

維基解密會發布新片段 顯示數十阿富汗平民的謀殺

維基解密會發布新片段 顯示數十阿富汗平民的謀殺
Wikileaks to release new video showing murder of scores of Afghan civilians

from Leeds to Palestine
April 7, 2010

Remember this from May of last year?

Scores dead after US strike in Afghanistan - 06 May 09
數十人死亡在美國襲擊阿富汗後 - 0九年五月六日

Wikileaks, the scourge of governments from China to the US, will soon release a video related to this killing of more than a hundred innocent Afghan civilians in May 2009. This comes on the backdrop of the release of helicopter footage of the slaying of Iraqis in 2007. Take note of what the US were saying when the news broke last year of the casualties:
維基解密是政府的禍害,從中國到美國,不久將發布一條視頻關於2009年5月殺害超過 100名無辜的阿富汗平民。這出現在放出直升機畫面於2007年殺害伊拉克人的背景下,注意的是美國說過的話,當去年傷亡的消息爆出時:
"We do everything we can to avoid civilian casualties. When the insurgents embed themselves amongst the population, this makes it very difficult. But we ask our commanders to use proportionality and restraint, especially among the populated areas and consider other options."
This is a familiar accusation against Hamas in Gaza but had been widely discredited by human rights organisations. It is easier to accuse the Taliban of this tactic because they have a stricter interpretation of Islam and are therefore more 'evil'. The release of this video will hopefully give us the answers, although I suspect we all know what they are.

Iraq War Vet: “We Were Told To Just Shoot People, And The Officers Would Take Care of Us”
By politicaltheatrics
Published: April 8, 2010

是美軍在阿富汗處決細路? (附照可能引起不安)

爆料網站公布「駐伊美軍殺害平民」錄像 (冷血射殺場面震憾,十八歲以下不宜)

