

Clever HongKongers taking advantage of tradtional ghost festival for a rally at WongTaiSin

Clever HongKongers taking advantage of tradtional ghost festival for a rally at WongTaiSin as legal rally permit is not granted by the Hong Kong police authority.

#HongKongProtests parody: people of all age groups gathered in Wong Tai Sin to burn paper offerings (e.g. "paper money" and "paper dolls") according "Ghost Month (7th Lunar Calendar month)" traditions

- People occasionally chanting "bad cops" and "Liberate #HongKong, Revolution of our times"
- Cars driving passed honk their horns in rhythm to show support
- Funeral music played as background
- "Science experiment" also conducted: pointing laser pointers at paper offerings, buildings, police, shouting "Fire! Fire!" but didn't cause any damage
- Fire service arrived after report, but soon left - the crowd sent them off with cheers and in response firefighters smiled

Source: 香港電台視像新聞 RTHK VNEWS 香港獨立媒體網

