Flu vaccine causing infant seizures; FDA to investigate
Friday, January 21, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com
Translation by Autumnson Blog

(NaturalNews) The Sanofi-Aventis flu vaccine known as "Fluzone" is causing febrile seizures in children, the FDA revealed yesterday. According to the FDA, 42 cases of seizures have been reported in children receiving the Fluzone vaccine. Most of the children suffering seizures are under the age of two.
(NaturalNews)賽諾菲安萬特的流感疫苗稱為“Fluzone“在導致兒童的高熱驚厥,美國食品藥品管理局昨日透露。 據FDA,在兒童接受Fluzone疫苗後的42宗痙攣發作已被報告,大部分患有痙攣的兒童是低於兩歲。
The FDA went out of its way to claim that even though these children suffered seizures, they're all fine now. "All children recovered and no lasting effects have been seen," the FDA said. Can you imagine them making such a statement about an herb that was found to cause seizures? This is a case where the FDA has clearly put itself in the position of defending the safety of the vaccine and downplaying the risk that it sends children into convulsions.
Nearly all the reported seizures occurred within 24 hours after the children received the Fluzone vaccine. This, according to vaccine apologists, is mere "coincidence."
It is well established that only 1% - 10% of vaccine side effects are ever reported to the FDA. This means that potentially thousands of children have suffered seizures due to this flu vaccine.
Not surprisingly, the maker of the vaccine claims there's no proof that the vaccine caused any seizures at all. "At this point no correlation between influenza vaccine and febrile seizures has been established," said Sanofi-Aventis. "Adverse events after vaccination may be causally related to vaccine or may be coincidental."
Both the drug maker and the FDA take the position that "vaccines are safe until proven dangerous." This is the opposite of what commonsense precaution would require: That vaccines should be proven safe before being injected into the bodies of children.
And yet, as NaturalNews has reported many times, flu vaccines are never tested in randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled studies because the flu industry is unwilling to subject vaccines to actual scientific scrutiny. All flu vaccines are approved by the FDA without adequate safety testing, and then side effects (seizures, etc.) are "monitored" by the FDA to see if anything goes wrong. As the side effects reports begin to pour in, the FDA simply downplays those reports and claims no "causal link has been established."
This is how America's children are turned into medical experiments by the vaccine industry.
Sources for this story include:
疫苗效用並非百分百 流感農曆新年後達高峰
比爾蓋茨絕對令人震驚、不光彩的咆哮: 疫苗安全懷疑論者殺害兒童!