Israeli army crosses into Lebanon
10:54, January 18, 2010
An Israeli army unit on Sunday crossed the borders with Lebanon in the direction of the occupied part of al-Ghajar village, Lebanon's state-run National News Agency (NNA) reported.
"An intense Israeli build-up of forces during the past 24 hours has been observed along the eastern sector of the Blue Line, with mobile and fixed patrols," said NNA.
It added that "Israeli tank emplacements were spotted amid intense overflights by helicopter gunships and warplanes."
"Earlier, an Israeli mechanized infantry unit comprised of two Hummers crossed the UN-designated Blue Line for 300 meters in the direction of the occupied part of al-Ghajar village," said NNA.
On the Lebanese side, UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and Lebanese army personnel intensified patrolling activities.
The Blue Line, which is the line for Israeli withdrawal from south Lebanon in 2000, now serves as the borderline of the two countries and runs through the middle of the al-Ghajar village.
Lebanon accuses Israel of intruding its airspace on a daily basis, saying it is a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701. The resolution put an end to the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanese Shiite armed group Hezbollah, and mandates peacekeepers to monitor the armistice along the border.
Source: Xinhua

US army to double weapons stockpiled in Israel
Jan. 14, 2010 – Press TV
The US military plans to double the amount of military equipment it has stockpiled in Israel under a recent agreement with Tel Aviv.
“The deal will double the value of military equipment kept on Israeli soil from 400 million to 800 million dollars,” a Pentagon spokesman, Major Shawn Turner told AFP.
He ruled out the notion that Iran’s nuclear issue was a major factor for the agreement and said that the US Congress initially authorized the expansion in 2007.

更新時間 2010年 1月 11日, 格林尼治標準時間07:07
國際/鐵穹系統完成測試 大幅提高以色列空防能力
2010-01-08 09:41:17
法新社耶路撒冷6日電:以色列國防部發表聲明指出,「鐵穹」(Iron Dome)防禦系統已完成測試,此一系統可有效攔截哈瑪斯集團(Hamas)和真主黨(Hezbollah)發射的火箭,提高以色列的防禦能力。
Israel successfully tests Iron Dome missile shield
By Ilene R. Prusher Ilene R. Prusher – Thu Jan 7, 1:57 pm ET
Jerusalem – Israel tested the use of its new Iron Dome antimissile system several times over the past few days, boosting the likelihood that it can neutralize or severely weaken the ability of Hamas and Hezbollah to launch successful missile strikes at the Jewish state.
In recent days, the short-range missile defense system that has been developed over the past 2-1/2 years by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, a government-owned company, has been successfully tested against Qassam rockets, Grad rockets, and mortar shells. The system is expected to be fully operational in May.
But after Israel announced the successful tests on Wednesday, Hamas in Gaza appeared to answer on Thursday with a round of mortar fire from the Gaza Strip. At least 10 mortar shells hit Israel on Thursday.
The Iron Dome is designed to target the weapons of Israel's most significant regional enemies. These include Hamas's mortar shells and Qassam rockets, Hezbollah's Katyusha rockets, and even Iranian Fajr rockets, some of which Israel says have been smuggled into the Gaza Strip, according to Haaretz newspaper. The program is part of an improved, multilayered defense system that Israel has been developing over the past decade. This includes the Arrow system for long-range ballistic missiles and a still-under-construction medium-range system called Magic Wand.
How it works
One of the advantages of the Iron Dome system is that it can distinguish worthwhile targets - missiles headed for a populated area – from those destined to land in an open field, for example, and not worth trying to knock out of the sky. In wartime, such a tool could be crucial. During Israel's war with Lebanon in the summer of 2006, more than 4,000 Katyusha rockets were fired into Israeli territory.
The system has radar detection systems that Rafael says quickly pick up missile launches, transmit data to a computerized launch system, and can then quickly determine if a missile should be launched to intercept the rocket. "If the estimated rocket trajectory poses a critical threat, a command is given within seconds and an interceptor is launched," the company writes. The interceptors themselves are maneuverable and have radars of their own to guide them to the target."
Shorter-range missiles have become an ongoing threat to Israeli security, and were the ostensible reason Israel launched its war against Hamas in Gaza in late 2008. While past defense systems focused on long-range missiles, shorter-range missiles were deemed harder to hit because they take off and land so quickly.
But the Iron Dome can neutralize rockets with a range between 2.5 miles and 50 miles. That would cover most of the rockets that can be fired from Gaza into Israel, as well as those from southern Lebanon.
"For the first time, Iron Dome faced multiple threats simultaneously. All the threats were intercepted with complete success," a statement from Israel's Defense Ministry said.
To be sure, the system comes at a cost. Rafael has estimated that it will cost about $50,000 to shoot down an incoming rocket from the Gaza Strip, while Gaza rocket makers say they can make crude Qassam rockets for as little as $200.
Strategic shift
Analysts say that the new system offers a major strategic shift in how Israel can approach the missile threat.
"It's a fundamental change in the situation in a very broad sense," says Uzi Rubin, of Rubincon Defense Consulting. "With the Qassams, Katyushas, and Sajjils, we were sitting ducks. They could fire at an Israeli city and cause no small amount of mayhem," Rubin says.
Until around 2001, longer-range missiles from Iraq or Iran were considered to be the primary threat, and the main tool was an early-warning system, which sent off sirens telling people to hurry into bomb shelters. "That's passive defense, which just aims to minimize fatalities. But this is a move from total helplessness to active defense," Rubin adds.
Nonetheless, Rubin doesn't expect that it will change the dynamics of conflict. "Hamas will still try to shoot rockets of various ranges at Israel. This is an ongoing war – they'll find other means to fight us," he says. "But from their point of view, it will rob them of the ability to inflict easy casualties."
(法新社)2009年12月31日 星期四 23:35
(法新社耶路撒冷31日電) 以色列 國家安全局(Shin Bet)在今天發表「恐怖主義受害者」年度報告,並表示,2009年遭受恐怖攻擊的次數,出現大幅度減少。
國家安全局說,這是2000年巴勒斯坦 抗暴以來,次數最少的一年。全年死亡人數15人,遠低於去年的36人。 此外,2009年並沒有發生自殺炸彈攻擊事件。
今年有9人是在激進團體哈瑪斯(Hamas)盤據的加薩走廊(Gaza Strip)喪生。當時以色列曾對加薩走廊發動軍事攻擊,直到1月18日攻擊才結束。(譯者:中央社林亭儀)
All Israeli residents to be provided with gas masks
Albuquerque Express
Saturday 26th December, 2009
Israel is to outfit its entire population with gas masks.
The distribution will commence in two months.
No reason has been given by the Israeli government for providing its residents with gas masks.
There has been no indication from any country that it is planning to attack Israel, nor is any country in the Middle East likely to engage Israel in chemical warfare.
The move has heightened expectations that Israel may launch an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities which could spark an unconventional response. It is not known however whether Iran has any chemical or biological weapons capability.
Rumors have been circulating in the Middle East that Israel is preparing for another war on Lebanon to rein in Hezbollah. That organization however is not known to harbor chemical or biological weapons.
The only country in the region suspected of having a major chemical and biological weapons program is Israel itself, however it is very unlikely Israel would launch such an unconventional attack.
Nonetheless in February Israel will roll out gas masks to every resident in the country.
The distribution will be managed by the Israel Defense Forces which have engaged the Israel Postal Company. In past distributions the Home Front Command has engineered the delivery, so the change to Israel Post comes as a surpsie.
Israeli residents will be able to collect the new gas masks in one of two ways. The first option will be to go to a branch of the Israel Postal Company, and to receive the new gas mask for free.
The second option will be to pay 25 shekels per family and have a representative from the Israel Postal Company call to residents' homes. The representative will try the gas masks on each family member, and will provide appropriately fitting gas masks for each person who lives in the household.
Col. Yosi Sagiv, head of the Gas Mask Administration of the Home Front Command, says when a civilian receives a gas mask delivered to his house, “it is not a package that is simply delivered.” The Israeli Postal Company representative will make sure the gas mask fits properly, he said.
Children up to 8 years of age will be receiving a new gas mask, dubbed the Mamtek (Hebrew for “Candy”), which is being distributed for the first time.
“We are the only country in the world that produces gas masks for children, and the children’s gas mask we produce is the only one in the world that supplies prime defense for this age group,” Col. Sagiv said. "All that is left is to hope that it will not be necessary to experience first hand how well these gas masks work," he said.
Largest-ever biological attack drill in Israel set for January
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 12:18
News - Highlighted News
Largest-ever biological attack drill set for January
Aug. 30, 2009
In preparation for a non-conventional attack on Israel, the National Emergency Authority will hold the largest-ever exercise to train security forces how to respond to a city-wide biological attack.
The drill will begin on January 1 and is being prepared by the NEA, a branch of the Defense Ministry established after the Second Lebanon War to coordinate between all of the civilian and military bodies that provide services during a nationwide emergency.
Until now, previous exercises have focused on the Health Ministry's ability to continue to run hospitals during a non-conventional biological attack.
The threat scenario will include a biological attack on a major Israeli city and will include the IDF Home Front Command, Magen David Adom, the Israel Police, the IDF Medical Corps, the IDF Spokesman's Office and the Fire and Rescue Service.
Syria, according to foreign reports, is believed to have developed offensive biological capabilities. A military facility near the city of Cerin is reportedly suspected of being used for the development and production of biological agents.
Syria also has a significant arsenal of long-range Scud-C and Scud-D missiles that would be capable of carrying the agents.
Diseases known to have been weaponized include Ebola, anthrax, Q fever and smallpox. The exercise will focus on some of these diseases. One possibility that will be considered during the drill will be to close down and quarantine the entire city in the event that the disease spreads.
Officials will hold hourly assessments during the drill and discuss the option of immunizing the entire country.
If such a decision is made, it will be carried out by the IDF, which has the manpower and infrastructure to open immunization centers.
In June, the IDF and NEA held the largest civil-defense exercise since the Second Lebanon War called "Turning Point" and which for the first time included the sounding of a siren throughout the country.
The IDF plans to begin returning gas masks to the public starting in November.
Since the Defense Ministry began collecting the public's gas masks in 2006, almost 90 percent of the masks have been collected and most of them refurbished.