「香港人正式宣佈勾結外國勢力」Eye For Hong Kong Campaign 強勢上線!
Eye for HongKong Campaign
“The bill is dead”, following the non-legal bindingannouncement made by HK Chief Executive Carrie Lam on the extradition bill, the city is dying too. HKSAR Government refuses to set up an independent commission of inquiry to look into the saga. In response to the voices of people, HK police collude with triads to beat citizens indiscriminately (both peaceful protestors and non-protestors). A young girl, who volunteered herself to be a first-aider in a peaceful protest on 11 Aug 2019, was shot in the right eye by the police causing permanent vision loss.
This kind of physical and psycho violence routinely happens in Hong Kong now. The number of laws and regulations being breached by the so called law enforcement body in the past 2 months is just uncountable. The authority is creating violence every day and using brutality to rule the city.
The universal values that everyone on Earth embraces: freedom, justice, rule of law... are now at stake in Hong Kong. Our eyes can be taken, but truth can’t be.
To show your support to Hong Kong, please join the“Eye for Hong Kong Campaign”: upload a selfie to Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Reddit with your right eye covered.Consider wearing a mask, which symbolizes Hong Kong people’s fear of expression, if you wish. Remember to tag at least 4 friends of yours, and the following:
2014年8月紐西蘭有癌症協會於Facebook發起冰桶挑戰(Ice Bucket Challenge),參加者將過程拍片上載Facebook再tag朋友迎戰,短短一個月内為ALS協會籌得接近8億港元,更重要令全球人民認識到漸凍人症(ALS)。
香港反送中運動至今,依然有好多外國人唔明白爲何林鄭講明The bill is dead 香港人繼續街頭抗爭,甚至認同中共論述指責港人為violent protestors。雖然G20團隊已經做到全球登報壯舉,但係不能忽略好多外國人(特別係年輕一輩)早已沒有閲讀實體報紙習慣,加上不少外媒用既定立場為整場運動定調(framing),一般外國市民未能理解抗爭過程,暴露出香港病入膏肓的制度/結構性問題,整場運動已經超越反送中此單一議題,要守護寸步不能讓的係言論集會自由、免於恐懼的自由、程序公義、法治、民主等普世價值。
參考當年冰桶挑戰,用social media launch global campaign,提供渠道讓外國朋友參與:
此舉非但無成本,可以將網絡力量充分發揮,又符合外國人鍾意selfie post相性格,最重要係參與門檻低,讓外國人由passive reader 升級做active participant,實行香港有難,全球支援,到時就唔係200萬人對13億人,係13億人對全球除中國以外的60億人。
Eye for HongKong Campaign參與辦法:
可考慮戴上口罩,以示聲音被河蟹。然後將相片連同以下文字及hashtag上載到Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、Reddit 等,並tag至少2個香港朋友及2個海外朋友,如此類推。
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區