26.01.2010 00:58
世衛發表聲明,強烈反駁甲型H1N1新流感是假疫情的指控,指有關說法“不負責任”,並強調世衛的流感大流行政策,並無受到藥廠影響。 聲明強調,世界正經歷一場真正的流感大流行。至今全球有一萬三千多人死於新流感,但這只是經過實驗室確診的數字,實際死亡人數可能更高。外界曾指一些藥廠刻意誇大,促使世衛宣佈流感大流行,令廠藥透過出售疫苗牟取暴利。
14.01.2010 22:52
世衛組織駁斥有關甲型H1N1新流感大流行,是騙局的指控,世衛助理總幹事福田敬二,在電話會議上強調, 有關講法是錯誤及不負責任,世界正經歷真實的流感大流行,世衛組織從未有意低估或誇大新流感病毒的風險,由去年四月爆發以來,在全球已造成約一萬三千人死亡,實際死亡人數可能更多。 一 些國家及組織指,世衛組織在藥廠壓力下,誇大新流感的禍害,令到各地虛耗公帑,大量儲存新流感疫苗。
(明報)2010年1月14日 星期四 23:30
European Council investigates "swine flu pandemic hoax"
January 14, 2:30 PMHealthy Living ExaminerNorma Erickson

The current swine flu pandemic is "one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century," according to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health for the European Council. (Watch a live report on Russia Today, video below.)
The European Council is scheduling an emergency debate later this month to determine how much influence the pharmaceutical industry exerted over scientists and public health agencies in their efforts to convince the World Health Organization, and individual governments, to declare a swine flu pandemic emergency.
The allegation is that undue influence, and possibly false information, from the pharmaceutical industry caused health agencies, supposedly acting in the public's best interest, to create a panic in governments worldwide. Due to the allegedly false information circulated by pharmaceutical companies, many countries squandered valuable health resources for "inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines."
The Council of Europe plans to investigate these, and other, issues regarding the current pandemic:
Why was the definition of pandemic changed?為什麼大流行的定義被改變了? The bird flu of 2004 was more deadly, but not as contagious, as the current swine flu. The avian flu scare, however, helped create an atmosphere of fear that pointed out how profitable a declared pandemic could be. As of June 2009, it is no longer necessary for "an enormous amount of people to contract an illness or die." A disease which people have no demonstrated immunity for must simply spread across international borders.
Why were pandemic vaccine additives patented?為什麼大流行疫苗添加劑被專利? Should a real pandemic occur, anyone capable of manufacturing a cure should be doing so. Dr. Wodarg says, "If you simply had added H1N1 virus to the flu vaccines we already have in stocks, then there would have been no need for at pandemic emergency - but some of the additives in the vaccines are patented, and therefore nobody from the industry is interested in mixing the old vaccine with the new one,”
Were "incentives" offered to officials for their cooperation?合作的官員有否被給予“獎勵”? According to Dr. Wodarg, "Everybody who knows about epidemiology should have questioned the way WHO handled this case from the beginning."
Was flu data manipulated?流感的數據有否被操縱? The swine flu has turned out to be no more serious than the common cold, yet rumors and inuendos abound telling the public how "dangerous" it could still turn out to be.
Dr. Wodarg and the Council plan to make sure all 47 member countries are informed of the investigation's outcome.
Depending upon the information obtained during the initial investigation, the European Council also intends to investigate exactly who was responsible for this incredible hoax.
These concerns are just as valid in the U.S. as they are in Europe. For instance, why did the CDC recommend that medical facilities across the country stop testing for H1N1 confirmation and start listing "flu-like symptoms" as swine flu? Why did the CDC start estimating the mortality rate , rather than using actual confirmed swine flu data?
The United States has a vested interest in the outcome of this investigation. We do not need to waste another $1.8 billion on whatever flu may emerge next year.
H1N1 'false pandemic' biggest pharma-fraud of century?
Closed Hearing of WHO At Council of Europe Parliament on Tuesday 26th January
5 則留言:
條[狗守女^3]實系discuss果邊狗嗡 =o=
睇唔到lol,畜生個腦有問題,冇時間就不再理他;他係咁吠我就可以,人地都唔知係咪幫我,話佢copy就當人係仇人,猛要人交料證明,由此可知他根本連copy/抄字都不知何解,仲走來批評我的字眼,不知所謂!試想佢D踢爆相,咪又係人地先在網上貼出佢碰見可用咪'copy & paste' lol,自己加兩條線两個字就以為係自己原創,真係笑死人,我D時間都唔夠用,仲用在弱智的身上?
PS chemtrail & smart dust不是我範疇= = 因為好少傳媒會提到..
不過我見facebook有d chemtrail-watcher groups
而家多人撑不是關鍵,是渠道問題,而家他鍾意點抹黑也可以,一次人家不信咪二次LOL;毛話大話講十次就變真話了!何况我呢種人抵死,係呢度open blog,為說出真相就連呢度的衰嘢也貼埋出來。
Chemtrail group,好嘢噃,但水平高不高?我见外國D一發現就列哂天文台氣球收集數字出來比較,加以確定。