right-wing think-tanks such as the U.S.-based Heartland Institute had stories on the graph, but without comment from Serreze. Other online articles quoted climate skeptics as if they were the authors of the research.
右翼智囊團例如美國建基的赫倫研究所有故事在圖表上,但沒有 Serreze的評論。其它網上的文章引述氣候懷疑論者,正如他們就是研究的作者。
Even those who accept current climate change theories were fretting.
"Is this another PR problem for global warming activists?" worried one online environmental newspaper.
"Everyone's on this now," sighed Serreze. "What you're seeing now from the usual suspects is that it's the end of global warming, and we don't see it that way."
“現在每個人都在這個,” Serreze嘆氣。 “你們現在由一般可疑分子所看到的,它是全球變暖問的終結,和我們並不這麼認為。”
Serreze points out that the satellite data his graph is based on offers no information on ice thickness. He suggests that most of the recent ice in the Bering Sea is likely to be very thin and won't last.
"Once the winds change, temperatures change, we'll probably lose it pretty quickly."
Serreze said the more important figure is sea-ice minimum, but that won't be evident until the end of the Arctic summer.

北極冰的增加困惑悲觀論者 - 但不明確全球變暖的結束 科學家警告
Increase in Arctic ice confounds doomsayers - but does not spell the end of global warming, scientists warn

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:00 AM on 03rd April 2010

The amount of sea ice covering the Arctic dramatically increased last month, reaching levels not seen at this time of year for nearly a decade.

Returning ice - after years of declining cover - has astonished climate scientists who blamed unusually cold weather over the Bering Sea.

Researchers said they recorded the most ice in March since 2001 - and that the cover is approaching long-term average levels for the first time in ten years.

The returning ice has been blamed on unusually cold weather over the Bering Sea (pictured)

The scientists who released the data stressed that last month's rise was part of yearly variations in ice cover and could not be taken as a sign that global warming is coming to an end.

But sceptics argued that the findings undermined 'alarmist' claims that the North Pole could be free of summer ice by 2013.

The unusual trend last month is revealed in figures published by the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado.

In a typical year, Arctic ice cover peaks in mid-March and starts to fall as milder weather arrives.

But this year, levels continued to grow in the second half of March. Dr Mark Serreze, of the NSlDC, said parts of the Arctic were going through an unusually cold spring - but that other areas were warmer than normal.

He added: 'What this doesn't show is any indication that global warming is over. If you look at the Arctic as a whole we might get to average amounts of sea ice for the time of year. But the ice is thin and quite vulnerable and it can melt very quickly.'

The best measure of the health of the Arctic was not only the amount of cover, but also the thickness of ice, he said.

But Dr David Whitehouse, of the Global Warming Policy Foundation think-tank, said: 'The recent observations make the 2007 projections that the region would be ice free by 2013 look very unrealistic.'

波羅的海4艘客輪破冰脫險 仍有50艘船被困


