371 Dead Birds Fall from Sky on LA's Sunset Blvd; Similar to California, Arkansas, Louisiana Bird Drops
Adam Michael Luebke, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Jan 13, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

371 dead birds fell from the sky over Los Angeles, California, and hit the pavement at Sunset and Cahuenga. In the great shadow of the CNN building laid scattered hundreds of pigeons, most of them dead. This is another incident of dead birds falling from the sky, as has been seen in California,Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Sweden, Italy, and other places around the world.
If today's dead bird incident had been a singular event, we could have blamed Los Angeles smog. 371 birds could no longer take the poor air quality and decided to choke and fall.
如果今天的死鳥事件已是單一事件,我們可歸咎洛杉磯煙霧, 371鳥再也不能忍受惡劣的空氣質量,並決定嗆和倒下。
The bird drop happened just after noon, and word of mouth passed quickly. I heard about the horrific event from my neighbor, who happens to whistle when he talks and has a goiter on his neck. By the time I arrived at Sunset and Cahuenga, confusion was in full swing and the homelesses were busy picking up the dead birds and stuffing them into their dirty jacket pockets.
The dead birds in this incident were exclusively pigeons, but for the homelesses, they were food. One man had already cleaned his fowl and was arguing with a hot dog vendor about frying it on his hot dog grill. The homeless held a bloody knife and shook the pigeon in the vendor's face. The pigeon's entrails hung at least a foot from the pigeon's slashed belly. The guts swayed as the homeless man passionately pointed his knife at the hot dog grill.
In front of the CNN building was pandemonium. Someone had wished bad luck on these pigeons, and the evidence was strewn all around. Dead birds in the gutters, on sidewalks, stuck in palm trees that dotted the front of the famous news building. Traffic on Sunset had come to a crawl. Jeering faces peered out of car windows, and multiple cars had been rear-ended.
(明報)2011年1月16日 星期日 05:05
【明報專訊】世界多個地方今年以來發生動物集體死亡事件,其中以鳥類居多,日前,山東省濟南 市郊外也有大批喜鵲死亡。當地居民眾說紛紜,甚至出現「2011年千年極寒」、「世界末日」等說法。但專家卻指,這批喜鵲很可能是誤食毒藥身亡。
齊魯師範學院生命科學系教授馬金生初步判斷,今次可能是有人將有毒農藥或老鼠藥隨意丟棄到野外,污染了麥苗,喜鵲吃麥苗後死亡;又或許是有人下毒餌捕殺野鴨等動物,喜鵲吃了毒餌。他說,喜鵲會食大量垃圾,和烏鴉一樣是有名的「城市清道夫」,但垃圾中往往會有毒物,容易令牠們中毒,而且喜鵲喜歡「聚餐」,經常大規模一起覓食,一旦中毒,便會引起大規模死亡。馬金生指喜鵲是耐寒動物,所以亦排除了氣溫與禽流感 原因。
全球多個國家動物大規模死亡 死因仍存爭議
北京小清河頻現死鳥引村民擔憂 疑為天寒致死