8000 IUs of vitamin D daily necessary to raise blood levels of "miracle" anti-cancer nutrient, declares groundbreaking new research
Thursday, March 03, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com
Translation by Autumnson Blog

(NaturalNews) The reign of censorship and suppression against vitamin D is now coming to an end. Even though the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and many institutions leading the cancer industry (including the ACS) have intentionally tried to downplay the ability of vitamin D to prevent cancer, a new study appearing in the journal Anticancer Research lays out the simple, powerful truth about vitamin D that we've been teaching at NaturalNews for years: A typical adults needs 4,000 - 8,000 IUs of vitamin D each day to prevent cancer, MS and type-1 diabetes, not the ridiculously low 400 - 800 IUs recommended by the U.S. government.
(NaturalNews)針對維他命D的審查和壓迫統治現在即將結束,儘管醫學研究所(IOM)和許多的癌症行業領先機構(包括ACS)已故意地試圖淡化維他命D預防癌症的能力,但出現在抗癌研究期刋的一項新研究,奠定維他命D簡單、強力的真相我們多年來已在 NaturalNews教導的:一個典型的成年人每天需要4,000-8,000國際單位的維他命D預防癌症、MS和糖尿病1型,而不是美國政府推薦可笑地低的400至800國際單位。
The new research was conducted by scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha. It is groundbreaking research because it establishes the relationship between vitamin D dosage and circulating vitamin D levels in the blood.
新研究是由美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校醫學院和奧馬哈的克賴頓大學醫學院的科學家進行,它是突破性的研究因為它確立維他命 D劑量和血液中循環的維他命D水平之間的關係。
This is a first. It is crucial information for the health care revolution that will be necessary to save states and nations from total health care bankruptcy in the coming years. Vitamin D turns out to be one of the simplest, safest and most affordable ways to prevent degenerative disease and sharply reduce long-term health care costs.
這是第一次,它是健康保健革命的關鍵信息,將需要在未來幾年內從整體的健康保健破產拯救國家和民族。維他命 D原是最簡單、最安全和最實惠的方式,以防止退化性疾病並能大幅降低長期醫療費用。
日常需要高達 8,000國際單位
Up to 8,000 IUs needed daily
"We found that daily intakes of vitamin D by adults in the range of 4,000 to 8,000 IU [international units] are needed to maintain blood levels of vitamin D metabolites in the range needed to reduce by about half the risk of several diseases -- breast cancer, colon cancer, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes," said Dr. Cedric Garland. (http://health.ucsd.edu/news/2011/02...)
“我們發現成人每天攝入的維他命 D,有需要範圍在 4,000至8,000國際單位[國際單位]以保持血液中的維他命 D水平,代謝物在需要範圍以減少幾種疾病的約一半風險: 乳腺癌、結腸癌、多發性硬化和糖尿病1型,“塞德里克加蘭博士說。 (http://health.ucsd.edu/news/2011/02 ...)
Dr. Garland is the professor of family and preventive medicine at the UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center. He went on to say:
"I was surprised to find that the intakes required to maintain vitamin D status for disease prevention were so high -- much higher than the minimal intake of vitamin D of 400 IU/day that was needed to defeat rickets in the 20th century."
“我很驚訝地發現,所需的攝入量是如此之高以維持維他命 D的疾病預防狀態 - 遠高於最低的 400 IU /天維生素 D攝入量,有需要戰勝在20世紀的佝僂病。”
Study reveals 90% vitamin D deficiency rate across U.S. population
This particular study involved over 3,000 volunteers who were taking vitamin D supplements. Researchers drew blood samples from them in order to determine their levels of 25-vitamin D (the common form circulating in the blood).
The results were shocking even to the study authors, revealing that 90 percent of those studied were deficient in vitamin D, falling below the 40 - 60 ng/ml range now considered healthy. (Most nutritionally-aware experts in the natural health world recommend higher ranges of 60 - 70 ng/ml, actually.)
The U.S. government's Institute of Medicine has intentionally downplayed vitamin D recommendations, seemingly in an effort to keep boosting the profits of the cancer industry by denying any real benefit to vitamin D. The IOMs most recent recommendations seemed designed to actually cause vitamin D deficiency in the U.S. population (http://www.naturalnews.com/030598_v...).
The IOM has even gone out of its way to artificially lower the threshold of vitamin D deficiency by claiming that 20 ng/ml is a sufficient level. This magically transforms a "deficient" person into a "non-deficient" person by merely changing the definition. So a person with a level of 22 ng/ml, for example, is not considered "vitamin D deficient" by the established medical system, even though their vitamin D levels are so low that they may not be able to prevent cancer, MS or type-1 diabetes.
Why the truth about vitamin D is a huge threat to the established for-profit medical system
As NaturalNews has documented and reported many times over the last several years, the medical establishment -- and especially the cancer industry -- has willfully engaged in attempts to prevent people from learning the truth about vitamin D in order to protect the lucrative profits generated from sickness and disease. Vitamin D represents a greater threat to the medical establishment than any other single nutrient for three reasons:
1) Vitamin D is FREE (you can get it from the sun, without a prescription).
2) Vitamin D prevents over a dozen high-profit diseases and health conditions (osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, MS, and others).
3) Vitamin D is extremely safe, even when taken in supplement form, because it's a natural vitamin / hormone that the body recognizes.
Read more in our downloadable special report, "The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D" at http://www.naturalnews.com/rr-sunli...
Or watch the incredibly popular video from the Health Ranger that explains how African Americans, Asians and Latinos are being exploited by the cancer industry through vitamin D censorship and encouraged nutritionally deficiencies:
Highlights from the study
The following summary is extracted from the results of the study, available at: http://www.grassrootshealth.net/gar...
• The study examined 3,667 people and their vitamin D intake habits.
• Vitamin D intake of 10,000 IU / day had no toxicity.
• For those severely deficient in vitamin D, each 1,000 IU / day of increased supplementation resulted in an increase of 10 ng / ml in vitamin D blood levels.
• For those with existing blood levels above 30 ng / ml, each 1,000 IU / day of increased supplementation resulted in an increase of 8 ng / ml in vitamin D blood levels.
• For those with existing blood levels above 50 ng / ml, each 1,000 IU / day of increased supplementation resulted in an increase of 5 ng / ml in vitamin D blood levels.
• In other words, vitamin D supplementation has a curve of diminishing returns. Those with existing high levels of vitamin D do not experience as much benefit from vitamin D supplements as those with low levels (which is roughly 90% of the population).
• Vitamin D sales have increased 600% since 2001 (due largely to the efforts of those in both the natural health and honest science communities who are telling the truth about vitamin D).
• Vitamin D is remarkably safe! From the conclusion of the study:
"Universal intake of up to 40,000 IU vitamin D per day is unlikely to result in vitamin D toxicity."
Yes, that's 40,000 IUs per day.
See the abstract reprinted below.
Why nearly everyone in first-world nations needs more vitamin DThanks in large part to this remarkable research, it's now clear that all the intelligent people are going to up their vitamin D intake to something in the range of 8,000 IUs per day (or more), especially through the winter months.
Based on this study, I am personally increasing my intake to 10,000 IUs per day from October through April (in North America). And I'll be sure to get plenty of sunshine during the other months.
"Now that the results of this study are in, it will become common for almost every adult to take 4000 IU/day," said Dr. Garland. "This is comfortably under the 10,000 IU/day that the IOM Committee Report considers as the lower limit of risk, and the benefits are substantial."
"Now is the time for virtually everyone to take more vitamin D to help prevent some major types of cancer, several other serious illnesses, and fractures," said Robert P. Heaney, MD, of Creighton University, an experienced biomedical scientist.
It seems the conventional cancer industry, the IOM and even the FDA will not be able to censor the truth about vitamin D much longer. The truth is getting out, thanks in large part due to you, the NaturalNews readers who share these stories and help educate and inform your friends and family members.
Spread the news: Take more vitamin D! Please share this story on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere. Let people know that the research is in, and vitamin D is a remarkably safe "miracle" nutrient that nearly everyone needs to be supplementing. This is especially true if they have darker skin.
(We recommend vitamin D3 from quality nutritional supplement companies. Beware of cheap "multivitamin" sources that you find at common retailers. Go for quality supplements from reputable sources.)
Here's the title and abstract of the original study:
Vitamin D Supplement Doses and Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in the Range Associated with Cancer Prevention
"This paper provides a long awaited insight into a dose-response relationship between orally administered vitamin D3 and the resulting levels of serum 25(OH)D in over 3600 citizens. The results will allow new definition of high vitamin D dose safety and reduce concerns about toxicity. This is a landmark contribution in the vitamin D nutrition field!" - Anthony Norman, Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences, Emeritus, University of California Riverside
Abstract. Background: Studies indicate that intake of vitamin D in the range from 1,100 to 4,000 IU/d and a serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D concentration [25(OH)D] from 60-80 ng/ml may be needed to reduce cancer risk. Few community-based studies allow estimation of the dose–response relationship between oral intake of vitamin D and corresponding serum 25(OH)D in the range above 1,000 IU/d. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study of serum 25(OH)D concentration and self-reported vitamin D intake in a community-based cohort (n=3,667, mean age 51.3±13.4 y). Results: Serum 25(OH)D rose as a function of self-reported vitamin D supplement ingestion in a curvilinear fashion, with no intakes of 10,000 IU/d or lower producing 25(OH)D values above the lower-bound of the zone of potential toxicity (200 ng/ml). Unsupplemented all-source input was estimated at 3,300 IU/d. The supplemental dose ensuring that 97.5% of this population achieved a serum 25(OH)D of at least 40 ng/ml was 9,600 IU/d. Conclusion: Universal intake of up to 40,000 IU vitamin D per day is unlikely to result in vitamin D toxicity.
The recent increase in interest in vitamin D by the general public has fueled a better than 200% increase in sales of over-the-counter vitamin D preparations from 2008 to 2009, and a more than 6-fold increase since 2001 (1). Additionally, products with progressively increasing content of vitamin D have been introduced with similar rapidity. There seems to have been little precedent for a change of this magnitude and duration for other nutrients (e.g., vitamins C and E) that have enjoyed brief periods of popularity among the general public. There is essentially no information on how the public uses these products or on their impact on the vitamin D status of consumers.
GrassrootsHealth (GRH), a non-profit community service organization dedicated to promoting public awareness about vitamin D, has assembled a database that includes information on supplemental vitamin D intake by a self-selected population cohort, and links these intakes to measured values for serum 25(OH)D, various demographic variables, and a variety of health status measures. GRH data include values from many individuals with daily supplemental intakes in and above the ranges often used today for cancer prevention and co-therapy (2, 3).
This study used the GRH database to describe the relationship of measured vitamin D status to vitamin D supplementation, both as practiced by health conscious individuals and as related to cancer prevention.
Read more at: http://www.grassrootshealth.net/gar...
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