

必讀:更高水平的維他命 D 乳癌幾乎“根絕”

乳癌幾乎“根絕” 用更高水平的維他命 D
Breast cancer virtually "eradicated" with higher levels of vitamin D

Monday, February 08, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

(NaturalNews) In a gathering of vitamin D researchers recently held in Toronto, Dr. Cedric Garland delivered a blockbuster announcement: Breast cancer can be virtually "eradicated" by raising vitamin D levels.
(NaturalNews)最近在加拿大多倫多舉行的維它命 D研究人員集會中,塞德里克加蘭博士傳達了一項重磅炸彈宣布:透過提高維他命 D水平,乳癌能 實際上被“根絕”。
Vitamin D is "the cure" for breast cancer that the cancer industry ridiculously claims to be searching for. The cure already exists! But the breast cancer industry simply refuses to acknowledge any "cure" that doesn't involve mammography, chemotherapy or high-profit pharmaceuticals.
維他命 D是乳癌的“治療”,這荒謬地癌細胞業聲稱仍在尋找。治療已經存在!但乳癌業只略作拒絕去承認任何“治療”,那治療不涉及乳房X光檢查,化療或高利潤的藥品。
Vitamin D is finally gaining some of the recognition it deserves as a miraculous anti-cancer nutrient. It is the solution for cancer prevention. It could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year in the U.S. alone. Even Dr. Andrew Weil recently raised his recommendation of vitamin D to 2,000 IU per day.
維他命D終於取得一些它值得的承認,作為一種奇蹟的抗癌營養。它是預防癌症的良方,它每年僅在美國可以挽救數十萬人的生命,甚至安德魯魏爾博士最近提升他的建議,維它命 D至每天2000IU。
This is the vitamin that could destroy the cancer industry and save millions of women from the degrading, harmful cancer "treatments" pushed by conventional medicine. No wonder they don't want to talk about it! The cancer industry would prefer to keep women ignorant about this vitamin that could save their breasts and their lives.
這就是那維他命可能摧毁癌細胞工業,從卑鄙及有害的癌症"療法" - 由傳統醫藥推動 - 中拯救數百萬婦女,難怪他們不想談論它!癌症行業情願保持婦女,對這種可以挽救她們的乳房和生命的維他命無知,。
Below I'm reprinting the full statement from Dr. Cedric Garland following the Vitamin D conference recently held in Toronto.

來自Dr. Cedric Garland的聲明
Statement from Dr. Cedric Garland

Breast cancer is a disease so directly related to vitamin D deficiency that a woman's risk of contracting the disease can be 'virtually eradicated' by elevating her vitamin D status to what vitamin D scientists consider to be natural blood levels.
乳癌是一種疾病,非常直接與維它命 D缺乏有關,一個女人患上這疾病的風險,實際上能被'根除',透過提高維他命的狀况至科學家認為是自然的血液水平。
That's the message vitamin D pioneer Dr. Cedric Garland delivered in Toronto Tuesday as part of the University of Toronto School of Medicine's "Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency" conference - the largest gathering of vitamin D researchers in North America this year. More than 170 researchers, public health officials and health practitioners gathered at the UT Faculty club for the landmark event.

Garland's presentation headlined a conference that reviewed many aspects of the emerging vitamin D research field - a booming discipline that has seen more than 3,000 academic papers this calendar year alone, conference organizers said. That makes vitamin D by far the most prolific topic in medicine this year, with work connecting it with risk reduction in two dozen forms of cancer, heart disease, multiple scleroses and many other disorders.

Dr. Reinhold Vieth, Associate Professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at University of Toronto, and Director of the Bone and Mineral Laboratory at Mount Sinai Hospital, organized the event in conjunction with Grassroots Health - an international vitamin D advocacy group founded by breast cancer survivor Carole Baggerly.

Baggerly implored the research group to take action and encourage Canadians to learn more about vitamin D and to raise their vitamin D levels.

An estimated 22,700 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, according to the Canadian Cancer Society's latest figures.

As much as 97 percent of Canadians are vitamin D deficient at some point in the year, according to University of Calgary research - largely due to Canada's northerly latitudes and weak sun exposure. Sunshine is by far the most abundant source of vitamin D - called 'The Sunshine Vitamin' - with salmon and fortified milk being other sources. Vitamin D supplementation helps raise levels for many as well.

Grassroots Health's "D-action" panel - 30 of the world's leading researchers on vitamin D and many other vitamin D supporters - recommend 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily and vitamin D blood levels of 100-150 nanomoles-per-liter as measured by a vitamin D blood test.

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低維他命 D水平會使血壓上升
Low Vitamin D Levels Raises Blood Pressure

Monday, February 22, 2010
by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

每日劑量的維他命 D可預防老年跌倒
Daily Dose of Vitamin D Prevents Falls in Elderly
Saturday, February 20, 2010
by: David Gutierrez, staff writer


