Former NSA Chief Called CIA 'Out of Control'
by Sharon Weinberger
Global Research, January 17, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The CIA is "out of control" and often refuses to cooperate with other parts of the national security community, even undermining their efforts, said former National Security Agency head William Odom, according to a recently released record of a 9/11 Commission interview.
"The CIA currently doesn't work for anyone. It thinks it works for the president, but it doesn't and it's out of control," says a report summarizing remarks made by Odom, a retired three-star general who served as director of the NSA from 1985 to 1988.
“中情局目前並不為任何人工作,它認為它為總統工作,但它不是和它是失控的,”一份報告說,在總結奧多姆作出的評論後,他是一位退休的三星級將軍 在1985至1988年擔任國家安全局局長。
Odom, who also served on the National Security Council staff during the Carter administration, was known as an outspoken advocate for intelligence reform. He died in 2008.
奧多姆在卡特政府時代亦擔任國家安全委員會工作人員,以直言主張情報改革知名,他死於 2008年。

William Odom, former director of the National Security Agency, was known as an outspoken advocate for intelligence reform.
The 2003 interview, among others conducted by the 9/11 Commission, was posted on the website Cryptome, which is often compared to the secret-spilling WikiLeaks website. The report was not a leak, however, but one of many records relating to the 9/11 Commission that have been released and made available on the National Archives website.
2003年的面談,與其他人一起由 9/11調查委員會進行,被張貼在Cryptome的網站上,那經常與秘密滿溢的維基解密網站被比較。該報告並不是一項洩漏,然而,卻是許多記錄中的一份涉及 9/11調查委員會,那已被公佈並可在國家檔案館的網站提供。
"Quite a few remain 'access restricted' for classification review," John Young, who runs Cryptome, told AOL News in an e-mail about the records, some of which he has reposted. "We expect to make an FOIA [Freedom of information Act] request for their release once we have a full listing of those restricted."
In the commission interview, Odom portrayed CIA officers as individualistic, saying they were interested in writing "exposes." He also accused the CIA of not sharing "humint," meaning intelligence collected through contact with people, and of trying to sabotage the Pentagon's own work in this area.
"The director of the CIA has as much reason to brief the president as the man on the moon," Odom told the staff of the commission investigating the failure to prevent the terror attacks.
Odom also believed that intelligence officials weren't held sufficiently accountable for the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He said he believed that the heads of the NSA and the CIA should both have been fired by the president after 9/11 for "symbolic purposes."